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[托福阅读] 南非世界杯的“足球”比普通足球更圆?

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Players in the World Cup soccer tournament, now underway in South Africa, will have to contend with low oxygen levels at high altitude--and with a new ball, which its scientist creators say is the roundest one ever.     With the World Cup soccer tournament underway in South Africa, a couple of things for the science-interested audience to watch for. First, the games will feature a new ball, called the Jabulani, the Zulu word for "celebrate." And some players think something foul is afoot. They contend that the ball doesn't behave the way a normal soccer ball should, that it even turns the wrong way in mid-air. Adidas, which makes the ball, claims that the players complaining all have contracts with Adidas's competitors.- T9 O: s6 X. m( K
  The Sports Technology Research Group at England's Loughborough University designed the ball. The sections aren't stitched together anymore. Instead, the seams are glued or heat-sealed. The group leader, Andy Harland, told the Telegraph newspaper, "We have created a ball that is almost perfectly round, and more accurate than ever before." Well, millions of soccer fans will ultimately decide the latter.% f7 d1 s7 J3 {5 m4 r
  Also watch for the effects of altitude. Some of the games in South Africa will be played at elevations over a mile high. Which could make catching one's breath the primary goal.
5 T4 s0 M  a, T) F& }  文章大意:
0 v3 c; C0 S# j# ~  值此南非世界杯战势正酣之际,除了观看精彩的足球比赛,爱好科学的球迷们还可以留心一下以下几点:首先,采用新型比赛用球是本届世界杯的一大亮点。所选用的球叫作Jabulani,在祖鲁语中是“普天同庆”的意思。一些球员对此表示不以为然,他们声称,这种球踢起来不像是个“足球”,飞到半空甚至会转错方向。 该球的制造商阿迪达斯则对此做出了回应-这些不买帐的球员都和自家竞争对手有合同关系。
! _: B$ ^( \% L8 H# \. o7 b- u, I  英格兰拉夫伯勒大学的运动科技研究团队设计了 Jabulani,足球的各部分不再是缝在一起的,而是用胶水粘合或热密封的。该团队的领导者,安迪·哈伦告诉《每日电讯报》的记者,“我们创造出了几近完美的圆球,比之前的任何一种都要圆。”这球完不完美,还要留待千百万的球迷判决,且让我们拭目以待。& {0 F- o+ g+ J+ q3 q

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