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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:PolicetargetdomesticviolenceduringWorldCupfever

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  6月11日晚,世界杯在众人企望中开幕了,世界关注的盛会,我们岂能落下,一起来关注世界杯吧!童鞋们有什么关于世界杯的趣闻或想法?一起来分享下。+ {) w8 C, z3 c% |9 h; V! `9 r3 i2 g! {
  Police forces across the north-east of England have teamed up to tackle domestic violence during this year's World Cup.7 B4 L# ]! k) V4 m
  Cleveland, Northumbria and Durham police's "Kick off" campaign promotes helplines and raises awareness.& {* M3 L" j; ?; F* v
  According to the police, national research shows a link between alcohol consumption and domestic violence.
& k  b$ g) c! C) n, L  Police said there was a "tendency for domestic violence to increase" during high profile sporting events.
8 F! `# ^2 k2 D- w2 ]  The three forces are using the tournament to target offenders and highlight victim support.$ [- Z+ t+ O8 c# |. Z/ @: I$ I4 j
  Bloodied football1 D& w) H8 M% y  i6 Q
  Cleveland police said "hard-hitting" posters showing a bloodied football and detailing contact numbers would be put up in shops, community centres and doctor's surgeries throughout the coming weeks.$ z# v5 D, V6 x  e- G* C
  Adverts highlighting the campaign will also be on the radio and the back of buses across the region.
+ g7 D/ k9 G0 |3 _1 a) q* |: N  Leaflets, containing advice and contact numbers for victims and perpetrators, will be distributed, particularly to shops and businesses that sell alcohol.$ j$ G8 [+ I0 \5 X1 L& p9 o
  The leaflet will also contain a World Cup fixture chart to encourage football fans to take one.% Y8 {* u1 N2 {
  Abuser warning1 F& [$ a# w& ^5 P" R$ C
  Chief Constable of Cleveland Police Sean Price said: "We want to encourage victims who have suffered domestic abuse to come forward and access the specialist support that they need."
! ^- B0 M% J& V, ^1 G  Northumbria Police Temporary Chief Constable Sue Sim said: "We already know that alcohol can be a factor in domestic violence but what should be a celebration for the country shouldn't become a time of misery for some.9 W+ G; w* D# P/ m7 f$ g
  "We're hoping this campaign will serve as a warning to potential abusers."
+ c  c0 W$ h: [! H  Durham Constabulary Assistant Chief Constable Michael Banks said : "We recognise there is a tendency for incidents of domestic abuse to increase during high-profile sporting events such as the World Cup."

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