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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:CanCellPhonesSpeedAdaptationtoClimateChange?

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 收音机和手机是很多人日常生活中必不可少的电子设备,但是它们对环境的影响风险正逐步增加,尤其是一些世界上最不发达的地区。    s) F& o8 q6 e. W6 T3 c
  FM radio and cellular phones are fostering a rising awareness of climate impacts and mitigation in some of the globe's remotest and most undeveloped regions.
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  In Nepal, community radio has long been used to spread news about social issues. But lately the focus has shifted to climate change, said Pitambar Sigdel, a senior reporter for Annapurna Post, the national daily newspaper.
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  "They are playing some interesting roles," she said via e-mail. "Local people are so much (more) conscious about the importance of forestry and natural resources" and are sharing information about reforestation and planting as a result.9 T% N% J9 i- k* u: t$ h1 ^6 m2 q

! U7 C* ~  y" k  It also serves as an early warning system of sorts about landslides and other natural disasters, she said.
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  In rural Uganda, farmers use mobile telephones to pass along information about the impacts and control of climate change. In Malawi, Mudziwathu Community Radio finds listeners rely on text messages and laptops connected via Zain modems to communicate climate and environmental questions.
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  Of course, these informal networks are not just spreading environmental news.- q/ |  ?9 W% D% d3 U6 G8 Y; }# I, k# b
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  In India, particularly in urban settlements, the phone can be seen as an indicator of the uncertainty and fluidity of the modern job market. Rahul Goswami, who works with India's National Agriculture Innovation Programme, said the spread of cheap mobile service has facilitated the creation of a cheap alert system for "tens of thousands of informal workers in towns and cities" that points those seeking work to spots where the next 50 or 100 rupees can be earned.
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* [7 S1 C1 _  ~8 n8 U  "For South Asia, mobile phone usage shows how the informal worker tries to do her best to adapt to increasing uncertainty about both work and wage," he said.

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