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[托福阅读] 托福英语阅读材料:BabyTastePreference

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ k  E3 R- T9 U  Want to know how to reduce pickiness in your child's diet? Find out on this Moment of Science.
6 v! e, B8 F* Y' g
. f; a; a- b1 Y6 q. ~2 ~( f  Our lifelong food preferences are largely shaped by the foods we’re exposed to early on in childhood. This process begins before we even taste solid foods. If introduced early enough, we’ll happily accept flavors that our own parents might (1)turn their noses up at.
% ~% I4 A% n- x
. ^+ m( |0 C' G; c- i1 b% Z  For instance, there is an (2)infant formula designed to aid digestion, which has a bitter (3)aftertaste that parents find (4)unappealing. They assume that their babies couldn’t possibly like it. If they wait until their babies are seven months old to introduce the formula, their assumption will probably be right.0 Z, t# P; ], p9 e
& y+ X9 c; w/ e  L$ n
  However, if they introduce the formula to the child within its first four months of life, the baby will accept the formula and continue to accept it. So if a mother (5)breastfeeds that mean that by eating vegetables, her baby will be exposed to the flavors of vegetables through her breast milk.
$ y. @+ D. J% ?6 |
- y  j7 M' G( d7 V  If a mother eats a varied diet, then her breast milk can naturally introduce a wide variety of flavors to her baby early on. And the wider variety of flavors children are exposed to, the more likely they are to eat a varied diet later on in life.$ H5 `8 u* i1 H0 I7 b) r+ s

1 ^$ C/ ^: g! h0 M7 ?1 {  译文:
& z2 a0 z* \7 P/ t& C 9 l/ y& E6 e, R" B; P$ Y
  婴儿口味偏好/ G/ e$ b' S/ T2 n% G
& V3 @, B7 Q4 F7 q% F
  我们一生的食物偏好大多数取决于在童年时期接触到的食物。在我们接触固体食物以前,这个过程已经开始了。如果及早接触的话,我们可能会接受父母嗤之以鼻的口味。( Q. I8 e* @) H  C8 n" t

  Y! M3 N% A& f& X3 I7 {5 f1 h- Q  比如,有一个帮助消化的婴儿配方食物,回味起来苦涩无比,家长们都不喜欢。他们猜测自己的孩子可能也不喜欢。如果直到孩子7个月大的时候,才给他们喂养这种食物的话,家长们的猜测也许是对的。) F' B* _7 N! Q# O
7 W: a$ Z6 N- ?5 }6 p; l" W
4 \4 M: a  ]( N  g" ^/ D# B+ k5 V
% N0 N" n3 \- P& @: I  假如一位母亲有多样化的饮食,她的母乳在婴儿早期就能介绍各种不同的口味给孩子。孩子接触到的口味越广,他们食用多样化食物的可能性就越大。' D, i) H% m; x# E. c) S

" r, e; j6 u6 ~$ O9 |  Notes:
2 n- V" u9 k7 i 9 W$ Z" M; k5 j8 A0 R3 X! @% _
  (1)Turn one's nose up at 看不起
" x0 _* r9 `9 E" }5 x
, Q2 J# `$ n0 v+ G5 a* S# y  He was such an arrogant person that he would turn his nose up at anyone with a funny accent.& E/ J) x+ M% M5 [/ Q

+ q7 F8 Y/ V( @  {  他是个傲慢的人,看不起任何说话口音重的人。! q, R+ z8 w0 U

9 S7 b) ~! r- ]* `( J  (2)infant formula 婴儿配方;婴儿配方食品
  k* Q3 Y8 w+ c3 v ' |. k6 l% z. `0 R, Y( y( o
  (3)aftertaste ['ɑ:ftəteist, 'æf-] n.回味;余韵
# c4 e2 c' }* T, ]6 d# H% h
" P. z. u" ~) ?# @8 ?! ^' u/ I  (4)unappealing [,ʌnə'pi:liŋ] adj.不能打动人的;无吸引力
/ z8 G; Y* u- W, Y/ B
1 D; u* S' ]7 W+ K: ]  During the interview, be confident but not cocky. Overconfidence is just as unappealing as its opposite.
; @- h9 C* x' b! t% y
5 S8 Z; \9 E! f+ h% Z) v+ w+ t  在面试中,要自信而不要自大。过度自信往往会起到相反的效果。
9 ^/ B  z6 G7 }! _& Y+ a ! D+ H7 U' y2 X5 B) G
  (5)breastfeed ['brestfi:d] adj.以母奶养育的 n.母乳喂养 vt.以母乳喂养
% b. r9 h* `* z
7 m/ S! T/ @/ X. l$ @  There are several reasons some mothers may not be able to breastfeed.* r/ c, M+ v7 {" i5 Z& s, _

6 |% i; a9 ~9 g$ I' R+ T) K  有些母亲没能够进行母乳喂养,原因是多样的。

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