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[托福阅读] 托福考试:历年阅读真题涉及词汇收集整理(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Precarious 不稳定的 uncertain
2 H# Z( v4 L; P7 h3 c  Settled 固定的 stable
; O7 Q: k7 _$ @' r7 j2 i+ h  Chronicle 记载,记录,编年史 describe) T7 s. A+ t* \
  Ornate 装饰的,华丽的 elaborate
$ ~4 S" h9 i. |4 [0 X  Derived from 起源 based on, ^- e4 Q% w# x9 _
  Various 不同的,多样的different
& u  L' N( b, F6 \  Account for 解释 explain) W! o  |# i6 ]' v8 k: u
  Subjugated 征服 conquered
8 `( ~. {5 o# r% [. H. y; P  Synonymous with 同义的 equivalent to
) g4 U6 }- `& S4 J( A8 I  Excavating 挖掘 digging
# \7 Z# S1 |& G( N  Agents 动因,代理人 causes& b" [6 ^. @( M) y# l$ \( c( ?
  Aided 帮助的 helped
3 s1 q. z& d! R) B  Estimated 评估 judged5 U) K3 Z! E0 b3 g' j/ I
  Pry off 翘起 remove
) [+ ^! Y. \/ t) Z+ n- @  Littered 杂乱堆满,乱丢 covered6 h4 N3 z) Z2 y$ C$ W8 G7 e3 Q) C
  Preserved 保持,保存 protected from destruction) I+ S5 S5 m4 Z% @" y3 y
  Constant 持续的,一致的 consistent+ z" b5 N  i- m- m% K! L
  Attained 达到,获得 achieved
8 b2 j  F" S8 s3 R0 Q$ X( \  Resumed 再继续,重新开始 began again
3 P/ m8 T' T: Z* s; m8 c  Attests to 证明 give evidence of
6 Z3 m. m1 w0 M+ [  K& k+ I  Drab 单调的 dull
- i! }: L% x* u+ y  Prominent 显著的,突出的 noticeable
8 b; _- f( I, p7 n1 D$ \$ b  Yet 仍,至今 so far: \( E% T, l! S3 V! ]$ ]9 J
  Rudimentary 根本的,未发展的 basic
0 @% y9 u6 j# f: V  ^- O  Biting 尖锐的 sharp3 R5 {8 o5 Q) H4 n6 o$ L# w
  Heightened 提高,提升 increased. O8 |1 u+ n; a% v0 w( [3 Y
  Meticulous 小心翼翼的 careful" Y1 X8 S9 S; e! F
  Accumulated 积聚,积累 built up
& y/ |; V% A. U- Q7 e, S. s  Tantamount to 与……相等的 practically the same as
$ R' ~& R5 z( B  Remarkable 非凡的,显著的 extraordinary
# q2 O* V$ V  P( p0 M  Link 连结,联合 connection
9 x  _- E4 I3 v0 X' J1 X1 V) L  Surge 汹涌,激增 sharp increase
( ]& Y# E9 W. F  Unprecedented 空前的,前所未闻的 not seen before# }3 G% O1 t' h/ _9 Y5 ~
  Obscure 模糊的,朦胧的 unclear0 X- F4 `  Y3 C# m
  Display 陈列展示 exhibit4 M; b$ a! I( @6 ]6 z+ Q
  Load 负荷,重担 weight
4 n4 i& G+ D9 G7 I( @6 Z  Precise 精确的 accurate
3 n3 F6 L  K3 M0 C5 i' m# U* m  Exercise 训练,使用 utilize
" c" x4 }! _; O2 u# j6 A! B7 w  Elicit 得出,引出 bring out( \& |( Q: F2 h6 w/ i( b9 W
  Probe 探查 explore
: C. r6 v* z3 K& W  Prolific 多产的,丰富的 fruitful
7 f( w; w2 Y+ o  r8 z  Ideal 理想的perfect
% g/ T( [/ D8 S+ I  Standard 标准 customary
# C- S$ l9 I: s9 j4 V1 H: P  Strain 疲劳,紧张 stress
0 F; _' f- q* ]( V; m, n& l  Accordingly 因此,从而 consequently
. m3 g/ `$ b( @* n# l" F: n  Teeming with 充满了,丰富的 full of& u8 N" M" J9 F4 R5 y' t# P; W2 y
