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[托福阅读] 2012托福考试复习:双语阅读篇七

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Forget wine bars, fashion boutiques and Wi-Fi hot spots. At four U.S. airports, the most popular new feature is a security line that lets a select few travelers whiz through the screening process with their shoes on, their laptops stowed and their dignity intact.
& l, w5 }  k: s* E+ |
) w! `* A( S! K4 f: ]For now, only high-mileage members of the frequent-flier programs of Delta Air Lines Inc. and American Airlines, along with U.S. citizens enrolled in any of three 'trusted traveler' programs run by the U.S. government, have a shot at this red-carpet treatment.
# ^) W4 \& i5 h" W; J
1 e+ {% ]; z4 |7 x1 YThe expedited screenings, which the Transportation Security Administration has been testing since Oct. 4, are available solely for domestic flights at invitation-only security lanes─one each at the Miami, Atlanta and Detroit airports and at Dallas/Fort Worth International.
! C$ P* Q8 Y" E  |3 I/ b) O$ v
  W% C! }& L1 H2 GThe pilot program, called TSA PreCheck, spares eligible passengers one of the biggest hassles of modern air travel: having to strip off their shoes, belts and jackets and put them in plastic bins, along with their wallets, computers and toiletries, before they and their belongings pass through metal detectors.
% p/ N# r: F' Q; P* N( n6 r% k$ ~$ |* k% r* U) ~
'This is absolutely, unequivocally the most convenient, exciting, enhanced passenger experience that's come to an airport since Sept. 11, 2001,' says Jason Muntz, a national account manager for a paint company.  Q- M) D8 Y$ M+ B, |1 p2 f) }6 z

- \: |, p0 U1 w6 PMr. Muntz, who flies 200,000 miles a year and is an elite Delta customer, says the new process at his hometown airport, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International, takes less than a minute, down from as long as 15 to 20 minutes in the line reserved for Delta's high-mileage fliers who aren't part of the new program.
1 p; R2 V; Z0 |
" @8 ~+ ~& I4 d5 y' h' L4 j6 j4 bThe TSA said this week it is extending the program to three more airports. In December, a special screening lane will be available to top-tier Delta and American passengers at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. In early 2012, the Minneapolis airport will offer a similar lane for elite Delta customers, and Los Angeles International Airport will provide one for their counterparts at American, a unit of AMR Corp.
& Z5 T" R8 Q+ ~0 Z: d6 X! u7 S1 n. C8 Y/ z) w
When the TSA announced the program in July, it said it eventually planned to expand it to more airports and carriers, including United Continental Holdings Inc., Southwest Airlines Co., US Airways Group Inc., JetBlue Airways Corp., and Alaska Air Group Inc.'s Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines. The agency declined to comment on when or where it might make further additions.) a2 ]) y6 K/ c' |) l5 l, h
7 M" \5 d5 r6 h  N
As many as 2,000 of the 1.7 million domestic passengers the TSA screens daily go through each of the four special lanes. They are greeted by new signs the agency has placed there that say such things as: 'Keep those shoes on. You busy traveler, you.'0 S% e( h' t; u9 S1 w1 ^! W( e

0 s  V0 y8 w8 K* {' E3 k- t'The ultimate goal is to move away from one-size-fits-all' security, says Robin Kane, the TSA's assistant administrator for security capabilities.
' v4 @1 p, e/ w9 w1 q
( i1 w5 }: g; m7 Z6 ]0 Q) lThe new approach is one of a series of programs the agency has introduced recently to adjust security measures to the degree of risk. Children age 12 and younger, for example, no longer need automatically remove their shoes at a security checkpoint. At five U.S airports, some airline pilots are allowed to clear security more quickly because the TSA can identify them and verify their employment.
* n  T" }! w/ }3 g/ v' t, H* I% b, o/ e  b& [8 }7 ^9 \
TSA PreCheck takes advantage of the vast pool of data airlines have about their most-frequent-flying loyalty-program members. To be eligible for the program, those fliers must authorize the carriers to share their data with the TSA, which reserves the right to subject them to additional screening, says the agency's Mr. Kane. So far, a total of 280,000 people have opted into the free program.$ F# [  q: g5 w! `5 A" ?

