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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:夏日中暑heatstroke急救的相关知识(下)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 s; V( s6 j8 S$ F# j6 p  Treatment and recoveryHeatstroke is a medical emergency. If left untreated, an affected person may slip into a coma, often within minutes. Tragically, some people die from heatstroke - the excess body heat can lead to heart failure, kidney failure or brain damage.8 O, Q  K4 o8 O% q% P" O' q! }

7 e" ~7 j5 k" J5 \- d4 [! i0 N  Anyone believed to be suffering from heatstroke should be admitted to hospital as an emergency. They will usually be cared for in an intensive care unit where their body temperature will be lowered to a safe level and the abnormal salt and water content in the body corrected.& \" q1 P8 P% H' O1 W

2 ?$ a8 N6 C1 a& W4 r* l  Fortunately, heat exhaustion rarely causes serious problems and can be treated relatively easily. This is achieved by removing the affected person from the situation causing the problem and by replacing the lost fluids and salts.# |3 A7 z  u' l5 d
0 K% L6 d% p- S  ]$ e& Q! B2 ?7 t: o
  Someone affected by heat exhaustion needs to:
; K6 {- B3 }. A% u$ r+ l) G
2 K% W7 m) [6 S- v; k1 R- v0 i  * Rest in a cool place - an air-conditioned room is ideal
/ S6 }- B) }+ e3 W 7 R/ m5 h: R' V& d
  * Sip cool drinks - drinks especially designed for rehydration (e.g., electrolyte replacement sports drinks) are useful because they contain a good balance of different salts2 a5 U& s) }" ?1 u
1 T$ |+ G7 l  [, L
  * Take a cool shower or bath, soak feet in a bucket of water or place a wet towel on the shoulders
; o* W8 B- [" {4 Q7 p/ p8 U
- @" x/ [6 Q3 [& T  They should keep doing this until they feel better.
, C" x6 w4 Y& g; f, Z1 f
6 w3 E& I0 ^3 M! w* s7 ~  Avoiding getting into difficulties with heat exhaustion and heatstroke is straightforward:
' M+ A  m) n% n3 s* c
' V( L% c4 _' S5 y8 ?" i# v  * Stay in the shade as much as possible/ e6 F4 ?" s; g- h8 f6 y% x; z7 U
4 [/ d% P7 `( K8 n' Y1 ]4 s/ x
  * Drink lots of cool drinks
7 Z! t0 w" s: \, }
' _  a- ]0 [( M# {0 O3 _  * Avoid alcohol or caffeine which are dehydrating
: G3 W1 L# O' S* k: S4 w+ `5 K) h' Q  D1 V - b9 Q) ^5 b* Q$ O3 I2 @6 y  H( z# e
  * Take it easy on hot days - don't overexert yourself

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