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[托福阅读] 托福英语阅读材料:CocoaandBloodFlow

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ A" C8 _: M: g9 T  ^: k( [4 j) ?  There’s nothing like a cup of hot cocoa on a blustery day.
' j) y" d& g' D' D8 |- ?- I( Y  大风的日子里没有什么比得上一杯热可可饮料。
7 w7 g# T3 {! ~9 Z% t3 k8 V2 K
+ ~. F! w: y# t1 E# {: j  According to one study, some kinds of cocoa could not only taste good, but be good for you, too.
$ y6 o! Y$ s9 X7 w  {2 w2 `- Q: B  一项研究表明,某些可可品种不仅味道好,而且对身体也很有益。
0 A# K& q5 R' a- _1 J9 r2 q
2 M) `& p5 h3 i8 Z3 h4 l- _  Evidence suggests that flavanol(1) found in cocoa can actually reverse arterial damage, increase blood flow to the brain, and lower your chances for cardiovascular disease(2)
- ~, M4 w6 A/ P  相关证据表明可可中含有的黄烷醇可以逆转动脉损伤,增加至大脑的血流量,并且降低患心血管疾病的可能性。
4 b/ L7 g& j! u, }2 d9 z * g9 x9 V7 f8 W4 b
  Cocoa contains chemical compounds called flavanols. Scientists think that flavanols boost(3) the level of nitric oxide in the blood, which makes arteries(4) more flexible. The more flexible an artery, the better able it is to expand as it fills with blood and contract as it pushes blood farther down the line.
7 q0 N7 _( ^2 ?9 l; b5 M  O: l  可可中包含一种被称为黄烷醇的化学成分。科学家认为黄烷醇可以增加血液中的一氧化氮的含量,让动脉更加的灵活。动脉越灵活,动脉能够在填充血液和推动血液流动的时候更好的扩张和收缩。
0 W- t9 Y" ]& I % G0 ^4 |( i# m0 W! x& o% v& _
  Some compelling(5) evidence for the arterial benefits of flavanols comes from the San Blas islands near Panama. The Kuna Indians who live there drink a kind of cocoa high in flavanols. Kuna who live on mainland Panama, though, don’t drink the cocoa. Researchers found that the island-dwelling Kuna have much lower rates of cardiovascular disease and cancer than the mainland dwellers.: r" f  y; R. Y* X/ C* s
5 ~8 s1 W6 |* S; M2 k7 s( B
. G8 r' G3 t3 E- }  This doesn’t mean that flavanols are the only reason why island-dwelling Kuna tend to be healthier, but researchers think it’s an important part of the mix. Add in several other studies showing the benefits of flavanols for blood flow, and they begin to seem pretty attractive. One study showed that flavanols can reverse arterial damage caused by smoking. Another found that when study participants over 50 drank flavanol-rich cocoa for several weeks, blood flow to their brains increased significantly.1 r3 K! s) D5 b/ J2 ^7 N
" A  E6 O- b7 {% F2 b1 e
' N% {3 Q8 M$ W( F6 Q6 v+ c3 f3 [) ]% r6 _: B  Notes
' d/ q4 f. c  A ( F) _1 q# A# E3 `# j2 a8 N5 q& V
  1. Flavanol: 黄烷醇
' Y: `  X* S1 ^3 Y3 I" n , ~! G, e: o6 m7 }( G8 ^8 a4 v
  2. Cardiovascular disease: 心血管病4 X8 j! D9 g: y1 _

4 E4 W2 v' r$ P- V, b2 ~" V  3. Boost: v. increase the strength or value of (sth); help or encourage (sb/sth) 增强(某事物)的力 量; 提高(某事物)的价值; 帮助; 鼓励; 促进(某人[某事物])
) |9 |! H( o/ V! |2 {  V+ H$ t 5 z* l2 t7 H: \5 q
  boost an electric current 增强电流
9 t+ ?7 P6 U8 l: w : X+ m, J. }& J: P; |
  boost imports, share prices, the dollar, etc 增加进口﹑ 提高股票价格﹑ 提高美元汇价
, I! i- V5 c7 X  B
: p1 W! e7 h1 m. O  boost production 促进生产
5 H1 @. K9 H6 w/ x0 ~, n9 y0 a
8 L& P7 f. Y6 {7 X  The unexpected win boosted the team's morale. 意外的胜利鼓舞了全队的士气.
- O' P; i* X: v3 ]! G0 B' | / b# J- q! c( C5 ^6 o
  4. Artery: n. any of the tubes carrying blood from the heart to all parts of the body 动脉.
* a' i5 ^4 o. @. U; k: i& B, _9 B+ P+ \% w 0 u0 x& C/ r) I. k
  important route for traffic or transport, eg a road, railway line or river 干线(交通或0 \; ^( R0 Q- w$ M' h9 K
2 x! M4 t! }' g8 n3 f' D
  运输的重要路线, 如公路﹑ 铁路线或河流).- o; E2 E: e% X( @
- j4 `( Z1 E6 d1 o) w
  5. Compelling: adj.引人注目的, 令人信服的

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