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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:用iPhone的福尔摩斯

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. N4 t& ~/ J( t4 Z  Imagine a modern Sherlock Holmes with a Blackberry phone instead of a pocket watch. Holmes travels around London by taxi instead of coach and horse. And the famous detective hunts criminals by launching the GPS on his laptop.
5 C6 N# R# u6 O- ]* Y& h  想象一下现代夏洛克•福尔摩斯的样子——黑莓手机代替了怀表、出行工具也由长途客车、马匹变成了出租车、这位著名的神探甚至用手提电脑上的全球定位仪来追捕罪犯。  ?7 x5 Q5 q) Y2 g! k$ D! p8 a
) L. f& \$ s% I3 q
  This 21st century Holmes is the star of BBC One’s three-part series Sherlock. It sets Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s tales in the present day and shows this legendary detective working his deductive magic in contemporary London.
+ f. s, {5 m5 a  这位21世纪的福尔摩斯正是BBC一套节目热播的《神探夏洛克》三部曲中的主角。该剧集将阿瑟•柯南•道尔笔下的故事搬到了当代,向观众展示了这位传奇神探如何在当今的伦敦城续写侦探神话。/ ^2 q* H; u- T+ [
/ o: A' K, i- o1 C
  The setting of Sherlock remains true to the original story: Holmes and Dr Watson live at 221B Baker Street; mysterious murders stimulate Holmes’ reasoning powers; and the detective takes on his arch enemy Moriarty. But in the new version, producer Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss rejuvenate the stories by injecting elements which relate to modern life.
' y  G9 K& x/ a% m8 j, p% x  夏洛克的人物背景仍然忠于原著:福尔摩斯和华生医生依旧住在贝克街221B号;神秘凶手依旧激发着福尔摩斯的推理能力;这位神探依旧和他的死敌莫里亚蒂较量着。但在新版剧集中,制片人史蒂文•莫法特和马克•加蒂斯利用诸多现代元素为这个古老故事注入新的活力。. j/ d. j' n0 y8 `6 j3 M2 n
( }& ~3 V- `9 C, Q
  Conceited, sociopathic4 R  F" D) a/ I* W1 C+ l2 X
  福尔摩斯:孤傲,独来独往9 Y7 A( R! ]1 @7 y) Q( Y' D+ |
: m) W- [; ]# c1 k  v+ Z+ `8 R
  Then: The fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, is famous for using his powers of logic and reasoning to solve difficult cases. Hispersonality is somewhat bizarre. In the books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, his friend, Dr Watson, describes Holmes as “eccentric, with no regard for contemporary standards of tidiness or good order.“ Holmes also has a huge ego and he often comes across as being rather arrogant.
. ?$ _/ z& l% k8 \' A  过去:小说中,侦探夏洛克•福尔摩斯以运用逻辑推理能力破获悬案而著称于世。他性格有点古怪。在阿瑟•柯南•道尔的书中,福尔摩斯的朋友华生医生形容他“古怪,无视整洁有序的当代标准。”福尔摩斯还十分自负,时不时地表现出傲慢无礼的一面。
- ?  d6 k* H% A; X) ^
/ E( f6 s  F- |7 P  Now: In Sherlock, Holmes, portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch, is something of a pale, nerdy geek, or what we call “Otaku” today. He stays in when not working on a case; he has a genius-level IQ, but appears to lack basic social skills. “He’s a conceited, sociopathic ass whose genius ranges somewhere on the autistic spectrum, but he nevertheless possesses a sense of humor,” according to one review from The Daily Telegraph. Holmes’ near-arrogant assessment of his own abilities leads him to set himself up as the world’s only consulting detective whom the police grudgingly accept as their superior.
