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[托福阅读] TOEFL阅读历年考题分类:题型篇(二)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; }; r6 h# D7 E2 w题目为每篇阅读理解文章第一道,是所有其它题目的依据,解题技巧:
7 C0 R2 y1 |! d, G  H1. 阅读每一段首句相加,概括型主题
. I! V4 W% X% I* J2. 第一段为主题背景性文章,but,however,转折词后为主题句 1 S& Z) a6 z/ I
3. 主题词的反复重现
1 q9 S/ u: j, h: S: @% t' Q5 ^4. 段落句首连词的逻辑走向判断主题 $ V9 P# B. G& |" @) j" P
5. Development,why,mechanism,常为主题标识 7 b& t. d  _- W# M
6. 段落首句小词的重要性
, w7 a0 W0 Q& N7 b普样1 Q1   D  The way of life。。。 2 t; T. G7 `& x0 b7 M' C0 e
   Q23   A  mechanics  L1 What
" J0 y- \/ X" [( e. ]) Y3 g1 N; p3 u   Q31   C  development 
, b( x" c. v, F; Y3 B& _普样2 Q11   B  Why  L5: factor    L10,18:probably $ Q* o9 \6 n/ j5 S
   Q21   C  development   P) Y8 w9 c# w! P4 ]% E6 f
   Q41   D  salinity 在每一段中的复现 
# x% }0 e' G# K2 S' Z普样3 Q11   B  human vision  主题词为首句主词
) d  h$ Z7 f' F0 Z6 i   Q22   C  making   L1:made ;L6:makes;L9:material;L14:tools; 
0 K2 F" P) ^5 ?3 p6 D" U' e普样4 Q34   B  explain  L3 two reasons。。。account for  L5: the first 
6 N! E: d9 ]1 ^9 O( ]% z- B5 V95/8  Q31   A  The origins of  L1:many theories; L10: those who believe;  4 j2 k# B2 G/ `
 L21:another theory,L25; related theory  ) c) ]# J9 E2 H; f( Z& W
95/10 Q14   D The effects  9 _/ E2 s6 `2 Q/ b6 u2 v4 P4 }
95/10  Q42   A   The historical development  L6:the ancestry 
6 B0 x3 y) N' [- p# p95/12 Q2  A   L1:another   * F3 K- D' F7 I9 @
95/12  Q32   C   第一段尾局 首句复杂 
8 t5 n8 |: ]* }6 j. X' M96/1   Q10   B   development    7 D3 Q  O7 |- j) w5 K8 F
96/1   Q31   C   第一段首句,第二段首句  *  NA  6 M7 e* h' i" X7 G4 k+ O  K
96/1   Q42   C   mechanism         *  NA 
( C7 ?2 o# W. r: j8 S  u  k8 i. t96/1   Q1  D   outline    6 \& g$ r  ~1 m
96/1   Q19   C   characteristics      7 K# ~$ y7 P% z* ?! R
96/1   Q41   B   ways    0 Y  Z$ N& n7 r( Y
96/5   Q13   C   the impact of…on…  : a: N) }8 S/ v; k# l
96/5   Q33   A   主题词重现  $ M% S/ A* N7 i
96/8   Q22   C   the characteristics 
8 h5 j- @( ~4 ]6 r9 U$ N96/8   Q33   B   development     (D the history)  - U2 r) E# t2 E. x; K% f- X; Z1 `
96/8   Q42   B   how…changed      (why…developed) 
8 Z1 n4 B! R# n2 z  |" d96/12  Q1  B   difference  L3:distinction  首段尾句 
: |3 h; s6 l+ r( ^7 I: `97/1   Q29   B   L1:a number of adaptations, L2:one,L13:another  L16:an equally important adaptation,L24:further ability 

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


! g: U* \9 H  D& S2 G, l9 Y. X$ Y% H8 ?2 ~0 r* A
97/1   Q40   B   Causes and effects of   + m6 z& q, z0 q4 R6 A& M
97/5   Q31   A   the explanation of  
+ C% B8 E# ]3 v97/8   Q1  A   the culture of  + l. Q) N- e4 J' E
97/8   Q21   B   the effects of…on…  0 R% R( Q5 W; q# o" s
97/10  Q8  C   the reason of   " g5 S3 [8 Q0 u- u
97/12  Q11   C   the beginning of  Na 
$ B8 M+ y: s: C9 V0 R98/1   Q20   A   the analysis of  主题词同义词study的复现   : n0 X7 V: Z2 c3 {
98/5   Q41   D   ways  4 w; T" v# m  f$ L9 ?9 L
98/8   Q1  B   attempts to explain what  每断句首theory 
& Y5 N7 e+ o( ^/ }% i" Q98/8   Q11   D   the evolution of  
& t- l9 u& k( n- G' T) ~: w98/8   Q42   C   the impact of…on…  3 w" f9 Q$ _, _5 d5 J" t0 |7 I
98/8   Q11  NA C   L1:in addition to the military role;L11:yet other contributions,  # C0 T7 t1 H$ {8 G( V* l7 x3 @
98/10  Q30   C   the changing status of  
) O$ E; L8 U6 `9 u- L4 X7 `98/10  Q40   C   the impact  ! \7 A6 ^3 I0 y  }0 ^% ~) u
99/1   Q34   A   ***  % ~' r% D7 u$ k/ x4 D8 }1 q
99/1   Q45   B   the development 
# x1 M+ B4 J( U+ V: e7 ?# k+ T0 l99/5   Q10   D   changed  ; [5 J# u" h% f* T6 x$ V" F
99/5   Q23   B   the formation and appearance of 
2 @3 e- T$ y$ z3 R6 O% y- p. o99/5   Q34   D   the relationships between  / [/ }3 n( S( j1 h( H& E, k" i
99/8   Q23   C   the stage of development 
1 a5 T! C. k  B& H* G" s99/10  Q1  D   第一段尾句主题词  99/10  Q11   D   development 
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