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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读练习材料:IceQuake

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; N+ S2 S7 D* g$ `1 V  Over a hundred quakes have happened in the last decade. But they didn't occur near fault lines(断层线). What were they near? Find out on this Moment of Science.  j$ Z" u% k: b! y( p
. Y# D; W! Y" s& s  R
  We’re used to thinking of earthquakes as (1)tremors(震动,颤抖) that happen along fault lines when tectonic plates ((地球表面的)构造板块)shift. They’re dramatic(吸引人注目的) events: a good-sized(相当大的,大型的) earthquake can bring buildings and bridges (2)toppling down(推翻;倒塌).
8 ?0 `. I: R4 O: D8 y
5 z3 p- |# z$ z  Those destructive energy bursts are high frequency(高频) ground vibrations(震动), and that’s the range of vibrations seismologists(地震学家) most actively study. Just recently, though, a geophysicist(地球物理学者) at Harvard University named Göran Ekström studied low-frequency(低频的) vibrations instead, and discovered something interesting.$ @1 B+ [6 R% V" Q
& t0 F, r, U% @0 T: Y3 I7 k
  He found over a hundred quakes have happened in the last decade that aren’t along any fault line. What are they near instead? Ice.
" _  e7 D' F9 u8 `0 Q5 L
/ a+ h7 i) ^& I( }! B& F  A glacier(冰川) can be thought of as a very (3)slow-moving(动作缓慢的) stream. It’s made of solid ice, but over long periods of time it can flow gradually over the land, sometimes carving deep (4)trenches(沟,沟渠) and (5)bulldozing(推土) up rock and soil. Just because it takes centuries to rearrange(重新排列) things, though, doesn’t mean a glacier isn’t enormously powerful at any given moment.6 p% q/ q- c& ^0 D

7 b2 C; {7 \* _2 t: @  By carefully measuring seismic(地震的) signals, Ekström was able to spot numerous low-frequency quakes in Greenland that hadn’t been identified. He also found that they mostly occurred during July, August, and September. Those warmer months melt lots of glacial ice./ S( Z: K2 L9 ^0 E
2 g! S# ?  _7 @4 z" c& n- v* `8 Z& f
  Ekström suspects that liquid water is (6)pooling(淤积) underneath the glacial ice to the point where the thin (7)veneer(外表) of water at the base of the glacier allows the whole mass to slip(滑动) a little, the way your foot can skid(打滑) on a slick(光滑的) road.; p; x1 r. T1 n
8 W) y! z* q. X+ ?6 _8 I0 p& b9 m
  The quakes he recorded, he believes, are the vibrations set up by all that ice–in one case, six cubic(立方的) miles of it–skidding as much as forty-two feet in under a minute. When that much ice scrapes(刮掉,擦掉), the earth itself shakes.8 ~5 L9 w$ H- Z+ C; e
7 v4 |' r) p6 m7 W/ ~0 _
  Notes:0 ~; C4 {& L+ r
2 |; S3 |9 w3 U7 @* Q0 I
  (1)tremors ['treməz] n.震动;颤抖(tremor的复数)v.颤动(tremor的三单形式); D- p$ r$ [$ {9 a% \& v

: @% H$ f" m9 `& C, B" b' V  V' P  1.They got only blushes, ejaculations, tremors, and titters, in return for their importunity.
+ I+ @! H7 h( s8 ]. d4 [9 m: x; Y ' o' K3 U8 h$ u+ d
! z/ r' x* j3 }: P; K2 J : O: _- E1 T7 x& t1 b
  2.Rescuers are continuing into a third day the hunt for survivors of the earthquake that hit Peru's central coast, as fresh tremors shake the area.
9 J/ w5 P% @. } ( _1 W6 |7 a, O5 l0 ~
8 ?' d" L; Z; f
; j7 b( P6 j  N2 v; J1 s9 F: W4 p  (2)topple down 推翻;倒塌  Q# v( a3 z% H
. u  A  C6 w8 w2 ^
  The wounded soldier toppled down time after time.5 k, e! |; ?7 u0 D1 m& h, Z

