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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:你不该把我的年龄告诉他

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Part I:极速词法
  m( z  q3 i- ~2 `( I4 [6 e" W- z  1、maybe adv. 也许; 2、don’t know what to say不知道该说什么好;
1 G8 ~' q8 _1 u6 R% i6 ^  3、shouldn’t have done sth.不该做(已经做了的)事情;6 }: p  r* a2 X3 ^7 b# W
  4、awfully sorry 非常抱歉; 5、realize vt. 意识到;
8 [7 Q; o0 _4 [  N( z  6、care about在意; 7、slept vi. 睡觉(sleep的过去时和过去分词);$ _( Z- ]$ g/ H. P3 O2 [; }' n) |; _
  8、the World Cup 世界杯; 9、turn on打开(电器);
# E2 g$ W- h, ?* J$ |# P  10、regret vt. 后悔; 11、sleepy adj. 困倦的;
8 K. _! v0 ]: t0 O) S  12、for one’s good为某人好; 13、fall in love恋爱,坠入爱河;$ |8 _4 e+ R& I5 q: K  D/ Z
  14、purse n. 钱夹; 15、lie to sb.对某人撒谎;0 m3 i1 @8 U8 e( m7 l& }
  16、lap-top 笔记本电脑; 17、first prize 一等奖;
5 G7 i/ ~8 J: u" T  ^  18、deserve vt.(好事)应该得到的,(坏事)活该
4 W: E8 K2 }/ T/ M& B  ?: c7 x9 m  Part II:极速句法
' y. _8 K: W( b7 I% G; i  对话1
4 S2 X& ?  ~7 q5 Y0 X7 z  Mary:John, did you tell Susan that I am 26 years old?) U. H& x) J! d+ f" l. e
  John:Oh, well, maybe. I don’t remember very well now.
4 r7 b9 w8 ~7 \  Mary:John, well, I really don’t know what to say, but you shouldn’t have told her about my age.9 g5 a; @" d/ k- u1 \+ c
  John:I’m awfully sorry for that, Mary. I would never do that again.. G2 G% h9 n' q9 d( J
  Mary:Well, in fact, I shouldn’t have told you about my age.
! }1 h! a: l* P% `$ Z9 ]  John:I really didn’t realize that you would care so much about it.: X/ o- m( l7 \  [' `
  Mary:Who doesn’t care?
- d! \4 Z) R5 s; M; a/ e' P+ d- w& W+ O; I  John:I don’t know, but I don’t myself.
. y  K& H$ y  l% B  Mary:Well, you’re really different!- c5 o' b& x, E. i0 K6 J+ S* [
" C8 {% f0 C/ R6 a* e' m& V9 S  [  Kathy:You look tired. You must not have slept well last night.8 X% b# s* m) u) p% K2 a
  Jim:No, I didn’t. As a matter of fact, I only slept for 1 hour.
5 F9 W# j* G, D9 b, x+ I; Z  Kathy:You shouldn’t have slept so little." {6 i- I/ P3 F' x) o: h! J) j0 G
  Jim:But the World Cup football match was so exciting.
2 M* F- X6 z- G0 I  Kathy:But you would have to come to class today. In fact, you shouldn’t have even turned on the TV.6 o7 G% U% b  w$ }8 s
  Jim:Now I really regret it. Oh, I’m so sleepy!/ l3 N+ F' u8 M8 N; U
  Kathy:You deserve it!
" F. T9 a6 v: T( o) `/ Q3 R  Jim:Come on, Kathy, you shouldn’t have said that. You aren’t my mother, are you?8 V# M8 D$ a6 z0 x) I4 c$ _
  Kathy:No, I’m not, but I’m saying all these for your good.
8 Y: @! Z/ S' L4 P/ X  精美语句+ a7 @$ q$ a0 }/ L
  1.I really don’t know what to say, but you shouldn’t have given him the money.
7 B" a. a: s$ m% X( ?  2.I shouldn’t have ever believed her.' [. v: o& M( i1 F& B2 P( i
  3.I should have told her about it.. y" J- T4 p3 i: J% \
  4.He should have come to me for help.1 @) V+ S' q6 h8 S( \. u
  5.I should have worked harder.* J# _- X, M4 I
  6.I should have read more books./ t& U, G0 `' F* |
  7.I shouldn’t have fallen in love so young.. e& J$ k7 t  t1 h! s  z0 G) Y' t; o
  8.You should have told me earlier.# u( u2 x7 i: J  x+ l6 H& `% m* e: U
  9.We shouldn’t have come here./ B: h. W1 j0 ]' |! K
  10.We should have called him before we left.
% j, T! x8 Y. ~* P" }  11.It’s wet on the ground. It must have rained just now.: E  z( V" o, f( g
  12.The light in her room is out. She must have gone to bed.9 b; {8 Q# v  y4 V' S3 @/ \
  13.I can’t find my purse. It was on my bed. Someone must have taken it.
  D2 S' L. \* s/ D  14.He must have already known that you had lied to him.: r, S. Q/ `/ s, m8 I' b3 P
  15.Someone must have taken away my lap-top.
* q9 X; Y) Z$ I0 O+ R3 W( Y: d  16.I really regret saying that to her.
- {' }% B$ [2 }2 N& j( W2 M  B" c  17.Do you regret marrying me?7 k7 m: L1 U4 B' y0 `
  18.If you do it, you’ll regret it.
* G5 ]6 n- d) K+ E! j, Y/ U! ]/ Z$ K  19.I would never regret being an English teacher.4 ^& `4 G! I5 m
  20.I won the first prize!—You deserve it.

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