$ k$ u- d* L" o6 i6 ?# kDelta put the offer to the highest echelons of its SkyMiles loyalty plan over the summer, but it wouldn't specify the number of members involved or what levels they occupied in the hierarchy.
% Z4 }: I. E. C
2 t+ s* G8 k7 }% F% B$ c$ UAmerican declined to disclose which elite members of its AAdvantage program were solicited, but a spokesman added that the 'take rate' was among the highest of all recent offers sent to its premium customers.# V. s9 v# f3 m6 L

6 s) `/ D5 H4 h, x3 L, @Tyler McMillan, who works in information technology and finance for Coca-Cola Co. and flies about 100,000 miles a year─usually with two laptops in tow─says the first time he went through the PreCheck lane at Hartsfield, 'I was shocked that it was so easy and so fast. I was so impressed.'6 Q/ a! I0 v6 T6 y. ^# R6 E: ?
7 Z$ b% E9 \: F+ R/ \/ P
But until the program expands to more airports, 'it's only painless one-way,' he says.5 l8 U& u- K/ ~+ t" u$ [. b4 E
7 l2 f9 l& a/ K# s
Another route into PreCheck, even for those with no connection to Delta or American, is through Customs and Border Protection's 2008 Global Entry program. That program, which costs $100 for five years, requires travelers to complete a detailed online questionnaire and then participate in a personal interview with a CBP agent.( G: y4 E. u  ^4 ?/ ^% _

! }/ v9 M; S+ ^# A' p0 w6 M" S" n/ mGlobal Entry fliers skip the immigration lines at 20 U.S. airports. Instead, they simply swipe their passports, scan their finger prints and type in a few details about their flights at kiosks in the immigration arrival hall. 'It takes two minutes,' says a CBP spokeswoman.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


Global Entry now has 210,000 members, and those who are U.S. citizens can add the program's code to their flight information at booking, giving them the opportunity to get the expedited TSA screening if their trips are beginning at one of the four test airports on either of the two participating airlines.
9 u! a3 l9 @) T" p# }  w" l: C1 g: O- Y3 h) M
0 W+ [! N% w( v3 }; e
' y- F: s0 F, O: o4 f% Y目前有机会享受这一红地毯般的待遇的只有美国达美航空(Delta Air Lines Inc.)和美国航空(American Airlines)这两家公司的飞行常客计划中飞行里程累积到很高的乘客,以及参加了美国政府推出的三个“可信旅客”项目中的一项的美国公民。
% e) L% z9 `5 S' m+ f6 f4 T) F5 m$ \! p6 l4 f
自今年10月4日起,美国运输安全管理局(Transportation Security Administration, 简称TSA)开始在迈阿密、亚特兰大、底特律机场以及达拉斯/沃斯堡国际机场对快速安检通道进行试运行,只有部分受邀美国旅客可以使用这条安检通道。
8 F* ~+ E- A  y$ O" ?8 S* L4 }
' ^* H, d) m1 I" }: K根据这个名为“TSA预查”(TSA PreCheck)的试运行项目,符合条件的乘客可以避开当今飞行旅程中最烦人的那部分程序:过安检门之前,旅客不得不脱掉鞋子、解下腰带、脱下外衣,然后把它们连同钱包、笔记本电脑和化妆品一道塞到塑料盒子里,等着接受金属探测仪的检查。
1 q7 a+ Z) [9 J5 K* c1 d5 z1 a$ E( A- D# h% F
在一家涂料公司任职全国客户经理的詹森•蒙兹(Jason Muntz)说,“这毫无疑问绝对是2001年9月11日以来机场所提供的最便捷、最令人兴奋的优先乘客体验。”( L% C, S# O- O6 I- _
, a' j7 C8 ]- v8 X
蒙兹是达美航空飞行常客计划的高级会员,每年飞行里程达20万英里。据他称,在他家乡的机场──哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊亚特兰大国际机场(Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International),走这条新安检通道耗时不到一分钟,而如果不参加这个新项目,通过专门供达美航空高级会员使用的安检通道,则需要长达15到20分钟。
8 F( ]3 n; Z# b- ^' P- ]( O
1 |' p: B9 r" q- T& Y' h, STSA近日还表示,将在另外三个机场推行这一项目。今年12月,达美航空和美国航空的高级客户可以在拉斯维加斯的麦卡伦国际机场(McCarran International Airport)享受到这一特殊的快速安检服务。2012年年初,明尼阿波利斯机场将为达美航空的高级客户开设类似通道,洛杉矶国际机场则将为美国航空的高级客户提供此项服务。* l# C( h$ `: z+ v# v/ Y
# |  B. n! [- e) I/ @+ Y
TSA今年7月份宣布此项目时曾表示,最终会将其扩展至更多的机场和航空公司,包括联合大陆控股公司(United Continental Holdings Inc.)、西南航空(Southwest Airlines Co.)、全美航空集团(US Airways Group Inc.)、捷蓝航空(JetBlue Airways Corp.)、阿拉斯加航空集团(Alaska Air Group Inc.)旗下的阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Airlines)以及夏威夷航空(Hawaiian Airlines)。该机构拒绝针对会在何时增加哪些机场发表评论。7 _' z4 P) z( K/ r
+ @0 f5 z' h' ^6 ^$ d7 K+ _+ u
每天在机场通过TSA安检的美国国内旅客数量是170万人,其中有两千人会从这四条特殊安检通道中走过。他们经过新安检通道时会看到TSA为他们准备的欢迎语:“别脱鞋了,忙碌的旅客,对,就是你。”("Keep those shoes on. You busy traveler, you."). o2 z. {3 ~5 {7 X1 z8 g

