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[托福阅读] 托福l阅读语法词组三

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发信人 口水 (口水), 信区: TOEFL  : \5 [3 n8 ]/ }1 k: S9 g' ?
(2001-4-21 21:44:18) 9 H# ?! {2 E* n- x  K" ?! ?. L

- {5 v. e; }/ H) C( _1 k3 |! \at a time # U- l# {, Q5 o: ^4 k
at all time7 ^2 G% e; n$ C' }0 [$ W
at any price
0 s% a! D* L* b# m1 G- [9 R9 dat any time/moment
, |8 j+ J% m1 g: k, {2 dat best=the most one can expect
: S. S; U) w1 c% r0 U7 _" z' zat birth/ j/ H. |& X. e
at close range
& C6 K. w/ |+ J7 V3 Bat ease3 H' b# Q# o2 b  f: g! r9 u" |
at first=initially,at the beginning
9 j- p4 N; M- y2 o! hat first sight/blush=at first glance;as it first seemed
& B0 F( s5 Z+ |1 I$ X* z* @2 bat length=in gteat detail,over a long time9 _7 N: ?) p: m/ t0 U6 R
at hand/ F8 O) J; w0 c8 G( h
at intervals=1,everywhere 2,alternately,intermittently
$ x" `. y' S9 L. fat issue=there is disagreement about it
6 p, W6 e; J. d, S0 E0 F: h3 Vat large=in general=generally; P: V" x; L* g
at last8 b( `, b; T0 a, _: W
at least 1,no less than 2,anyway,in spite of difficulties
, M1 p2 q) N+ t' m3 F6 Y) Qat liberty(to do sth)5 i( ~% R) P  R% ^4 G4 i" k
at maturity=the state of being completely grown physically% }2 C" h. q2 W+ D% n
at most&at the most=not more than
$ j3 p' k: S) Eat odds=in conflict,engaged in a dispute+ |1 l$ C! a+ j1 e/ H
at once4 N$ c/ q' D6 z- `
at one time 1曾经,一度2每次,一次
1 p+ V  ~5 }# A) rat present
2 F! O/ n) k; {' T2 y" j+ [3 Lat rest0 @3 q! ]: q. E2 I$ r% o2 g2 n% s, I
at risk& n' ~/ T% r$ R; z8 Z* x- k
at sea level
' W0 L! {  K% w# Rat sixes and sevens=in a state of confusion or disorder,in a mass
: O& I* k1 o/ Z; G! A/ rat someone's request &at the request of
8 @7 N6 c/ P: P1 L8 H. y3 Sat the end of the day=when everything else has been taken into consideration. W; y0 F2 j$ K( a8 v- t- t/ t
at the expense of=to the detriment of ,at the sacrifice of
4 L0 n1 v* ?; cat the height of (sth)& F* h1 i1 T% \5 O5 R. z2 k+ Z" s# ?& k* l
at the mercy of* Q" J! N1 T9 \5 X# _
at the moment
  T9 r2 U: r/ n5 s, w2 L3 z3 k$ U8 ?at the outset  S' ^3 V% G( L- v0 k$ T) b- J; e
at the peak of( R6 F% B. x  ]3 `
at the sacrifice of8 `8 }0 U& g+ q. y
at the same time 1=simultaneously 2=nevertheless,however+ T3 f7 T: k# z# }0 V, D
at the suggestion of
/ G5 `) R: L) i7 o$ c3 Zat war
5 {! u: l' E* g& k+ yat will
% A$ D, z9 T1 R: P4 V& Pat work 1,working,busy,2,at one's place of work7 @8 {& v( W% ?0 Q) ?5 Z: V5 ?9 u& o
atmospheric pressure: N5 T: H4 w& c& c( s& P! y
atone for=ask for forgiveness
; Y3 D( @5 S, H9 ~1 Cattach to 1,fasten/fix (sth) on or to (sth) 2,be strongly tied to emotionally,be fondof,3,consider... to important$ {3 M+ b' Z" S- w9 D% Q
attendance required
0 i/ @# m: L) ~6 l- W9 T: sattired in =dressed in
- [" O# k0 c, }% ?* mattract (sb) to=draw to
' q0 r3 d: @7 s4 {( h- A9 qattribute to
/ {- O* _* A4 Laverse to=against
; ^! f0 F, v6 w' p* P  }/ iavert from. r( a, v' }+ Y5 s! ~
await publication
, w2 q' @/ Z. C2 O2 [. D" Xawake (sb) to (sth)
7 U( F3 Q- _4 Z, d. Haway from one's desk=not available for a telephoneconversation/call. S! n0 O7 s5 P( x" P$ C1 n6 g
baby boom; N3 C6 c- }# w' _; B$ l
back an forth
) t9 b0 {1 Q+ B& |0 H" `back down=give up,give in
# m( q( D, L& y8 Dback up=collect in a place because sth is preventinf it from moving+ J9 z; R9 m6 O- B( R
ban (n.) on
: Z5 p) l! N( p6 \bare (adj.) of
* `9 p% m; v+ ^1 C  zbare feet
+ r4 e' d- X+ y2 R5 Q# c" R% h8 Wbase on/upon7 D( b) c3 w' U
battle against
- F3 ]+ w  {/ Z, Y/ X3 ybe/get tired of6 Y+ ]: n7 p7 O% }
be a must
4 ]  s1 y. l+ Q# Z7 ube absorbed in
4 f: K) I4 V! b8 J" N8 L* X" pbe abundant in) i% w8 _- @" S0 r  T5 I
be addicted to
0 j% z! m4 a- L9 ~- }7 _9 G" Z8 C% ?be at someone's service
% a- C: W  g/ k/ p7 Jbe aware of
& s% v: `  @. l* _: dbe beat
) U$ X8 W3 M# abe besieged by/wit
  p" _. }1 x& C+ \be better off(doing sth)=be in a better position if sth. was done: h) x' [" a- Q! s' [7 c. \
be blind to=be unwilling to recognize a problem1 [* L+ j( E& U
be bole to =dare to# p5 K' X: B1 N% L+ G. a: P/ T
be born into=come from(family)
6 F& ^& b  ~# m) T  V2 ebe born of (come from)
& f" C! y$ b( I: J) m5 bbe born to=have a natural ability or tendency to1 q! \2 T: T0 A8 v  m# e, h7 C
be bound for=head towards;intend to arrive at
6 ?  T. \5 H7 N' mbe bound to (do sth)=be certain to
1 c( B* t, U& `  [7 I% l$ M- k. xbe bound up with=be close connected with or related to (sth)
4 E1 u4 u0 y9 [2 M5 p! ~6 ybe broke
& L0 e; E$ b3 cbe busy with=be occupied by
5 \3 ?6 p, Y- F. z- Jbe capable of
) q/ s" U$ E" d( b6 J# d, C6 dbe carpeted with=be covered with
4 o% t9 [$ t- {2 R: abe cautious to. J6 [  R( Y0 B7 U3 x* s, U3 g
be certain of

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