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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读练习材料:吃肉环保?

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 H* G. j6 j" W  W  In a new book, British farmer and former editor Simon Fairlie says eating meat in moderation may be good for the environment。8 m- ]# S  h1 \: y3 E6 j

7 f2 Z. O8 f, Y, `/ Q3 T0 i  Countless studies claim that eating meat harms the planet and contributes to global warming. The U.N.'s 2006 Food and Agriculture Organization report states that meat produces 18% of the world's carbon emissions — more than the global transport infrastructure. But in his new book, Meat: A Benign Extravagance, Simon Fairlie, a British farmer and former editor of the Ecologist magazine, tears apart the theory that being carnivorous is bad for the planet — and says that eating moderate amounts of meat could be greener than going vegan.
  k, U% ?, n3 R! F6 Q
9 I, W" y& a; k  Simon Fairlie 是英国的一个农场主,曾是《生态学家》杂志的编辑,在一本新书中他介绍道食用食量的肉类有益于环境。
. ~7 X* J" u, \+ D& d  i
. N& D6 N4 ~( X* `0 {  无数的研究都表明吃肉危害地球,推动了全球变暖。联合国粮农组织2006年的报告称肉类生产时的碳排放量达到了世界总量的18%,这比全球基础交通运输的碳排量还要高。但是在这本书中,肉类被称为良性奢侈品,Simon Fairlie反对食肉有害于地球这种观点,并且认为食用适量的肉类比素食更环保。
1 L' x* ?* L0 ?1 v4 t( O0 v5 R " B3 {% H" Z: @0 g1 W* [
  Why is livestock beneficial to the environment rather than being bad for the planet. ?( P2 e$ W% W' N1 c+ {2 v9 Q

+ O' |* `: v6 I1 z* _0 `) U# K  Every agricultural system produces a surplus of waste and hard-to-use biomass that is best kept in the food chain by feeding it to livestock. Meat or dairy produced this way has little extra environmental impact. Animals kept on small farms also produce benefits, such as fending off predators and pests and fertilizing soil.
2 m! c+ j" a% J' F- J5 {6 D' o
5 u* X* s% p6 d4 W6 p  为何牲畜对地球有利而不是有害?3 T+ x+ E1 J8 t
% S& ]2 O. Q7 l% V& r
& P$ A, a* y- L# ^4 [3 V! r; [ , r& N7 T9 O) e9 O% H: o
  What are the most sustainable types of meat to eat?
/ ^, K' w8 \% q6 u8 r/ K! j 1 Q2 ^  R9 a1 ]/ {9 h. Z
  Pigs fed off food waste, whey and other forms of garden and agricultural waste. Dairy cows that are eating grass and clover as part of mixed-arable rotation. They have very little toll on the environment and are, on balance, benign. The way forward is to switch to organic farming. We would have to cut meat consumption by half, but our dairy intake would remain about the same.# y. j4 g$ G2 b& u
: M9 C$ |5 H5 m& c6 n
& W! l% p! p, i- n, X ' Z; M, n8 p( f, _; T. ^4 r, h3 X
7 `, e- Y! B, j' c) L
! v, A2 [7 ?0 |! F  Notes: f' a/ `/ E7 N" I
' ]1 n( a/ v7 g- T  R* h
  1. In moderation: 适度地,有节制的" u  L. J9 E+ D6 `' I$ u

% Y* m- ?9 C# s4 H  2. Contribute to: help to cause sth 促成某事物:
- {' |5 F- L- n
8 Y; x1 D2 |; x% O& i  Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? 吸烟会导致肺癌吗?
$ o& V) @4 K. g- A # ^, |  K' j1 |& g( r4 V# |. n
  3. Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国粮农组织
8 M, O- r. F8 Z& w6 ~% I
/ B0 o, K# u0 f9 r  n  4. moderate:(量﹑ 强度﹑ 质等)中等的, 适度的
4 H5 y0 I& [) Z, Y  [
2 A/ U! J9 j6 A9 }) W& D' \" l. A  moderate price increases 适度的涨价
- G' M7 ~. _3 t* T6 j   p- {. u. J8 f5 h! \2 g
  5. beneficial:~ (to sth/sb) having a helpful or useful effect; advantageous 有益的; 有用的; 有好处的7 C7 p  n9 h3 u

4 r  F1 `! r2 R4 P- t! M. g  K' J1 Y- f  a beneficial result, influence, etc 有益的结果﹑ 影响等
) Z) ]: N+ R# Q   G  o1 H! k3 t
  Fresh air is beneficial to one's health. 新鲜空气有益於健康.

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