$ K, a( t. m0 K8 ?2 kTSA的安全事务行政助理罗宾•凯恩(Robin Kane)说,“最终目标是改变一刀切”的安检方式。
1 E. a& p, b( b( e* M2 P0 [- U3 w5 w& Z: _2 l, \8 u$ q
$ p, d4 U+ z7 H6 D6 |: J$ q  r2 T- x
航空公司手中掌握着大量的忠实旅客信息,“TSA预查”项目正是利用了这个信息量庞大的数据库。据TSA的凯恩介绍,要想享受此项目,这些航空公司的高级客户必须授权航空公司向TSA披露他们的资料,而且TSA仍保留对这些人进行额外安检的权利。目前为止,已有28万人选择参与了这个免费项目。5 R! b7 O3 H& a8 f; _/ o

' @* i/ e+ v$ K0 |+ W达美航空在今年夏季向其“飞凡里程常客计划”(SkyMiles)中的精英会员发出了邀请,不过该公司不愿透露具体参与此项目的会员人数,以及参与者占会员总数的百分比。
3 {0 p* \4 ?( m% y9 ?
3 {! g  k9 K  Y& n# A6 _2 U% u. s美国航空拒绝透露该公司AAdvantage飞行常客计划中哪些会员受到了邀请,不过,该公司发言人表示,在公司近来向高级客户发出的所有活动邀请中,这是“接受率”最高的项目之一。( A6 O8 b8 Q4 }$ I) N) f/ S0 r) O' W

& h3 m! w6 `; ?( Z. o在可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Co.)从事IT和财务工作的泰勒•麦克米伦(Tyler McMillan)描述他在哈兹菲尔德机场第一次通过“预查”通道时的感觉称,“竟然这么简单这么快,让我大感意外。这让我印象深刻极了。”麦克米伦每年飞行里程在10万英里左右,而且经常是带着两个笔记本电脑。
0 n! n0 {1 f# o! j
2 `4 V; S0 n2 h3 ^/ x5 Y4 D% h' [3 j不过他说,在项目推广到更多机场之前,“这只是单程的享受。”- Z1 k3 k) r7 J: S& ~

) Z6 l; T1 b. e# V9 Q/ V' Z, G7 D0 \) N还有一个方式可以参与“预查”项目,这个方式也适用于那些没有参与达美航空和美国航空飞行常客计划的乘客:通过美国海关与边境保护局(Customs and Border Protection, 简称CBP)于2008年推出的“全球旅行快速通关”(Global Entry)项目。若要参与该项目,乘客需要先上网填写一份详细的问卷,然后接受CBP工作人员的面试。此项目收取100美元费用,5年内有效。, r0 A! C) U! `& P

5 e3 U) A7 l5 p% X& q- ^2 j/ {! _# d参与快速通关项目的乘客在美国20个机场可以不经过护照检查程序,直接在入境大厅的快速通关机上自行扫描护照、指纹,输入一些航班信息。一位CBP发言人称,“两分钟就够了。”
# l9 [+ S& r6 X6 ]# S7 a1 K1 y! m1 A6 u, k2 w. W( f% \
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