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[托福阅读] 托福极速英语:其实我可以做得更好

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part I:极速词法3 q7 N* i0 X, z
  1、congratulations n. 祝贺,恭喜;  m% z2 L3 M; l! X1 |
  2、do a good job干得漂亮; 3、could have done better本该可以做得更好;
4 L; Z- I4 Q" p0 c  4、nervous adj. 紧张的; 5、good enough足够好的;0 i% U! I  Q( j0 u
  6、simply 就是,简直; 7、can’t help忍不住;& h" O' @/ \* p+ g0 V
  8、speech n. 讲话,演讲; 9、in a different way以不同的方式;& d& u2 H- H' Y' \
  10、might have done sth.也许应该(怎样)做某事的,也许已经做了某事;8 Q1 M% C+ K* N$ v7 h
  11、joke n. 笑话; 12、depressed adj. 沮丧的;/ }6 ]+ c9 G/ \' Q
  13、get a raise加薪; 14、report to sb. 向某人汇报;. c$ D" D/ V6 k1 W; }7 X. ]% b; m
  15、tactful adj. 策略的,圆滑的;0 m; j3 K0 h/ Z; B- O" m
  16、beforehand adv. 预先,提前;# l! {. s6 D$ \: S
  17、moving adj. 感人的;
; I% ~0 L8 b* J5 b. m8 Q! g6 K: v  18、what will be will be(事情)该怎么样就会怎么样;
% ~) ^7 `) `- y, @. L, \  19、saying说法; 20、leopard n. 豹子; 21、spot n. 斑点;2 Y, B+ c! z3 P! O- O# h: p
  22、speaker n. 演讲者,讲演者,讲话人
/ q3 z, v% z- H7 S  Part II:极速句法
1 Q8 F; P3 j" v) d: J  对话1# p. B1 v( j/ X: j5 Q6 k
  Bill:Congratulations! You did a really good job, Jack!
+ D5 f; y. U/ W" e2 Z  Jack:Thanks. I could have done better. I got a little nervous when I stood on the stage.) Z. Z$ \) `4 q& `9 M8 q$ S3 k8 j
  Bill:Come on, man. It was already good enough. But you really shouldn’t have got nervous.5 d  C- c0 Y1 Q8 D* j: K# x
  Jack:I simply couldn’t help it. You know, I had never spoken to such a large crowd before.
$ c0 X7 h/ I; O5 f  Bill:No, you hadn’t.
0 s) K% D- q- N, N! R  Jack:And I might have begun my speech in a different way.
- B1 T: _6 x9 D) ~) }4 Y4 Q4 @  Bill:Speaking of that, yes. You might have begun by telling that joke first. It was really funny.
0 j% r& t- y/ p1 }) u& E  Jack:And I should have spoken a little bit slowly.
" J7 d* N6 }" E3 F) M+ O  对话2
3 ?6 e* C# k$ w$ S0 N  Penny:Hi, Angel. Why are you looking so depressed?2 _$ \+ ]8 ^- Z% r: {7 f- x" L
  Angel:Well, I said something that I shouldn’t have said, and now I’m regretting it.
/ j& a2 z9 b2 B& r8 |; O5 ?* |  Penny:That’s interesting. What did you say?
+ m6 ]5 G1 {( B' c: @1 e  Angel:Don’t ask! I won’t tell you. You know, if I did, I would regret it again.
, [/ m2 O8 J, u2 ?" j+ s3 @  Penny:Come on, Angel. Cheer up! You shouldn’t be like that.$ W7 J  b( f, E' a3 c
  Angel:I know, but I can’t help it.( s( `' q, f. S% Z5 p' t. P
  Penny:Anyhow, what has been done has been done, and what has been said has been said. You can’t change it!
) ]; [* ]/ W9 g  Angel:No, I can’t. I know I shouldn’t have thought of it again, but I simply can’t get it out of my mind.7 ?7 }6 Y+ \! B0 G# P
  Penny:Now, tell me what you had said, and then you’ll feel better.9 ~( A. ^- x$ e8 d! w7 J# {
  精美语句8 e- A% L  A, H5 ]6 ]- W* w6 o
  1.I got a raise! –You did? Congratulations!& Y4 R8 N5 e$ p4 c
  2.I’ll report to boss that you did a good job, and maybe he’ll give you a raise.7 A  @4 `& Y, q6 L/ N0 y" c2 g
  3.I could have been more tactful.
+ p" I# u$ S: O- q  4.You could have done a better job.8 S8 }- |- n' g9 a
  5.I always get nervous when I speak to a large crowd.—Who doesn’t?  @4 o9 b$ Y; J: H0 |
  6.I always feel excited whenever I stand on the stage.6 {$ f% T" D( C" @5 A9 g1 M" q- g8 \8 n
  7.We might have told him beforehand.
0 r6 J$ K- v3 s' g3 j- ]# M8 a# F  8.He might have gone home already.
, F+ i( Q0 T5 G) t  9.Speaking of that, I’ve got some bad news to tell you.
0 f! D4 g; y7 A  10.Speaking of Jenny, she didn’t seem to come last time.3 C3 G' p- h" A4 j* ?' I7 |
  11.I’ll begin my speech by telling a very funny joke.
0 z. M' @3 F+ d1 r9 D% }) z8 X: J  12.The speaker began his speech by telling a story.
7 E5 T, ~+ g- @- y9 O  13.Joan looks rather depressed today. Let’s cheer her up.
6 ]; q/ l; X  d4 I! X  M# Q  14.I’ve done something that I shouldn’t have done." O: l/ o7 d$ N+ m% F
  15.Do you regret doing it?4 j% p$ m0 l0 ?- p- k6 q$ V
  16.When I heard his moving story, I couldn’t help crying./ w9 s5 d4 r$ |7 M" S4 b
  17.Don’t worry too much. What will be will be./ l, c9 B0 f/ j! w+ V; R7 o- {
  18.Just as the saying goes—A leopard can’t change its spots.$ q5 v8 {0 ^* d8 R- N3 |4 Y0 i. J
  19.Stop thinking about it, and you’ll get it out of your mind.

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