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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:性格决定外表

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. W$ I7 O  }# P/ J! P! J5 ?If you exhibit positive traits such as honesty and helpfulness, the chances are that you will be perceived as a good looking person, for a new study has found that the perception of physical attractiveness is influenced by a person’s personality. 7 X0 l  W: c) B5 r% C% y$ e+ |
  The study, led by Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr, found that people who exhibit negative traits, such as unfairness and rudeness, appear to be less physically attractive to observers.
/ p9 m9 p/ @2 ?: o7 k  In the study, the participants viewed photographs of opposite-sex individuals and rated them for attractiveness before and after being provided with information on personality traits. ! b& N* V# G6 ^9 q. V
  After personality information was received, participants also rated the desirability of each individual as a friend and as a dating partner.
$ K9 [/ w1 u. j9 l# K1 B; O9 i- w  Information on personality was found to significantly alter perceived desirability, showing that cognitive processes modify judgments of attractiveness.
: @  F# E/ G% T2 ?  "Perceiving a person as having a desirable personality makes the person more suitable in general as a close relationship partner of any kind," said Lewandowski. $ n8 K8 q- Z  n1 \/ h' x# T# K% s
  www.ExamW.CoMThe findings show that a positive personality leads to greater desirability as a friend, which leads to greater desirability as a romantic partner and, ultimately, to being viewed as more physically attractive.
3 r% n* j2 c8 S2 ]. t  The findings remained consistent regardless of how "attractive" the individual was initially perceived to be, or of the participants’ current relationship status or commitment level with a partner. % Z/ ^9 l4 P0 l$ Q' ~9 J# A3 P
  What would you think of this lady’s physical attractiveness if she exhibited bad personal traits?
& {' i4 i" b7 i( ^  "This research provides a more positive alternative by reminding people that personality goes a long way toward determining your attractiveness; it can even change people’s impressions of how good looking you are," said Lewandowski. 2 S, H* P4 k# v
, }/ r9 R" `  }3 c4 V  如果你表现出诚实和乐于助人等美好品质,那么别人会觉得你的外表也很迷人。一项最新研究发现,一个人的性格会影响别人对他或她的外表吸引力的看法。
4 F/ R9 A" A& S( b+ L7 D3 {  该项由盖里•W•勒万多维斯基负责的研究发现,人们认为,表现出不诚实和粗鲁等恶劣品质的人外表也不够吸引人。 ) F+ ?2 {6 O% ?: t9 Z7 a& s  l9 G0 _
+ ]  m& \& @" O  P2 j. g  研究对象在得知照片中人物的性格特点后,还对与其中每个人交朋友或做恋人的期望值进行了评分。 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)1 d( h- {! ?6 y; Q  n' B* |
  研究人员发现,有关人物性格特点的信息大大改变了之前的喜好度评分,研究对象的认知过程改变了他们对照片中人物外表的评价。   Q7 V% ?( P& f
  勒万多维斯基说:“总的来说,如果人们认为一个人的性格较好,那么他们会觉得无论与这个人做朋友还是做恋人都更合适。” 8 z' i7 d8 D" H  S8 C
  研究结果表明,人们更期望与性格较好的人交朋友、成为恋人,从而会认为他们的外表更迷人。 ! I& V! ?  }0 Q
  无论照片中人物给人的“第一印象”怎样、或者研究对象目前的情感关系状况以及与伴侣的亲密程度如何,研究结果都是一致的。 3 }3 Q; v4 K" h, S/ q

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