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[托福阅读] 托福英语阅读材料:全球最昂贵的IPhone问世

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) t. v' L; y- d! M4 P0 [  This incredible iPhone 4 was yesterday unveiled as the world's most expensive mobile - worth a jaw-dropping ?5 MILLION. The handset is wrapped in more than 500 individual flawless cut diamonds totalling 100 carats.
/ ~- L5 W$ m( I" \  一款外壳镶嵌钻石的Iphone4一经问世,立马凭借“璀璨的外表”夺得了众人的目光。这款高达500万英镑的手机很快就排在“世界上最昂贵手机”名单的榜首。据悉,这款手机上镶嵌了500颗切割精细的钻石,而钻石的总重量则达到了100克拉。
" P+ S* M' u( a& s+ Q) W6 o  It features two interchangeable diamonds which fit over the 'home' button - a single cut 7.4 carat pink diamond and a rare 8 carat single cut flawless diamond which are together worth more than ?4 million.
7 Y( y$ m- q# a* ]6 c. b4 Z+ @: m  另外,这款手机上的钻石也不平常。记者获悉,机身上配备有两枚镶嵌在“返回”按键上的可以交替使用的钻石:一颗是重量达7.4克拉的粉红钻石,而另外一颗则是八面切割的8克拉稀有钻石。据悉,光这两颗钻石的价值就超过了400万英镑。
1 q# ]8 i) P$ ^& g7 m# R' g( J* Y* s
% M6 @8 k9 @1 ?1 W* ~2 W1 Q  The back of the phone is plated in rose gold and the Apple logo glitters with 53 diamonds.0 M0 e8 D* [9 ^; I- t5 |: w
  机身的背面颜色为罕见的“玫瑰金”,而“苹果标志”则是由53颗钻石镶嵌而成。" \: V6 a; R0 C. E

7 N% x! W! g( k4 Q$ H2 {( S0 K  British designer Stuart Hughes, 38, of Liverpool, was commissioned to make two of the bespoke handset by a mega-rich Australian businessman. He said: 'It was a fantastic challenge and I am really pleased with the end result - the phones look superb. 'Phones are so popular at the moment and this is the ultimate design for one. It was a very exciting project. 'It is amazing that someone is prepared to spend ?5 million on a phone, I doubt it will get used because it is worth so much money. 'It would be a disaster if it was ever lost.'
! u, m3 C# `) _1 y& H  38岁的英国设计师Stuart Hughes说,这个手机是独一无二的,完全是为个别人定制的特别款。也许,花费500万买一台手机那简直就是疯了。我怀疑,这个手机并不实用,因为手机实在太贵了,要是一不小心弄丢,那可就真惨了。

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