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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读训练:Abeautythatcannotbeweighed

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 在这个以瘦为美的现代社会,胖女孩似乎没有任何优势可言。但是胖女孩并非与美无缘,如今已经有越来越多自信的胖女孩敢于走出来秀自己,让整个世界看到她们独特的光芒。  ; U6 J1 Z5 a- b0 ~& R
  In the award-winning American film Precious, the title character dreams of receiving the red-carpet treatment.Yet her excessive weight effectively rules it out.
; Q7 u" q0 _- K4 W2 K' h  在备受赞誉的美国影片《珍爱》中,主人公梦想能够接受红地毯般的礼遇。但是由于她严重超标的体重,这个梦想几乎不可能实现。
5 h5 I  d! q3 G
! x5 F* b1 B2 z- c  Thousands of miles from Hollywood, a young Chinese woman named Zeng Jing is realizing Precious' dream by posing in front of the camera - and pictures of the overweight girl modeling large-size garments for her clothing store have brought her rave reviews.
, i* s; v$ B- o  U5 O5 r  在距好莱坞千里之外的地方,一位名叫曾晶的中国女孩在镜头面前展示着自己,《珍爱》中主角的梦想正在慢慢实现。与此同时,胖女孩曾晶为自己服装店拍摄了大码服装展示照片,网友们对这组照片好评如潮。
. ~8 n* _% ~5 Y' A& c/ E$ w
1 x: k" w) z3 Q' X8 }/ P  "I think someone needs to stand out and demonstrate our beauty because it's not easy to be appreciated by society," said Zeng, "And I think I can be the one." In 2008, a story about Zeng vying to become a model, together with a series of offbeat photos of her, including one half naked, were published in a Nanjing newspaper and its affiliated website. The photos received tens of thousands of hits and comments that day and were linked by numerous portals.3 F" ]: S1 u. U/ d
  “我觉得总得有人站出来展示我们胖人的美,因为我们这种美是很难被社会欣赏认可的,”曾晶说,“而我就是这个人。”2008年,一家南京媒体在其报纸及网站上发表了曾晶立志成为模特的故事,同时刊登了她的一组个性写真照,包括一张半裸照。这组照片吸引了成千上万人的跟帖评论。许多门户网站也将其转载发布。& h- D7 u% k3 F

, i" R) W' y  u1 s& d  "I think she is amazingly beautiful," commented one of the netizens, "It seems a bit unfair that overweight girls have long been excluded from the notion of beauty."  m) V+ }: M) _; x3 c3 x5 G) d3 @
/ ^9 j+ o# u/ A! [# M % Y3 _+ Q, V' k% a+ \4 G: |
  In a country where the average weight for a girl is 60 kg, Zeng Jing weighs 110 kg, subverting the stereotypical view about models being tall and slim. Zeng's blog is admired by many women who are also overweight. They praise her courage for being a model, because they usually consider themselves "too weird to be exposed to the lens.", x, k  K/ I; w/ h7 \# Y
  p1 s0 m& ?+ q
" X" q# X4 g0 p8 I  Photographer Huang Hao was impressed by Zeng's outgoing and optimistic character. "Confidence is what I wanted to demonstrate most through the photos," said Huang. "It is not very common for a girl to maintain such a weight and such a sunny disposition at the same time." Born at a regular 3.5 kg, she soared to 110 kg at age 16 and most of her schoolmates took her for a geek. Nicknames were common for Zeng. "Titanic" was one she remembers most clearly. Living with sneers and stares all through puberty, it was in the virtual world that Zeng was hailed as a "beauty" for the first time in her life. She was working in a clothing store for overweight girls in Guangzhou in 2005 when she came across the Internet forum "Girls Happy Being Fat", where most of the members were girls weighing over 70 kg. Zeng initially posted photos of herself wearing clothes from the store, simply as a promotion. To her surprise, the photos won her top billing as "Forum Beauty". She was thrilled to be appreciated by strangers for the first time in her life. Instead of promoting clothes, Zeng made a handful of good friends in the forum who shared a lot of similarities besides weight. Most hated going out alone and preferred to stay holed up at home to avoid sneers from their peers. Soon they moved from the virtual world to hanging out together in real life.0 K% \* b! R# t0 x

