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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:HowtoReduceHumanImpactontheEnvironment

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
低碳生活是现代社会崇尚的生活方式,那种一味消费自然资源的观念早已落伍,如何保护和最高效的利用自然资源逐渐成为人们关注的主题。  1 p; b0 j8 k# \: @# e; v' n( W/ h
  Ways to conserve natural resources to help save the environment.$ ?  r  w6 ]  z  W5 h

" K: S# y% F7 T! D& t. }" u  There are so many things that we do in our daily lives that waste water, energy, and/or resources. However, here are three simple suggestions in each of those three areas that can help to reduce human impact on the environment and can possibly lead to a clean environment. If everyone does their part with these small changes, they may help to save the environment.' `8 f9 w. V6 b* V! N
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  Ways to Conserve Natural Resources2 p3 F# {: v# k8 \: S$ e

/ d: i9 O! G' W4 M5 i  Other natural resources can be conserved by changing daily habits. All products are made from natural resources, as everything comes from the earth. Thus, reducing the amount of resources one uses, or reusing products, can help to create a clean environment. These suggestions from the EPA (2010) can help.
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+ C! h, A5 S0 l( q8 `  1. Reuse Products - By reusing items that you already have, you can keep them out of landfills and can help to reduce the amount of resources that are taken from the earth.
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3 @- N/ f( q- T/ }  2. Use Recycle Bins - Today, many different things can be recycled. By choosing to use recycle bins rather than throwing everything in the trash you can keep more trash out of landfills.- m4 {4 Z. I& U6 z% x
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  3. Reduce Consumption - By buying less, you can help to contribute to a lifestyle that is not fueled by over-consumption. When you do consume, you can choose to buy eco-friendly products and make smart decisions like using re-usable grocery bags.

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