. ~/ y% O+ `* o8 S  现在:在《神探夏洛克》中,由本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇饰演的福尔摩斯是一位肤色白皙的书呆子,就是如今我们所谓的“宅男”。他不办案时就宅在家里;他具有天才般的智商,但似乎缺乏社交能力。英国《每日电讯报》报道称,“他是个骄傲自负,不善社交的呆瓜;虽然天才使他看上去有点自闭,但他本人仍不乏幽默感。”福尔摩斯对自己的近乎自大的个人能力评价,将他自己标榜成这世上独一无二的侦探咨询师,就连警方也不情愿地奉其为导师。
& q& y1 |# h- K2 _& a' g3 f0 T9 h
/ g! w: h. O- @" W( Y- V* P( Y  The new Holmes also loves hi-tech gadgets such as smart phones, and readily uses them to help him in his investigations. For example, in the first episode “A Study in Pink”, Holmes tracks down a serial killer with the help of an iPhone, a GPS-enabled computer, and of course, his astute detective skills.
. r  R1 R5 ~* v+ x/ T! `  新版福尔摩斯同样钟情于智能手机这样的高科技发明,并能轻而易举地将这些高科技工具运用到侦破过程中去。例如,在第一集《粉红的研究》中,福尔摩斯利用iPhone中的全球定位仪,将连环杀手绳之以法;当然他高超的侦探技能也功不可没。
. \( D+ K8 @, l+ ]5 _
, \3 \6 W' H! R( X. w) N! X4 y  Emotive, sidekick
8 u  x/ S7 Q, @  j# ?/ S1 X" T  华生: 重情谊,死党
$ D, A0 k5 Y2 |& s3 t& t8 E3 r . ~- K! V% J# i( q# h. T5 t# z% R) k
  Then: In the books, John Watson was a former army surgeon injured in the second Afghan war of 1878-1880. He has often been portrayed as Holmes’ rather bumbling assistant.
! R# l% o: z$ B! t2 H4 X
7 Q2 ^- b7 Q+ l4 d% Q, i6 D  过去:书中的约翰•华生曾是一名外科军医,在第二次阿富汗战役(1878-1880年)中负伤。作为福尔摩斯的助手,他通常被刻画成一个笨手笨脚的人。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p> , `. F+ ^; c/ I/ H, k6 e
  Now: Watson has returned from the contemporary Afghan conflict, where he served as a doctor, and is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of the many horrific things he has witnessed. He is something of a lost soul, adrift in London, until he’s introduced to Holmes.
9 l) }* d# Z3 K' X& ]  现在:作为军医的华生刚刚从阿富汗战场上归来,亲眼见证了种种骇人听闻的事件后,他患上了“战后心理创伤”。他就像一个迷失的灵魂,飘荡在伦敦街头,直到他结识了福尔摩斯。
( I% i! H' a1 B5 W" k0 j0 d! S# g  ^3 a   |! S- u+ J3 O* Y4 [8 V6 o5 X
  According to Martin Freeman, the actor who portrays Watson in Sherlock, Watson is not just a sidekick, but also an “equal partner”, a “trustworthy companion”. Freeman describes Watson as “Sherlock’s eyes on the world, but also the world’s eyes on Sherlock, everything is filtered through John.” A review in The Daily Telegraph reads that “Watson provides many of the shows’ lighter moments, and is a more emotive soul relative to Cumberbatch’s often cold and detached Holmes.”6 F4 m- g+ B  g3 B+ O0 T1 [
  《神探夏洛克》剧中华生的扮演者马丁&#8226;弗瑞曼认为,华生不单单只是福尔摩斯的密友,他还是一个“同样出色的拍档”,一个“值得信任的伙计”。 弗瑞曼形容华生是“夏洛克&#8226;福尔摩斯观察世界的眼睛,但同时他也是世界观察福尔摩斯的眼睛,约翰&#8226;华生是这一切的见证者。”英国《每日电讯报》写道“华生多次成为该剧的亮点,同冷淡超然的福尔摩斯(本尼迪克特饰演)相比,他显得更有人情味。
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