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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:奥地利八月末迎来大面积降雪天气

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# i4 A5 k' ^% Q* f& _  For most countries in the Northern Hemisphere, August is still at the height of the summer, but in Austria it has started to snow in highland areas in the last two days of August.# ]9 \3 a2 }/ P2 M
  对北半球的大多数国家来说,8月份仍是盛夏时节。但奥地利许多高海拔地区却在今年8月份的最后两天出现了大面积降雪。: Y# r  m: d, m$ i, Y

+ P6 q4 m' [- N! y+ A: R  Since Monday, snow has been falling in areas with an average altitude of well over 1,200 meters above sea level. In some areas, the average snowfall even reached 50 cm. The current spell of snow weather will last at least until this Wednesday, the Austrian Meteorological Department said on Tuesday.7 Z" ^$ g% R" Z
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" E) j# C! k% F9 O/ |2 o  The sudden snowfall has caused much inconvenience for many Austrians, forcing the closure of some scenic zones on the Alps and triggering numerous car accidents. In some highland areas, moving vehicles were asked to put on tire chains.# \8 @! P2 O1 A7 f- k, }
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( K+ W' y% V: D- A  Experts also worried that some animals in the mountains might not be able to overcome the challenge of the temperature's sudden drop.- B- K# ~0 C' B, I4 G2 E6 v0 M! N+ L

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