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[托福阅读] 托福英语阅读材料:男女搭配真的不累?

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 ?' Q; u1 ~4 c, ~: {. d: s. D' z  俗话说男女搭配干活不累,现在又有一种新的诠释称为“男女搭配学习带劲。” 前不久,新闻里就有这样的一则报道,某大学为提高学生的学习积极性新兴了一种学习模式“异性陪读”,意思就是一男一女混搭成为一组互相鼓劲,互相帮助,互相督促,共同学习共同进步。这意愿是好的,可真这样做起来效果如何呢?这种“异性陪读”的方式到底有多少可行性?, ~7 e. P9 W' a; v) D
  As a traditional Chinese saying goes: Picking together is always more fun. Now there is a interesting interpretation about it, that is “It will be a cushy/soft job,if both sexes study together.” Shortly before, news reported that X university develped a learning pattern--study with the opposite sex so as to inspire students interesting in study. This learning pattern refers to both sexes study together and show mutual support, mutual help and mutual push to each other, so that they can make up one's own deficiencies and achieve common progress. Of course, that college did that with good intentions. However, what the effects of carrying out this study pattern will be? Is it practicable?
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$ D3 t; U; D4 h$ N& H9 D- r- i" S  我不知道权威的专家怎么看,但我个人认为这种方式不妥。首先学习的兴趣不是靠外在的环境来激发的,这种积极性是由心而生的,一心想学习的学生不用为他创造学习环境,他也会自己寻找机会学习,甚至你想阻止他学习想打消他学习的热情都不可能,因为在他的心中有远大的理想,有前进的方向和目标,更有进步的动力,他们有自己的打算有自己的抱负,所以这样的学生不用人督促他也可以全身心的投入到学习中,也可以说这样的学生根本不需要异性同学的陪伴。  @+ q. F" j9 u; f
  I don’t know authorities’views, but I personally don’t think it is a proper way. Firstly, enthusiasm for learning is not stimulated by surrounding environment, while it comes from deepest feelings-our mind. He who dreams of studying never need any “made” learning environment. Because he looks for opportunities himself. And it is impossible to kill his passion for studying by interruptting. He is a " guy" with big dreams, realistic goals and driving forces; he gets plans and ambitions in his mind. So he can completely involved without push. In other words, students like “he” don' t need the company of the opposite sex at all.* R2 g* E0 v; R

4 V! x/ s& S1 u  人的心就像一个容器,装下这个就盛不了那个,你专心学习工作就没有闲心去考虑别的,如果满脑子是乱七八糟的污秽杂念,永远学不好,也永远不会有所作为。
- g! X  M/ ~. E9 W) f8 L  Human heart is like a pot,which can only hold “one”. If you concentrate on what you are doing, other things can hardly attract you. if you are full of odd thoughts, you’ll fail and never succeed.  a' {/ s6 O5 d4 j" Y

5 {1 W$ [* e. P1 o" m+ p1 \  我并不支持异性陪读这种学习方式,当然这只是我个人意见,也许人们的初衷是好的,是希望每位在校的大学生都能珍惜时间把握机会专心学习。所有的大学生能够明白老师们的良苦用心,真正有所觉悟,用心读书并且有所成就,用自己的实际行动回报父母回报老师回报社会.
5 B0 N' }* E# w- Y6 M1 E, g  I don’t support “study with the opposite sex”, but that’s just my pointview. Maybe college did that with good intentions. They may hope every students learn to value time studying. So students should understand teachers’cares, be conscious and get down to studies. Use practical actions to redound on parents, repay teacher's kindness and reciprocate the society.

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