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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:Increasein’warmwater’dolphinsoffNorthEastcoast

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
为了生存,许多物种都会为了适应周遭不断变化的环境而改变和进化。生活在英国东北海域的海豚就是这样,那些适应了温暖海水的海豚种类在数量有所增加,而需要生活在低温海水中的海豚种类数量减少了。  - t) Z+ }  ~" a* u
  Warmer seas could be responsible for a change in the type of dolphins spotted off the coast of the North East of England, a survey has suggested.1 y. o2 k1 k- i3 p' L% Q# t: [2 e
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  The North East Cetacean Project found an increase in sightings of common, bottlenose and Risso's dolphins - species associated with warmer waters.1 \* F; f" a9 d3 W
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  There have also been fewer sightings of white-beaked dolphin and harbour porpoise, which prefer colder water.
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' U4 E( F: L. i  It is thought the distribution shift is due to increasing sea temperatures." n, i. G$ y8 Q+ |

) ]# E2 [$ Z2 H7 c0 R7 \. M5 w  The NECP is a partnership including the charity Marinelife, Northern Experience Wildlife Tours, Natural England, the Northumberland and Tyneside Bird Club and the University of Aberdeen.
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& |! @' x' R- t' v: J& s  Dr Tom Brereton, who analysed the findings, said: "This research adds to the growing body of evidence that some species of whales and dolphins are showing shifts in distribution, possibly as a result of increasing sea temperatures.
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  "For example, common dolphins have been spreading north in recent years, presumably due to warming sea temperatures.& J1 v9 g; s" O6 L
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  "This is a potential cause of concern because studies in other regions have shown that the arrival of common dolphins coincides with a corresponding disappearance of white-beaked dolphins.
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  "White-beaked dolphins have a much narrower habitat requirement and are associated with colder sea conditions."$ v, d. T0 W) k- C' a! Y' e# a

  q% K8 F9 J% r  The project is asking the region's fishermen, recreational dive and angling boats, yachtsmen, and pleasure craft operators to get in touch with any offshore sightings.

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