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[托福语法] TOEFL:敢于去面对30分也不是那么高高在上

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作文题目大体意思是你同不同意电视的作用是教育而不是娱乐。我作文29分, 思路是先让步,然后讲娱乐的作用,一共五段,没用模板哦。
* t7 i& b& w0 O1 s4 G! E- G$ a  Television is more than just an electronic appliance, it is a means of education, as well as a vehicle for entertainment and has thus become a powerful tool for people to relax and relieve the pressure from work and study. Over all, I think ...就是讲一下电视不仅是教育的,更可以娱乐。- X/ V0 E5 Q' g& |' z4 r& Q
  第二段先写电视的教育意义。On the one hand, on no account can we ignore the value of education that television brings to us.然后是举几个列子1 Y6 b4 r3 C8 u" C
  第三四段写电视的娱乐性,on the other hand, w cannot emphasize the importance of entertainment of television too much.举了个friends,一个lion king
, O6 M! N. E0 w$ o  1.要不要用模板 来源:考试大
* Q; z- h( ?0 y  如果你不知道什么叫模板,ok,别往下看了,看了也浪费你我的时间。下面的内容是给对ibt作文有一定了解的战友看的。对于独立写作,用了模板可以拿一个基本分,但是高分之门也基本上向你关闭了。要有新意,一个有新意的开头很能抓住考官的心,就算后面写的不咋地,分数也不会太低。就像我第二次的作文,讲的是电视的作用应该是教育而不是娱乐,问你同不同意,我的开头是Television is more than just an electronic appliance, it is a means of education, as well as a vehicle for entertainment and has thus become a powerful tool for people to relax and relieve the pressure from work and study. 如果用模板的话可以这么写,有的人认为blablabla,另外有人认为blablabla,而我认为。。。。。。这样的开头很没劲,总分肯定不会高。总之,独立写作,尽量不要套模板,写出个性。至于不用模板怎么写开头,平时多积累点句子吧。如果你要问怎么积累,去太傻精华版下载写好句子背吧。很管用。句式花哨点没问题,挺好。可以写中立态度,但是要带有倾向于某一个的立场。
# @! c" ^: g" ?/ W5 S  综合写作,一定要用模板,自己的模板。不要照抄网友的,至少你要改一改吧,做人不能太懒是吧。综合都是3点对应,写个2,3篇就好了。这个没必要练太多,模板背熟就好。9 g! S5 R2 I% t7 _
  2.字数问题) Z- G/ B" O) D
# C. B  Y( P9 C  3.独立写作推荐看旧托的185题
7 L$ W! a, p1 d8 g0 n/ Y$ F4 _  先自己想想如果给我写我该怎么写,然后看看提纲和中文就好,学习一下李笑来的思想。另外平时要多练习。限时练习。练习用机经练习。# ^6 Q" q% y7 _; b6 m( `/ C
) D$ s: y" [. g$ z2 R3 T* [4 ?9 f  写作一定要留几分钟用来检查低级错误!!' m& K$ `, b1 j9 h& _# Y3 I

5 l+ o0 Y! I/ h1 I* ]) F  另外附一篇自己一战时的练习,二战没有留底稿,如果你认为你可以写出我这样的水平了,那么恭喜你,你已经达到29的水平了,30正在向你招手.
  l) q, L! z0 Q2 s, B( V  Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.0 D# N* q% k% F& q. z* V
  With the ever fast pace of modern society, each group of people are undergoing various pressures, ranging from pressures from family, work, and study. For students, their major pressure comes from school work. It is not rare to witness students in different grades burying their heads in piles of books and doing homework overnight. However, I cannot help pondering over one question: is it really necessary for students to do homework every day? Although some people may back up this assertion, I believe that the answer vary depends on the different stages the students are in.$ g9 `- `; l! _! f+ J+ v4 A' a
  Concerning students in primary school, I firmly believe that compared with spending their time doing homework every day, they should allot most of their time in developing creativity, imagination as well as hobby. Age seven to thirteen is of great significance for the development of children. Parents, along with teachers, should provide students in this age stage with enough freedom and choice to develop their physical and mental ability. For example, parents should give their children enough time to communicate and interact with other children, from which children can develop their communicative ability. It is also a wise choice for parents and teachers to cultivate children’s hobbies, such as piano, swimming, logic thinking, and so on, all of which are beneficial for not only children’s physical but also mental capability. On the contrary, too much homework for children in this stage would probably frustrate children’s learning interest, making their feel weary of studying.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:40 | 显示全部楼层


  However, for students in senior high school, it is a sensible for teachers to assign homework every day. Considering the situation in China, the main goal for students in senior high school is to study hard and prepare for the College Entrance Examination, through which they can grasp the chance for further college education. Homework is, therefore, beneficial in the multiply aspects. For example, homework can assist students to review their lessons and reassure the students whether or not they have already truly grasped the lessons. Meanwhile, by working on daily homework, students can also put what they have learned on class into practice. These benefits are all favorable for students whose aim is to further their study after graduation from senior high school.0 J# l1 `2 d& |. B2 b& Y, H
  Comparatively, after entering university, the significance of daily homework declines again due to the change of students’ major task in the university. As it is widely acknowledged, university students should learn to think critically in their academic field, enhance their problem-solving ability, and improve their communicative and practical ability, which are all essential capabilities in job-hunting after graduation. Therefore, most of students’ time should be spent in doing researches, participating in seminars and discussion and so on. Students are expected to rely mostly on themselves to perfect their capabilities. Teacher are supposed to, instead of assigning homework every day, lead students to the threshold of knowledge and grant them every chance to explore the knowledge they truly like. Only in this way can college education cultivate more and more qualified students to serve for its society generation by generation.
* m+ t! H! {5 v: `  Hence, there is no point asserting hastily whether assigning homework daily is necessary or not. It all depends on which stage the students are in. Homework does benefit students when their aim is to further their education. Nevertheless, for students either in primary stage or in university, homework is of little significance. Consequently, teachers had better to have a second thought before assigning homework for their students.
. w: a' A0 w! c2 C  anyway,写作并不难,只要你敢于去面对,你就会发现30分其实也不是那么高高在上。不要连尝试的勇气都没有!</p>
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