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[托福阅读] 托福阅读材料:奥运年龄的秘密

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; s+ m0 |) U6 ~' z 伦敦奥运会时至今日,中国首夺30枚金牌。这一届奥运会涌现出了许多年轻的小将,我们仔细观察就会发现,这些运动员年龄普遍偏小。难道说年轻的运动员更适合比赛吗?这里有什么秘密吗?下面是小马过河网为大家整理的一段托福阅读材料,希望能为大家的托福学习提供帮助。9 u8 E; g8 C% K0 [* h; G
  In the past 3 summer Olympic Games, only 64 of the 1,707 athletes of team USA have been over the age of 40. The Washington Post created a data [w]visualization[/w] of average age ranges for Olympic sports, including an [w]interactive[/w] tool to see if you’d be too old to compete.过去三届的夏季奥运会的1707名美国运动员中,仅有64名超过了40岁。《华盛顿邮报》对奥运运动员们的年龄进行了一项数据调查,使用了一个交互工具来统计年龄过大是否不适合竞技比赛。* V7 O. y! Y1 P- }: G( |, R& d
  As presented, athlete ages range from 15 for female gymnasts to nearly 60 for male sailors.根据调查结果,奥运最年轻的运动员是年仅15岁的体操女孩,而年龄最大的是年近60岁的划艇男运动员。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]4 Q$ D# U- v( P4 Q
  In a recent Washington Post profile on 45-year-old female swimmer Dana Torres, she discusses the effects of age on the body, and how she works to overcome these obstacles. Although muscles [w]deteriorate[/w] and recovery becomes slower, Torres believes that age is on her side. Since age comes with experience, the twelve-time Olympic medalist is more mentally prepared for the Games than any other female swimmer.在《华盛顿邮报》最近对于45岁的女游泳运动员Dana Torres的介绍中,文章探讨了年龄对身体的影响以及她如何克服这些障碍的。尽管肌体素质降低,肌肉复原率减慢,年龄对于她而言仍是很大的助力。因为流逝的岁月化为了经历,从而帮助这位12度奥运摘牌的选手比其他女性运动员具有更多的大赛经验。! b7 q) S1 ~3 e8 D8 f2 h
  However, with sports such as gymnastics that require more flexibility than sheer force and power, younger bodies have a far greater advantage. Youth is so beneficial in gymnastics that a minimum age requirement of 16 was implemented to protect athletes with developing bodies from serious injuries.然而,像体操一样的运动,比起直接的冲劲和力量,更需要好的灵活性。年轻的躯体在这方面具有更好的优势,而且16岁的年龄更适合体操这样的运动,因为它能保护身体免受严重的伤害。; n3 @. w8 Q1 i4 e
  A recent Wired article provides an explanation for these[w=aberration]aberrations[/w]: people age at different rates and, although younger athletes are generally stronger and more flexible, people age at different rates, allowing some athletes to remain competitive – despite the ticking clock.最近Wired 杂志的一篇文章为这些差异性做出了解释。人们老化的频率是不同的。尽管年轻的运动员更强壮灵活,但正是因为人们的老化频率不同,因此某些运动员尽管上了年纪仍具有很强的竞争力。

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