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[托福阅读] 托福考试:历年阅读真题涉及词汇收集整理(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Intent 目的,意向 goal# D8 [  h4 g3 U- y% b+ ^2 d$ G
  Administered 管理 managed  T) g+ J: w& t3 o+ |3 U, P$ p
  Periphery 外围 outer edge% {! @4 l+ z7 O5 E
  Inception 起初beginning6 r/ \; D8 M! y( Q1 A+ c
  Fabricating 构成,虚构constructing
  h0 n5 I% y' z7 Z' @  Resort to 采取using
9 h" u3 B8 u5 O. ]  Ingenuity 机灵,灵巧resourcefulness
' |! o* N8 R# g- d9 Y  Functional 有功能的,有用的usable
1 j: H- j4 U8 T8 ~  Significant 有意义的meaningful, G6 K* l; p" I9 h" d
  Attained 获得reached: t$ G8 ~: s0 n4 p# Z) _
  Flamed 燃烧burned
3 M: O1 I( d. @  Encompass包围,环绕 include
# _: e3 [. o2 ~" r7 y  Came to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要 became important
/ z4 G2 {% u5 b0 B3 Z$ k# H  Hinged on 依赖 depended on
4 Y+ b% A& t( k8 A+ k6 J  Lured 引诱attracted
0 _. e1 i/ [0 l- T0 x  Expendable消费品,可以牺牲的 nonessential) B6 e8 W5 |( d2 q+ y# `
  Notwithstanding 尽管despite1 j; B$ a8 v" S- u7 |; I1 g
  Intricate 错综复杂的complex& |# f6 v2 ^: \) }+ Q- S. E. T
  Random 任意的unpredictable  y- g' I$ F% [3 H  I
  Optimal 最佳的,最理想的best, _# e; O% u2 z1 S6 x; ?
  Urged 催促encouraged
8 A' d( j/ ]) l3 K5 A  Carried on 继续 continued
8 u7 {, L+ H% I  Diverse 不同的varied
7 R: R8 v- R' O; E+ E4 P  Ensures确保 guarantees" C  Q/ b* s4 S/ ]
  Suitable 合适的,适宜的appropriately6 p( J( U8 o' s' M9 n; }8 [
  Scares 稀有rare
/ d0 C% Q, P  q: C6 W* K" T3 y9 _  Resemble 类似look like. ~$ j, P. \2 z, N
  Coarse 粗糙的crude
* t* z% w3 p+ f, f  Brittle易碎的,脆弱的 easily broken
5 _( L2 k& M8 [7 }) l' P  Appreciated赏识,意识到 recognized
5 t. b+ j' e! d  Merely 仅仅only
5 t2 P3 N) q& f. H5 @1 @  Emitting 发出producing
% f: _' Q+ i* O; l  I' y+ S  Spanning 跨越 cover8 ~8 R" {2 F1 `6 d" V
  Pursue 追赶catch
" O% T9 C1 G, U. `5 J+ Y  Altogether 完全的completely& [* G! R+ e; x, Q' Y
  Intensive 集中的,透彻的concentrated- G6 L# }+ S, n  r8 r! i- s3 L
  Prevailed 流行,盛行dominated
' R8 I0 M! _) g# B  Depicted 描述described
* b9 ?  E8 s+ ?2 X" G  Foremost 首要的 leading7 ?0 \$ X9 H2 i. l
  Meteoric流星的,迅速的 rapid
9 Y/ `, V$ N2 M: f6 |( m  Apace with 快速的,急速的as fast as7 N. n* c) m7 g* }+ b4 G* N
  Wider 宽广的more extensive
3 [% N" M% w8 k  Thereby 因此,在那方面by that means( b& T7 ?- o' k3 k# p
  Unique 唯一的,独特的singular2 f( F8 s9 a5 d4 d! m
  Rotting 腐烂的decaying2 y* f% d5 ^0 r  F
  Key 关键的important
6 c4 [/ a, Q5 Q; f6 A6 V  K  M  Converted修改 changed9 O9 U4 _1 G4 F
  Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor  i& i& [( H3 ^0 L
  Appealing吸引人的 attractive
$ b* ?* R* t% }7 ?" @; o  Local 场所place" i- Y: G4 U7 a& v  u/ u  ]
  Boosted推进 raised
# o* c: r. U5 s1 I  Scope 范围extent
; `6 D  m. z8 [% U/ T9 B  Prolific多产的,丰富的 productive7 w+ o; @3 X2 n; b  z
  Eager 热心的,渴望的enthusiastic
2 {: c( e+ K$ d& ~  E  Engaged使用,雇佣 hire' u8 t$ t+ T, i' t) a& }1 L- [
  Subsequent后来的 later5 O$ _" q! |+ b1 X# a' q5 f7 y* h
  Sums 总数amounts+ f0 H* ~- t8 N8 k; ]
  Identical同样的 exactly alike
3 S1 @$ q+ _) Z2 ]- b  h  Graphic生动的,鲜明的 vivid: y6 ^+ n2 Q1 V; X$ l2 [& M9 l' n7 C
  Undoubtedly 毫无疑问的certainly; ^" q0 |4 [4 E  \& H
  Components 组成部分parts9 r9 |/ U  y$ f( C5 @: Q+ r" j* E
  Besides 除此之外in addition to$ f& M1 I( s$ S
  Flourished繁荣,昌盛 thrived. D1 i7 J7 N2 r- E* c3 f! ^" Q
  Grumbled 抱怨,牢骚complained! g0 b" G% Y  m# B
  Serve服务,适合 function
! W, g9 J: @( ]1 K' o9 d' a4 T  Sole 唯一的only
& z( l7 `2 L' W% s. y  k" L' K  Detecting 发现finding
! B+ T0 F, p& a, f+ f  Sedentary久坐的,不活动的 inactive
( z) ~6 k1 o9 g3 x* d: J  Subjected 受影响的exposed) c  C% t5 H! i! B
  Essence 本质,精华basic nature
6 b. o7 ^3 |  o9 C# \* n- @  ~  [  Diverse 不同的different/ O, R% S  b; S6 M
  Noted 注意到 observed
  v" z9 k& s" `6 P  Emphasize 强调stress  ~# o) ?- h0 O2 x7 ]3 L
  Accessible易接近的,可靠近的available/ N9 B( n+ Q" f
  Account for 解释,说明explain
% R0 Q: X4 E. L& C  Smooth operation 顺利进行 effective functioning
& g" r+ [; C) k  n0 x  Cluster 成群 group
$ S+ f; S" f- k; k' X  Alert 警惕 ware
$ \; F) M" ^; r; {; s  Scurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushing6 p9 k6 V; D+ F* O" z
  Formidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficult# w7 y9 U# r! R& j+ |9 O- Q( T
  Intent 目的,意向 purpose
; r! M6 V1 [1 I! [4 z  Regardless of 不管,不顾no matter what' n  Q4 ]& u4 `$ Q) H
  Marked 显著地noticeable+ `  ^) u" K  g$ m. w, I; p  K" R
  Confine 限制 restrict- v# D* w% n5 @) U) e3 m
  Presumably 推测,大概 probably* v$ E" O6 r, {# S  B' K& b
  Sustain 支撑,持续 support
$ z* j0 I9 b/ @) P4 V* E2 _7 {  Insignificant 无关紧要的unimportant
& X0 X! `4 j' K2 H, w! W  Ultimately 最后,最终 eventually- p. W: k  \' P8 I6 P
  Demise 死亡 death
7 @; Y7 R# k# X; ~# ]  Convert 转变 change) t+ C, w! g, g6 I
  Primarily 主要地,根本上 chiefly" R4 x/ t. N# ?( I) J) i9 e' D
  Prevailing 流行的dominant5 b$ |% k; I' h8 [# P% Q7 {$ z
  Undergone 经历 experienced6 E5 }: G6 a( A9 c8 R
  Vast 巨大的 great

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