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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:SmuggledrareMadagascartortoisesseizedinMalaysia

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
人类活动范围的扩大和对自然资源的过度开发,让许多生活在地球上的生物物种都濒临灭绝,但人类始终不知反省,为了自身利益仍然继续将这些物种赶尽杀绝。  % E6 A# E2 B/ S( t' H. ^
  Customs officers at Kuala Lumpur airport have found nearly 400 rare tortoises smuggled from Madagascar.
2 L7 v5 F  l; d1 v1 V2 P
( d1 U( S5 k+ x* A) Y  The Radiated and Ploughshare tortoises were on the last leg of their journey to pet shops and possibly cooking pots, Malaysian officials believe.
8 @" I5 n- v4 W& o! E) U
- T$ _* A+ P- g- v: d# c  Also recovered were more than 40 rare tomato frogs.; k- ?- L: @6 G; N" o3 d# Z! R

4 f  I* J8 c7 W- s) c  There are fears that as Madagascar's political problems continue, illegal exportation of the country's animals and plants is on the rise.
, D; Q/ e3 J' A) ^$ p ; J& m( a8 \2 G# w0 {$ m$ a
  It is the second such find in the last month.9 Y  s$ I2 @( u# @( s% y
6 K0 b& y! r1 ~/ [1 Y- o! i( \$ @
  Two Malagasy women have been arrested. Officials say the animals were found in their luggage." g5 Y& m6 q& ~& k& h* w7 ^
: Q3 l) M7 V  Z/ g3 C
  'Free for all'  c2 J8 X: O) E7 O, p1 c

/ B: d' S9 e. S  Richard Thomas of Traffic International, an organisation trying to stop the illegal trade in exotic animals, said both species of tortoise involved in this case were incredibly rare.# ~5 B* [! U6 J4 k7 k5 N6 m
6 K. z' a, ^. c$ j
  Much of Madagascar's flora and fauna, including its famous lemurs, are unique to the island. They draw hundreds of thousands of tourists to the country.
$ Z* j- g7 v+ T2 Q0 c2 C; b, Q
9 \2 n. o; S, D/ Y+ q- O  They are also under increasing threat from exploitation.
; b/ r4 d1 o1 ]& d: w% o; O; y 3 `; D$ f: x! A. T' ~& p2 \
  This, says Mr Thomas, is not being helped by a collapsing economy brought on by political problems.
4 X) ~+ b: A) T: o4 _ . o8 Q- [6 x" z' e- X
  Some conservationists talk of a "free for all" in Madagascar with criminal gangs operating virtually at will.! L. A# E# }$ j2 F

, ~3 p( |, A$ p3 l; `! D  A recent report by the Global Witness group uncovered a massive industry in smuggling precious hardwoods. Members of the police and forestry departments were implicated." K1 |; _8 p: ]5 e( t. ]4 X# `

  ?% Z8 b- U! i  The government has also legalised the sale of some seized hardwoods.
# N& o2 }8 R  |* |+ H
2 u& R6 X* X, w! ?. f8 V  The environmental group WWF says the authorities have been in effect selling illegally harvested wood for their own profit.

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