4 J: R  m* u; }  伤兵一次又一次地跌倒。
3 j4 P+ _. r* E; m2 }: ^  J) o0 i # W) u2 x' w: j% n& s
  (3)slow-moving ['sləu'mu:viŋ] adj.滞销的;动作缓慢的3 C' Z4 }( g4 L' [. F6 M+ E

  k# g% C3 u) Q0 t2 J" {  We looked like a bunch of awkward kids riding a slow-moving carousel.
8 g+ X6 g) G; _ - R# h3 X8 ~3 `/ @) v  W
  我们看起来就像一群骑在旋转木马上的笨拙的孩子。* x9 I7 Z. \# |) C( K

. N+ Y0 U( Q3 r4 j* Z. R  (4)trench [trentʃ] n.沟,沟渠;战壕;堑壕 vt. 掘沟 vi.挖战壕;侵害8 Q' d/ I  W) V6 `7 A. N6 o

, u  B& s* [# L) d5 v: e. M  1.The soldiers trenched an outpost.0 f; y# X" A  {% i6 P

! R2 w( L( K9 R" R4 x3 E0 S  士兵们用战壕防御前哨。9 ~4 y% r6 P2 @, @( g4 ]" n
3 q1 w4 A, H' H3 a% }2 K# ^
  2.A long narrow trench or furrow dug in the ground, as for irrigation, drainage, or a boundary line.
. B0 I: F/ I  ?7 S ) y; S* e$ T/ I! T( c; D

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


(5)bulldoze ['buldəuz] vt. 强迫;恫吓;用推土机清除  
# x0 {* b0 |9 v0 W* P2 M  I  ]7 C  1.The workers bulldozed the building site.' P, L8 z- q8 e8 e
' |5 b. {! m! `$ A; v
  工人们用推土机把建筑工地推平。; y" M9 ~5 a# D

4 \* z7 B) R& K  N  2.His normal style when confronted with an obstacle was to bulldoze it into submission.
9 {! Y+ ?  Q* c, w; Q$ x7 R) \, y ! E4 h& N5 w0 N) Y
* N) |5 g" e; D
0 m. R; B4 k0 h  (6)pooling n.联营,合并;池化 v.积水成池;淤积(pool的ing形式)
. \/ Q5 F6 b* |1 q " W4 V# k- h7 L+ i+ ^' I7 W
  1.The road was deeply rutted and pooled with rain.
" }6 @5 Z4 V* G& y
2 I+ d) m6 @" z9 ?  o  道路坎坷不平,到处是坑坑洼洼的雨水。
! X4 _8 O4 y. u1 s6 P6 q$ `$ `2 W; ^
- q! B  U- ?# g  2.Object pooling is a good example.) ^. j9 K; a1 q! g( t/ n3 ]( M, |
' o+ O- ~- j0 Z; q; N4 y
$ w* l" Z' F- u$ K2 t4 ]
" \. g0 M8 D7 M1 z+ n% p, _  (7)veneer [və'niə] n.外表;虚饰;饰面;胶合板的一层;薄木片 vt.胶合;虚饰;给…镶以饰片( ~( Q! T$ N6 I( R3 {( g5 k& o8 ?% Y3 S2 d

7 e8 a; v9 `+ W" _; j  1.Civilization is a thin veneer over a very ancient structure.4 P7 K& L  ^5 A, [( i

6 p0 B5 b, z  R7 `  P0 ]+ h9 m  文明是建立在古老结构上的一层薄薄的外表。4 O2 n8 Z0 l$ N( _5 M
/ ^& i+ h* y0 F, S$ Y: [+ }. `) h
  2.Book-matched and quartered cherry veneer recessed panel in base.3 N$ A% B6 n3 W1 K/ }/ I# Z* Z% m

/ I2 e5 S; V2 i1 G4 y  预订匹配和驻扎樱桃饰面休会小组在基地。
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