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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:学院开课教女生如何穿高跟鞋走路

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) T1 F! j; m9 A( J8 M! X; ?+ z  Students have been taught how to walk in stilettos as part of a government-funded course, a south London college said on Wednesday.* i2 }: m- A. U

% ^( V; z" w& r1 m3 Z  伦敦南部一所学院于本周三称,受政府资助,该校开设了一门教学生穿高跟鞋时如何走路的课程。
3 A5 c- }8 v: q7 |. X
6 q) z% ~  T4 l6 c9 q  The six-week "Sexy Heels in the City" course was offered as an extra-curricular activity at South Thames College and finished in May.
+ h. n! A3 X% z5 ]
9 M8 v, o6 z& u! U  “都市性感高跟鞋”课程为时六周,是南泰晤士学院开展的一项课余活动。该课程已于五月份结束。
+ n  t" V7 ]0 D
; s* ~3 D$ K! \3 W6 I  The college said five students aged between 16 and 50-plus took part in the classes, and said the reactions were overwhelmingly positive.! z  a) X. r5 e, w, d3 l
, b- `7 C, v" V  E0 C3 R
  据南泰晤士学院介绍,共有五名学生修了这门课,年龄最小的有16岁,最大的有50多岁,学生对课程的反响非常好。% k6 O, {$ t2 e% O+ A- W5 c

; G# ^2 V7 \( m' y9 `  "The course improved students' confidence, it was a fun, sociable activity for them to do in their free time," a college spokeswoman said.
. O1 M9 g; q7 k( h/ a* [/ r
- g9 t8 `' Y; B, \4 f  该学院的一名女发言人说:“这门课程增强了学生的自信心,是课余时间里进行的一项有趣的社交活动。. v  u# c" c, V

1 W8 J# h6 w6 G, ]6 [" ^  "They practiced the Alexander Technique and learned how to walk responsibly and carefully in high heels." The Alexander Technique is a method that helps to improve a person's posture and balance.# A/ u( D( @7 H
' i+ l- U6 e: Q  T3 M7 ]9 S. k( r- s
  “学生们在课上练习了亚历山大健身术,并学会了在穿高跟鞋时如何小心稳当地走路。”亚历山大健身术是帮助人们改善体态和身体平衡的一种方法。" ?( Z6 U9 H9 S7 g9 V6 d0 U
3 }2 w" |- g' B9 s+ K
  Professional singer China Whyne -- who has worked with Eric Clapton, Seal and Peter Gabriel -- was paid 750 pounds (1,000 dollars, 900 euros) to teach the six-week course.% V! s2 {6 w4 _- ~
/ J; o6 N7 K8 C) |4 `$ |
  南泰晤士学校花费750英镑(1000美元或900欧元)请来职业歌手柴娜•薇妮来执教这一为期六周的课程。柴娜•薇妮曾与埃里克•克莱普顿、席尔和彼得•盖布瑞尔合作过。1 Y) f  P- k! z: ^

# p3 S9 T$ w/ f0 S  On her website, the tutor promises to teach women teetering in high heels how to improve their posture, reduce back pain and "achieve that gliding feeling when walking".8 m: \5 `" d! S, v" y3 w

* S9 @- Y! M, @6 C/ @% u( f: ~  这位老师在她的网站上承诺,要帮助那些不懂如何穿高跟鞋的女性改善体态,减少背部疼痛,找到“走路时那种飘逸的感觉”。
  E6 {0 r5 h+ M- T& D& K" J- S
: g: Y- l. ~. v* T8 f! k9 V$ B, m  One of the college students who completed the course said she now "felt more comfortable in my heels."3 B. ^, K- B3 v. `) |- R% z# J# J. t
" }) e1 E# X9 Q4 z. H0 A
* r3 F' y2 a3 K
0 n" p5 t$ I; q; Z3 H& F, t  "I no longer feel pain on a night out because I know what exercises to do beforehand," said 16-year-old Celina Mystery. "Now I can finally rock my heels."3 z! T4 S% H# V$ G* e1 ^

- n# b/ g' c7 B* A" N  16岁的塞丽娜•密斯特里说:“我现在晚上出去玩再也不觉得脚疼了,因为我知道事先要做哪些练习。现在我终于可以轻松穿高跟鞋了。”8 @( s9 [1 V& ^& v2 N

  o5 M7 u8 ~6 ]: c7 F9 c  South Thames College said it was still evaluating whether to run the course again.2 o- d  ^4 h& ~" q! d
5 O( t+ t& n3 p/ j1 u5 I4 l
  南泰晤士学院称,目前学校仍在考虑是否将再次开设这门课程。" G0 t& b0 q' G9 b$ M3 G

: r8 D8 Z8 Z& N  L  Meanwhile, the TaxPayers' Alliance campaign group dismissed the course as a waste of money.
9 T* d* w9 H$ t/ d
4 T& Q8 _! G% Z4 L5 y  V/ v+ r$ v  而纳税人联盟的活动组织则认为开设这样的课程是浪费钱。
6 Y8 W0 ~8 r6 E& Z7 W 9 x6 |/ v& C# p$ Z
  "This is a silly gimmick that's most likely diverting money away from more needy parts of the college," chief executive Matthew Elliott told the Daily Mirror website.8 b! s9 C# k* Y2 m+ ]' e# w

; }. _0 r5 N$ g: y" D4 p# h# W  纳税人联盟的执行总监马修•埃利奥特告诉《镜报》网站说:“这是个愚蠢的噱头,本来应该用在刀刃上的钱却用在了这里。”
" C0 `: ]6 e7 Z * _: K! y" d/ l3 d9 G
  Vocabulary:! B  M! c2 n1 S* t0 h; c
1 W" b( a' x! e) o1 o
  stiletto: a woman's shoe with a very high narrow heel; the heel on such a shoe 细高跟女鞋;(女鞋的)细高跟% ^! q% o1 {; m! {( Q* K' u% d* A8 z

6 l- x, R  b* n; k( r  Eric Clapton: 埃里克·克莱普顿,1945年出生,英国吉他手、歌手和作曲家。他曾经获得过格莱美奖,是20世纪最成功的音乐家之一,在摇滚名人堂里有三项成就。
9 R( p% Y2 D! ~- E' Q
) r9 F8 p7 i9 F: |. D  Seal: 席尔,1963年出生,自上世纪90年代以来,Seal一直都是英国最受欢迎的男歌手之一,90年代中期以后,他把灵魂乐、民谣、摇滚、舞曲等不同的风格融入到自己的音乐中去,自成一派。
/ e* w5 f( l- S- [. a+ t % Q0 i. S4 ?) }- Y5 J' e
  Peter Gabriel: 1950 年出生,20世纪70年代红极一时的摇滚乐团「创世纪」(Genesis)的团长,是当代摇滚音乐史上的一位音乐鬼才。
* Y9 Z" E2 ]) s% W( `) Y( P
! p* X7 [# W) L  teeter: to stand or move in an unsteady way so that you look as if you are going to fall 摇晃;蹒跚行走;踉跄;摇摇欲坠
# G$ z! E8 H, \7 T4 O$ E% I) a6 w * C5 e( G0 S! m; W
$ D# H3 ]5 G6 l+ a0 m& h# K) \) e
  gimmick: an unusual trick that is intended to attract attention 花招,噱头

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