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[托福阅读] 托福趣味阅读:10SimpleWaystoStopBedroomClutter

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) S9 R  E0 y/ b  Here are10 Simple Ways to Stop Bedroom Clutter
' X' `2 C! }& G2 x) a$ P # H) d% ~; o& A0 X2 [" w4 }$ X
  1. Add a Trunk放一个箱子
  V+ G  E* D$ K$ j 2 \  T! O* `" [2 ^
  An attractive trunk at the end of a bed does double furniture duty. As a bench, it gives you a place to sit while you put on your shoes; as a storage chest, it holds extra blankets or pillows.- h; k1 Y4 q- f( V" m
6 w8 x3 ?+ ?5 F  c
8 I  O* K2 {1 h% V% Z  2. Like to Read in Bed?喜欢在床上看书5 D" U( h1 \2 R

& n' V0 `, A& \: C: R# ^  Mount a painted rectangular wood box on the wall on either side of the bed and you'll have a place to stash all your reading material, plus a reading lamp. Use dividers to organize stuff.: d. F! k  }/ f) N0 j
) g. a0 y( |0 U, [; r   3. Improve Drawer Space提高抽屉的空间
5 m& v2 @  `# {; x         Drawer dividers may also be made from 1/4-inch sheet acrylic (have the retailer cut the pieces to size, or cut them yourself using a fine blade in a table or radial arm saw). Butt the pieces together in whatever arrangement you desire; then bond the joints with acrylic solvent.! l$ G, C* x6 Z: F( y( `: g
  抽屉分隔器可能有四分之一英寸的塑料板(让零售商帮你消减尺寸,或自己用刀片切)。把碎片按照你的想法组装起来;然后用丙烯酸溶剂把他们粘好。8 w% H# p0 x1 ]. m- Z+ f; }

; x! B! e% g7 u( |+ D% z  4. Lamps Off Your Bedside Table清理床头桌/ {8 P/ ~) W# Y

* o% n0 z2 ?/ g2 e) e* L# X  To free up space on your nightstand, remove the lamp. Use a swing-arm floor lamp instead, or mount a swing-arm wall lamp above the headboard. Such fixtures allow you to adjust the lamp exactly the way you want it for reading. With the lamp out of the way, you'll have ample room on your nightstand for your alarm clock, book, and telephone.! g( o& B( `, u% J" p  ^$ y: B. R
  清空床头桌,把台灯拿开。用摇臂式的落地灯,或在床头板上安装一个摇臂式壁灯。床头桌上没有了台灯,你就有足够的空间放闹钟,书籍和电话。$ ^  I# S; Y- \: o6 m! m: R' h# h$ q) Z

  a0 @2 p) y2 l& M& s  5. Electronic Armoire电子衣柜% R' E9 ?# d- q1 x% B
% W* S% ?" Q3 U' O/ g+ l6 L/ f8 C2 s
  Cloak the clutter of a bedroom TV, VCR, and stereo equipment in a handsome armoire. Look for a piece that has interior electrical outlets, pivoting platforms, and doors that virtually disappear—either into the cabinet itself or flat against its sides when they are opened.
% Y5 B$ x# U/ p# N  把卧室里的电视机,录像机,和家庭影院藏到衣柜里。在衣柜里或另外一边找个地方有电源插座,旋转平台,门,几乎都看不到。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


6. Adjust Your Patterns调整模式  + C* L- P! }( a" D2 X
  Small patterns look best on the smaller things in the room—lampshades, pillow shams, bedside-table covers, and bed skirts. Larger patterns look great in broad swaths—bedspreads and voluminous window treatments. Adjusting the patterns in your bedroom can make a room seem less cluttered and can also bring a calming mood." \0 J' Q$ F7 V6 V+ ]- v5 t. ]8 {
  小型模式房间里的最好放小的东西——灯罩,枕套,床头桌罩和睡衣。而较大的模式就要大片的感觉——床单和大的窗帘。调整好模式会让卧室看起来美那么零乱,也给人带来平静的心情。. S" F* A8 c7 h% k+ b+ a" O
: K* V% F/ C- l, L1 j8 m! L
  7. Head of the Bed床头
$ v( N1 |6 a" t # H; c9 Y! h. G2 A" P
  For attractive, ample storage, move out a headboard and night tables and move in a combination of stock cabinets and open shelving units. Available through many home centers, the cabinets can be combined to meet individual needs and are less expensive than custom built-ins.
# p: Z1 f4 y2 u) V  为了好看,充足的储存,移开床头板和床头桌,把东西移到储物柜和架子上。适用于许多家庭,储物柜可以根据个人需要组装,而且比定制的便宜很多。. b4 h& f% v0 H0 l7 L

# j- g4 {4 _6 V) B  8. Make Space Under the Bed腾出床下的空间
* D; w4 }5 t- B , W( r: [) l; V5 B
  Make use of drawers from an old dresser that's not being used. Install four rollers on an old dresser drawer, fill it up, and roll it under the bed.) ]9 Z& I, e" X5 h
( P: R& h$ B" ]" K, F9 V4 h3 q+ f
/ D& C% [# i5 _- q" G9 D  9. Sliding Tray滑托盘
9 N1 t7 [2 I! y. S
$ Z2 g! T" k, E2 w% m1 i  Here's a way to increase a deep drawer's usable space. Make a box of 1/2-inch plywood and support it on hardwood runners glued to the sides of the drawer. The tray should be half the drawer's width or length so that you can slide it aside for easy access to the bottom of the drawer. Or make the tray full length and add handles for easy lift-out.
( A3 j" e- R+ z6 j  有一种方法能扩大抽屉的可用空间。做一个0.5英寸夹板,再把他粘到+ G" v: m! b5 r' }' x

2 t& C4 o) U+ ~8 K( v5 D  10. No Tight Spots别太紧凑9 I  N2 U" ?& l6 Z* M  n* |/ G0 N
4 [: u6 X/ G, t+ z& O7 m; y
  When arranging furniture, allow some empty space on each side of the bed for dressing as well as making the bed and vacuuming. This will help you keep areas clean and prevent small areas with little "breathing room" from becoming clutter-traps.
# g2 r5 d! C: _$ K  \  摆放家具时,要在床的两边留一些空间,穿衣服,铺床和打扫。这样容易保持清洁,并且可以防止很小喘息空间成为垃圾堆。" g! D9 T) K* a

8 _; G% g! Z5 O3 Y  Vocabulary
7 {, s' H( U$ f# G  t  U
. \0 D3 p" f$ y+ v  trunk n.树干, (汽车后部)行李箱, 大箱子, 象鼻, 躯干 (复)trunks: 男用运动裤
) y: H* X3 ~% h. E: `5 b 9 I5 @0 y: P3 B+ R# w8 h5 h
  mount v.登上,爬上, 装上 n.底板,爬上,支架,乘用马 n.山,峰
+ q6 Z) Y3 N* X0 K0 S! k( Y
$ R9 T/ `! P* U3 s! a  stash vt. 隐藏, 储藏n. 隐藏地点, 隐藏物
' o5 A! d- J4 w3 p* Y+ q
( b( p, J3 F$ l# ^. B/ ~8 Y  swing-arm 摇臂式: C+ A. d/ g. Q# P5 g
! l- j6 z, Y; z5 }
  cloak n.斗蓬,披风;掩饰,幌子 vt.掩盖,掩饰
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