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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读训练:WeddingGiftIdeasMadeFromRecycledMaterials

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 金秋时节来临,又到了众多新人选择携手进入婚礼殿堂的旺季。近来有很多朋友都为给即将新婚的亲朋好友送礼而发愁,在接下来的托福阅读训练文章中我们就一起来看看有什么有意思的礼物可以选择吧!  ' I, ^* E$ ?  u3 T
  Most of us will have a hard time thinking of what gift to give on special events. Many people are having the hard time of finding the right gift for the person whom they are giving it to. Aside from the hassle of looking for an item to serve as a gift, the total amount of the item is another factor that many people are considering when looking for a gift. Because of these problems, many people are now looking for a substitute for their gifts.
9 |2 Z7 h" }( U2 O& J; {* J4 E0 x+ S& K  为特殊的日子挑选礼物对许多人来讲是件很痛苦的事。很多的人在挑选合适的礼物这件事情上很费神。除了选择什么物品作为礼物以外,在挑选时礼物的数量也是许多人要考虑的事情。因此,现在许多人在寻找礼物替代品。
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+ ?5 o% m4 `' a  Gifts that are made from recycled materials are attracting many people these days. This is because these are more affordable and some are even more durable. Below are some of products that are made from recycled products and are great to give as a gift during weddings:
) ~/ Q1 Y; Z$ {3 `; R7 X; z  目前,一些可循环使用材料制成的礼物吸引了人们的眼球。这是因为他们更加的价廉物美,更加经久耐用。接下来我们就一起来看看适合送给新婚夫妇的可再生材制的创意礼品。3 o: b6 I8 G5 t% ]
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  Wine Bottle Decoration can be made from empty wine bottles which can be recycled and given as a gift. There are some stores, especially in Asia that use bottles, makes it into a decoration.
' o5 {' X% o: J& z  酒瓶装饰物是由一些可以再利用的空酒瓶制成的礼物。特别是在亚洲,有一些店铺会把空瓶做成装饰物。! s' l) F6 _/ l
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  They put sands with different colors inside a transparent bottle layer by layer. Doing this will make the bottle more beautiful and colorful. If the maker of the decoration is skilled enough, he can draw mountains or other views inside the bottle with the use of the sands with different colors.
+ x' L3 w0 Q' N3 P9 a# B  他们一层一层的把不同颜色的沙子装入透明的玻璃瓶。这样做事为了让瓶子看起来更加的艳丽,色彩丰富。如果制作者技术足够娴熟的话,他们可以用不同颜色的沙子制作出诸如山脉等的不同形状。- N9 L/ n3 I5 I) x' o7 y3 V
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  Vases are also great to give as a gift for the marrying couple. You could paint the vase yourself and write a special message for the two of them to make it even more personal. Vases are great to give as a gift for the couple because they can be used by the couple as a decoration and they last for a long period of time.
# J/ k1 J/ t% j  D  花瓶也是送给新婚夫妇好的礼物。你可以自己在花瓶上绘出你送给新人的特别的话语,一次来显现出花瓶的个性。花瓶之所以是送给夫妻的很适合的装饰品,是因为他们可以使用很长一段时间。& z% f( ?4 o6 h! L; G
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  Scented candles are great to give to the couple a day before their honeymoon. If you have any scented candles at home that you do not use anymore, you can melt these candles into one. Once you have melted them, place them in a container and mix in the scent that the couple loves and let dry. You can turn this into any shape and you can add colors and other accessories. It's all up to you. The couple could use the candle, which you gave them, during their honeymoon night to make their night extra sweeter and more memorable.
( K: C6 }) ^  n+ I: I# H+ Q7 j9 o  香薰蜡烛是在蜜月前送给新婚夫妻的又一好礼。如果你家里有不会再使用的香薰蜡,你可以把他们融化后放在容器里并且加入新人新人喜欢的香水,然后再烘干。同时,你也可以把蜡做成任何你希望的形状,也可以给他们上一些颜色或者是添加其他的饰品。一切都随你发挥。新人会在他们度蜜月的晚上使用你送给他们的香薰蜡烛,为美好的夜晚更添甜蜜,也更有纪念意义。
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0 t( W/ c4 `9 l% n* n  You see, it's not that difficult to choose a gift for a couple. You just have to be creative and enjoy what you are doing. Giving gifts is a way of showing that you care and love them. Choose a gift that will last for a long time.
* k2 r8 J* r! s# c+ S5 _6 x  现在看来,为新人挑选礼物也不是那么困难了。要做的就是享受这个创造过程。送给他们礼物只是表示你对他们关爱的一种方式,花时间的是挑选礼物。

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