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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:10个世界杯上最搞笑时刻(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
从1930年第一届乌拉圭世界杯举办到现在,世界杯已经走过了长长80年的历史了。在这80年世界杯历史中,有无数经典进球时刻令人难忘,而与此同时,世界杯也创造了许多有趣搞笑的记录,我们一共选出了10个世界杯历史中最搞笑的时刻,接下来,我们就一起来看看吧。接下来是下半部分。   5. Voller vs Rijkaard (1990)/ j7 _. A/ Z" G: V# T
  A foul by Dutchman Frank Rijkaard on West Germany's Rudi Voller led to a yellow card, which then led to a yellow card given to Voller, which then led to second yellows issued to both players moments later, which then led to the jerry curled, moustachioed Rijkaard spitting into the perm of the moustachioed Voller! Funny few minutes to see two grown professional footballers acting like schoolboys on the playground. Plus their hairstyles are funny enough to be included in this list alone!
% N% F6 z/ N, Q' E3 O  6. Benjamin Massing vs Claudio Caniggia6 ~" ?* j( c( M
  Claudio Caniggia, of Argentina, won the ball in his own half and began a run towards the Cameroon goal at breakneck speed. He skipped past the first challenge, evaded the tackle of the second defender, but then came up against the towering Benjamin Massing. So committed was Massing in tackling Caniggia the Argentine is lucky he didn't end up in the crowd. Massing's tackle was strong to say the least, he lost a boot in the process, and in no effort to go for the ball the ref had little choice but to send the big man off. Still makes me laugh whenever I watch it though!9 H1 a& |! W' H
  7. Diana Ross Penalty Miss (1994)
$ L7 }& B8 B( F! N( H5 l  USA '94 and Diana Ross is peforming in the opening ceremony. Everyone is excited beyond their wildest dreams as the first game is about to begin. All Ross has to do, after singing her song, is to take a penalty. The keeper will let her score and the goal will fall apart, signifying the games are ready to begin. Except for one little problem…Diana Ross kicks like a girl and she fluffed her penalty completely missing the goal. The goal still fell apart though and the goalie still dived. After that comedic moment then, let the games begin!& @+ @% M0 E7 M% `# Y0 Z
  8. John Aldridge's Outburst (1994)0 ?/ y! s0 l! i# D, L5 ]% o  y# G
  Confusion over an Ireland substitution led to one of the funniest outbursts you're likely to see in a live game. John Aldridge, prevented from coming onto the pitch despite the player he was replacing having already come off, exploded with rage and spewed profanities at the official…all in front of the cameras and the millions of people watching the game live! Even Ireland's manager, Jack Charlton, got involved in a shoving match with the official. If only John Aldridge could have played in more World Cup's, just for sheer comedic potty-mouthed value.& w4 s; L  m3 r4 L6 u
  9. Senegal Shock France (2002)
$ H6 o3 j7 I8 Y9 I  Holders France were shocked in the first match of the 2002 World Cup. Playing against Senegal, who were making their World Cup debut, everyone thought it would be a walkover for Les Bleus. By the end of the match everyone (apart from the French) was stunned or laughing their head off or both. The Lions of Teranga had beaten the winners of World Cup '98 1-0. The Senegalese haven't qualified for the World Cup since but 2002 was a memorable experience for them because they went on to reach the quarter-finals.. D/ C: Q8 I5 `* S0 ]4 y. m+ [
  10. Graham Poll (2006)
( K* {9 p& \7 i) H4 N& R  A cracking game between Australia and Croatia which ended 2-2 and saw the Aussies qualify for the second round was overshadowed by the mother of all refereeing blunders. English ref Graham Poll showed Croatia's Josip Simunic three yellow cards and a red in the 90 minutes. He booked him twice in the game not realising his mistake and issued him a third yellow in the final minute before following up with a red card. Embarrassing for Poll, hilarious for us.

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