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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:AreyouaDogoraCatperson

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Little kitty cats. So cute! Until you want to hold them on your lap and they squirm away and run under the sofa.  
3 N( k' J1 _- v! K3 x, ^) o* `0 [, h  How about puppies? Soft and chubby. Follow you all around. Everywhere. All the time.
9 i: g+ m3 W! V' P0 V2 l7 \ ( G7 m! [, |: x3 n" u$ \% _
  So there you go - dogs and cats. Cats are independent, self-sufficient, and affectionate when they want to be. Dogs are loyal, true-blue, your best friend. And affectionate all the time - like it or not.; q6 r/ n$ W' ^) m3 }$ x  Z

/ v: @2 O4 z6 m* K1 Q. e7 j2 X$ ^  Which are you? Do you like your freedom and independence like a cat? Do you like to go about your day, following your curiosity and slinking in and out of all kinds of situations? Are you satisfied by any warm body that's convenient and fulfills your needs when YOU want companionship?
  T8 o5 A+ H2 D6 y+ N
- J/ l8 u+ \+ h$ Y  Or are you a dog? You have your allegiance to one special person. Oh you'll have lots of other people you like, but you'll always be available to the special one, go to any lengths to prove your loyalty, reserve your needs for affection and companionship just for that one.+ Z6 g$ T$ _; Y$ e3 q
, A/ n1 B$ p3 t1 i; l
  Either is okay
  G3 X+ X6 \4 A/ `3 Q0 d   B/ L, ~$ U0 X  P. d
  Throughout your life, you might switch from being more like a cat to more of a dog - and vice versa. As a teen, you might stick with being a cat for a while. Keep things loose and come and go as you please. Then you might meet the special one who will turn you into a loyal puppy.: g6 i' h- {9 m5 }: @2 t- b
& Z( G2 n# D1 h& y) {$ r4 K5 J+ y
  Or maybe you're a dog right now - true blue and affectionate to the one you love. Maybe it will last forever; maybe as you get older you'll want to be a cat for a while.6 E4 B* M0 z" u& C8 o! Q1 z
# g" O* r2 W6 V
  People change. We have different needs from relationships at different times in our lives.
6 e% X, x7 |) B- z* q/ b
8 N; l$ K8 v8 G- K8 T, s  One thing though. If you're a dog - stick with dogs!, S9 j1 x: w# V' C

$ g7 |+ j) j' t3 [3 K0 E  We've all had the experience of wanting to be affectionate and committed to one person. Great if that person wants the same thing. But if you're a dog who wants loyalty and you pick a cat who loves independence - Be aware: Fur could fly!

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