  Resemble 类似,模仿 appear similar to
& d' e7 L7 O; f" p  Postulated 假定,假设 suggested) g* G; `9 m0 R- f# X2 k
  Depended 依靠 relied
# T' u* z) I' W  Subscribed 订阅,赞成 agreed with" ~) y$ d; m2 G* L3 x) t0 s$ L- b
  Stunning 极好的 impressive 感人的,印象深刻的
( R! F$ J) m2 w$ }  Spawn 产生,制造 create$ l$ K2 h0 Z4 b, d" j4 Q' C9 H
  Partitioning 分割,划分 division, o8 V* ]5 ]! ]* a/ M% |. g
  Enhances 增强,提高 increased
/ v! x: B& [" E- E: C& g  Transition 转换,过渡 change
4 N! E' g5 X, q3 _4 J  Ignited 点燃 set on fire
' t/ k8 X6 W2 p3 h1 {5 e  Evolution 发展,演化 development+ ]7 k' a0 \" n) \" u! G
  Momentarily 即刻 briefly
' r/ x# W9 |9 Q! b  Depict 描述 represent
; K9 y3 ]+ D0 q: v+ C7 b5 j  Advent 出现,到来 arrival
1 ]" `5 L, s' M+ c! V  Affront 侮辱,冒犯 insult& C: n3 g: [2 D! O* o2 n
  Intriguing 迷人的 fascinating
3 x8 r& o6 m9 n* \0 [4 @+ _2 N  w; O, n  Endless 无止境的 continuous连续的/ T6 w# M- B+ W' u! q1 y8 @! G: E
  Adequate 充分的,足够的 sufficient
( |* r6 M) i# J& `$ w6 W) ~  Rather than 胜于 instead of 而不是5 n7 |$ K' c- ~$ @2 M5 ~
  Forage 觅食 search for food
1 Q( y! Z& c+ E* s  Intermittently 间歇地periodically周期性的
# I* H2 f# N2 }' @0 ^  Furnish 供应,提供 provide$ a3 ]& h. W4 U8 i! d
  Oscillating 震荡,摇摆 swinging# P' E& s  e/ @
  Ultimately 最终 in the end2 W- l! P4 F- m5 N% Q# K0 ~4 z, U! \
  Compelling 强迫地,又说服力的 forceful0 R% K6 |7 A$ ]0 E: E+ Y" {* W
  Exceptional 异常地,意外地 remarkable 不平常地,显著地
6 S6 e! h2 R4 d2 a  Enhancement 增加/进 improvement
7 `) ?9 m6 X, B$ ~' v" J  Revitalize 新生 bring new life to" h' Z6 a! P- s, n" p! L
  Executing 执行,制造 producing
8 z: _, F# T( v  Allay 减轻,减少 reduce
$ L2 X/ X6 `; F2 @  Permeated 弥漫,渗透 spread through% G7 z$ g- v6 w& n6 c
  Testimony to 证词/明evidence of" `- A4 ]8 U  g+ }3 l
  Hardiest 坚硬 most vigorous# A- W' R' {: B# b) j
  Framework 框架,结构 structure9 r4 A% y7 {& W7 M( q7 d
  Prolonged 延长的extended
. L+ y2 F; d* @+ y( S9 C" j* u" R/ X  Encounter 遭遇 meet" a5 V* m5 X4 a! O. t( P; Z3 d
  Fortuitous 偶然的,幸运的lucky
( P4 L5 s' y0 h: p3 W  Thwarted 阻挠,挫败 frustrated失败的,落空的
+ ?& a) \- F% u  m' |  Scattered 分散的irregularly distributed
  q( p8 I9 X5 R5 K  By virtue of 由于 because of* Z6 x/ X9 T5 M% m( z; g
  Circumscribed 限制 restricted
1 e% A  N+ g5 |, m0 c  Indeterminate 不确定的uncertain
3 e7 l! `3 ]! F2 u! y) {6 P$ V  Enveloped 包围着 surrounded 环绕地
% q& Z% c2 X2 i: l  Gradually 逐渐地 by degrees
4 w/ {1 _; }' A7 d: w  At any rate 无论如何 regardless 不管

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