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


"I enjoy dressing up and I teach them how to match clothes and wear makeup. It feels great as you're no longer the only fat one in the crowd," Zeng says. Established in 2005, the forum connects 30,000 members around the country. With their personal charm, they also caught the media's attention in 2006 when Zeng and three of her friends, the lightest 65 kg, debuted on A Date with Luyu, one of the most popular talk shows in the country, hosted by Chen Luyu. For Zeng, this was just the start of her life in the spotlight.   “我喜欢打扮以及教他们如何穿衣打扮。当你不再是人群中唯一的胖子时,感觉真的很棒,”曾晶说。该论坛成立于2005年,国内拥有30,000个会员。2006年,当曾晶和她的三个朋友,其中最轻的65公斤,首次亮相由陈鲁豫主持的,国内有名的脱口秀节目之一--《鲁豫有约》时,她们以独特的个人魅力引起了媒体的关注。对曾晶来说,这仅仅是她成名之路的开始。
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  In 2008, an entertainment company in Nanjing signed her up, thinking her sunny character would be valuable in the entertainment industry. Later that year, Zeng appeared in several more talk shows, gaining nationwide fame. Nevertheless, one of her main problems still remains unsolved: landing a stable job. She can't remember how many times she was turned down before getting her first job as a salesgirl. What does remain clear is hearing "We don't have room for someone as big as you" from employers.
- r# m* b3 R' p& F# a) B! L  2008年,南京的一家娱乐公司认为她阳光的性格特征在娱乐圈非常有价值,便签下了她。从那以后,曾晶出现在更多的脱口秀节目中,全国闻名。尽管如此,她的一个主要问题始终没有解决:找一个稳定的工作。在得到第一份女店员工作之前,她记不清遭受了多少次拒绝。但是仍记忆犹新的是一位雇主曾对她说:“你这么胖,我们这恐怕装不下你。”
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+ w, r+ G& @% |5 x  u  This experience is shared by many overweight girls. Some of Zeng's friends work for stores selling big size clothes, but generally they still rely on their parents. "Job hunting is our biggest headache," said Zeng, "Because more likely than not, it's not about how we think of ourselves. It's about how society thinks of us." She now owns an online store selling clothes designed for overweight girls and continues modeling every piece in her store. Though seldom bothered by her weight, the difficulty in finding jobs has led her to consider undergoing liposuction.
4 s3 h+ F3 {* }* U& z% }# Q  许多胖女孩都有这样的经历。在大号服装专卖店里工作的一些曾晶的朋友都仍然依靠他们的父母。“我们最头疼找工作,”曾说,“因为机会微乎其微,这不是我们怎样看我们,而是社会怎样看待我们的问题。”目前,她拥有一个网店,专卖为胖女孩量身定做的衣服,她依然是店里的模特。尽管很少因体重而困扰,但是找工作的压力已经使她产生了做抽脂手术的想法。/ T3 r# z' n3 H+ c
  "I'd have the operation just for the hope of a better job, something different from a salesgirl or an online store owner," she said. She has set a target of 80 kg. That was her weight in 2006, and both she and her husband love the way she looked at that time. Zeng and her husband Lai Yongqiang, 70 kg, got engaged last year. Their wedding ceremony included eight newlywed couples, and all eight brides were at least 75 kg.
7 y1 `8 Q, B1 M" q+ I  她表示:“做手术目的就是想找一份好点的工作,我不想再做售货员或者是网店老板了。”她已经确定了一个减到80公斤的减肥计划。2006年她就是那体重,她和她老公都很满意她那时的样子。曾晶和她70公斤的老公赖永强,去年结的婚。他们的婚礼上还包括其他八对新人,八个新郎的体重都不低于75公斤。" L1 j- ~4 D3 t
% `$ g3 D/ n. F( p9 m
  "I'm hoping for a job with a good income after the operation," said Zeng Jing, "My biggest wish is to own a large garment company, and provide jobs to overweight girls like me."# L$ P' y/ P; |5 b$ }* I
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