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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:换种思维别去想了

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Part I:极速词法   1、part n. 部分,角色; 2、guess vt. 猜想,猜测;, z, n, h* d" ?. m3 ~. S( _
  3、can’t get sth. out of one’s mind没法不去想某事; 4、pass the test通过考试;
* R' u# i% E% |  H% z2 H$ }* m  5、what have already happened已经发生了的事情; 6、be worried担心,担忧;$ I0 ?1 y9 g9 ]3 C9 [" r
  7、relax vt. 放松; 8、know of了解﹍的情况;
6 I) Q5 P# h0 E- C3 m  9、around here这附近; 10、anything special特殊要求;
9 u, K5 Z7 s& U# M1 |+ a# X  11、in mind头脑中; 12、someplace某个地方;
8 b* o& q0 r" U  13、area n. 区域,地块;
6 [" _% {4 b" r& T" |; e  14、reasonable adj.(价格)合理的,公道的;
( f) F, h/ [8 u  15、closest adj. 最近的; 16、a 10-minute walk十分钟的步行;
% }+ X; W) m# i3 i; C7 r  17、acceptable adj. 可接受的;18、walk down the street沿着街道走;
) z4 s, W- a: j7 W' j' f# R  19、turn right右转; 20、traffic lights交通灯,红绿灯;
0 E) V" m4 y+ u3 E$ S  A  21、right across the street就在街对面;22、Don’ mention it.不值得一提;
) r4 g/ v1 v' W% T1 \( `/ n  23、bump into someone 与某人撞了个满怀;" }$ m" X! ]! X9 P8 W: m( e4 `
  24、society n. 社会; 25、look 神情,表情;26、shut up闭嘴;5 o( [. D7 R. ~, u
  27、nervous adj. 紧张的; 28、calm down 平静下来;1 G, A, _+ ~* [: ?' o, Y
  29、voice n. 声音$ Z, T9 E/ L  O) q6 s
  Part II:极速句法% C, m. S5 o1 Q
/ `7 r: R( f1 D' J1 @3 q  Maggie:What a great movie! Wasn’t it funny when he forgot her name?) U# N- \) b, |" [8 Q; i6 u! C
  Tim:Hmmm…I don’t remember that part.; Q$ P* t7 |( y1 P3 V2 o
  Maggie:It was one of the funniest parts of the movie!( X! K7 I* l* Z2 k% ~
  Tim:I wasn’t watching. I guess my mind was somewhere else.2 ~" }+ y# Y; N0 r- W
  Maggie:You were thinking of the test again, weren’t you?9 \1 b, Y( k8 f) l, J
  Tim:I just can’t seem to get it out of my mind. I really want to pass the test, Maggie.
2 H0 n6 x1 C" L& I% N+ k4 t% Y  Maggie:I know you do. But look, it’s all over. You can’t change what have already happened, can you?& o' c2 ]* U- w
  Tim:No, I can’t. But still, I’ve worried so much.
6 e+ _' w7 o3 y3 ]' m  Maggie:Now, relax. Forget all about the test.
5 y/ }$ ^8 ^8 u. f( e% s1 U  Tim:OK, I’ll try.: q( a. L% Z3 N  F7 Y: E
- ]7 x" K3 a1 U1 {  Kenny:Excuse me. We’re looking for a place to have lunch. Do you know of any restaurants around here?
) y' |6 X/ E9 l8 Z7 X  Old Man:Well, there are a lot of them. Did you have anything special in mind?
# b. b0 I) R+ }* _  ]! u  Kenny:Well, not really. Just someplace clean with good food.! m3 ?8 \' R% n; ]& b; t9 n: f
  Old Man:Well, you know, this is one of the most expensive areas in Suzhou.
' m2 j! D. R  _# a( h8 Z  Kenny:Can you tell me a place that’s reasonable?
' f5 h0 ^# Z. I% l0 u  Old Man:The closest place I can think of is a 10-minute walk. It’s supposed to be reasonable, and everyone says the food is acceptable.
4 ~* x6 R, s( P$ x1 u- Y  A  Kenny:How to go there?
: j; r# E+ t8 [: z  Old Man:Walk down this street, turn right at the second traffic lights. The restaurant is right across the street.7 w' z! B: Q' `) i  r$ j
  Kenny:Thanks so much.
% R, ~+ F" ?& l. K, O0 @  Old Man:Don’t mention it.8 v+ _) m% E6 a$ \/ I9 @/ u& ]
  精美语句4 W- {5 w. \' H3 {1 k
  1.What a beautiful view! Thank you, John, for taking me here.—Don’t mention it.
$ m+ V+ u$ {) v7 I. C1 z7 q# Y  2.Wasn’t it funny when you bumped into that beautiful girl?
6 Q6 l! ?  W3 P9 {  3.Everyone has a part to play in the society.9 }4 x: m( |3 R2 d: ^
  4.This is the most exciting part of the movie.
, ]) d) J$ t& E1 d) p  5.Sorry, what did you say again? I wasn’t listening. My mind was somewhere else./ g) ]6 r1 _: O, q$ d8 i: S8 L
  6.I was thinking of that look of hers again.. e- Q. a0 v. n5 ^$ `
  7.I’ve tried so hard to forget that look of hers, but I just can’t seem to get it out of my mind.
( L5 g1 D# {2 k" p4 m7 K! g  8.Look, do you still want this job? If you do, just shut up; if you don’t, let me shut it up for you.
3 f: R) h) R1 t! w1 g  9.It’s all over, so just forget all about it.
. g$ c1 v+ x7 I1 l" `! t  10.Well, you know, I really can’t change what has already happened.
9 }6 `) f$ A) V- |7 B9 ]" w# f  11.I can see you are really nervous. Calm down. Sit here and relax yourself.2 J3 d! Y  X2 q3 o% E
  12.Do you know of the hotels around here?—Well, did you have anything special in mind?. E3 U; H- b& d2 K$ i- L* i
  13.I think the price is reasonable. Let’s buy it.
$ Q: C# w3 Z! s3 E  ~  14.Her voice is quite acceptable for the recording.

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