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[托福语法] 托福语法指导-介词及真题要点解析

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  介词是TOEFL试题中比较活较的词性,而且具有一定的难度。中国学生一向对介词感到束手无策,因为英文介词种类繁多且词意多变。不过,TOEFL涉及的有关介词的题目重复性很强,而且有规律可循。只要考生善于总结、记忆,还是可以保证得满分的。介词的题目主要分布在Written Expression(16-40题)中,命题焦点售在中(1)含有介词的固定短语,(2)含有特定含义的介词误用
, V. x9 a9 q7 r  E
& m# N& b5 i* ?) y$ ~$ Y! H7 ?7 C2 |  介词常考题型及解题要点6 ^5 y$ ~" ~% Q/ ]4 Z5 y* A8 u

; q% q/ Z6 d5 }) C  1.含有介词的固定短语:短语或词组中的介词不能随意更换或省略( o8 Y( Q, ?2 `( a8 k& P* A
7 o' J6 r; z+ p# w/ l+ ^! ?  j
0 ^5 P% d7 J7 V  i! `. b- Y5 _; E- |- F. W) K/ B5 g" E
(1)Most aquatic animals breathe by means external respiratory organs called gills.
6 U* Z: A5 ~5 b8 j(答案)C 正确的短语为by means of,其中的介词of不能省略
( Q: M/ b8 x: q9 T6 I5 d
$ Y% E8 I* ~& c- E1 l- ^, M6 @(2) Speed refers only toward the rate of mution without
/ l# q9 [. p8 d& @1 Fspecifying any direction of motion.(94.8)3 r" j% l. ]- i! [' ]
(答案)A 正确短语形式为refer to* g, t( M  F4 |* G. h2 A) u

  [9 [% k% @. Q) m* P(3) Historical geology deals about data on the development of the Earth
- ]6 P- W( T7 t' W& x* X. F' `gathered from the study of rocks, which are analyzed to determine their age and composition. (93.8)
$ ^# P7 O0 T2 h( N) T+ b' q(答案) A正确短语式式为deal with./ D4 U: O; _; L% p

, t4 p1 X: {2 q, e$ M( s  @(4)The diamond is the only gemstone composed with just one chemical element, carbon." C# q/ z  Q4 y# d3 C4 `( `) H* m
(答案) A 正确短语形式为。Be composed of
7 F" w3 g( ]+ t% G) H6 U% h/ l1 K+ i$ Z
. V6 ~, J& f: x! s# ~, J6 ^8 |7 i8 o(5) Best known for his research in statistical mechanics and meson physics. Chen Ning Yang shared the Nobel Prize in 1957 to another physicist from the United States, Tsung-dao Lee.) l: q, L, u7 y: ]
(答案) C 正确的短语搭配为 share.......with& w1 [3 W  n+ y/ Z# `4 Q( |
(6)The doctrine of eminent domain is based the legal tradition that all real property is subject to the control of the state.$ @' I7 F2 a' C1 p" R$ A
(答案) A 正确的短语形式为be based on 其中的介词on不能省掉。. P8 Z7 _* M7 `6 x! e
  I/ ?3 n4 h$ a) K) c4 H/ z. s
  2. 介词用错- Z9 c& e3 @& Q+ D+ q& m

/ O+ N* m$ o, t$ f9 a$ O  解题要点 介词与后面的名词通常有固定的搭配习惯,或有特定的语意功能,不能随意更换。通常,介词毕有含义,不同的介词会使整个句子表达不同的意思。当A、B、C、D四个选择答案中出现单独划线的介词,应首先考虑它是否使用正确。; Z1 e& E) e9 K) }- _
( c6 D' O; {5 d6 B
  全真例题分析5 ?( Y" B3 m3 f% Z0 T* L# j) v

! k( S' @% J3 `. U(1)Scientists claim that an individual can function from about three days when totally deprived of sleep.0 x) P% [0 l2 P" S4 c  J
(答案) C from应改用for。表示动作延续的时间应用介词for。5 l9 T" r3 E! ^/ P- l. p/ P

. P( k; _; D( E+ [(2) Canadian scarlet-clad guards and mounties with horseback are part of the summer scenery in Ottawa.% X; ~) @3 x7 M- x# Q  y' W
(答案) B with改为on,“骑在马背上”应用介词on表示位置。& R  i9 g5 G( E9 h' r7 L( `: O

/ ]4 E$ ~" n# f& y' E! U(3) During eclipses of the Sun, the Ojibwa Indians of North America shot flaming arrows inside the sky to rekindle the light.
% @! X+ y0 A- J; P(答案) C inside改为into,介词into表示的动作性;shot……into the sky。天空无边无沿,不能用介词inside来修饰。
7 i6 r5 t  G3 B" k- E- v# e3 g% Z9 u) ^# L- ^+ q3 D# X
(4) Wild elephants are almost continuously waving their trunks. Both up in the air and down aside the ground.# }! `7 O. a' v7 n! O
(答案) D aside改为on。On the ground 是固定介宾搭配。Ground 没有边沿,无法用aside来修饰。
+ E5 ]% d( E) W
. r7 H/ l# [: P( b(5) Recent studies have shown that air into a house often has higher concentrations of contaminants than heavily polluted air outside.
: E1 n) k9 S: Q& I/ C: d(答案) A into改为in。Into强调动作,而in表示的是静止的状态。“房间里面的空气”只能用in来表示。
1 m9 r" C6 F# i  [  A" J4 H4 l& y/ H$ r5 y2 V7 _
(6) The early use of a complete steel frame for towering buildings appeared in the first skyscraper, built on Chicago in 1883.; m! I9 N! R" k
(答案) D built on 改为built in。城市名前面只能用介词in来修饰。
. `7 b! m$ K6 G
- C* t( x$ R0 d: _  3.介词between和among的区别
3 d/ I+ c; n- Z8 Z/ t- Q
! g+ f+ r7 c1 d/ A6 N- Z& J  解题要点 between表示二者之间,among表示三者或更多的整体概念。当A、B、C、D四项选择答案中出现between或者among时,它通常就是此题的命题焦点。6 t+ v3 C, F5 ]) B, f
" }$ Y$ j! b) [8 G+ g: j  m
/ Z; k% N" E: h6 y1 y# C(1) The determination of the path of Mars's orbit in 1609 became the unifying link among the two formerly separate realms of physics and astronomy." m4 B4 A8 k3 Z  e5 @' }5 S: e
(答案) C among改为between
* n5 f4 v7 M+ L1 w( r" V' N1 B
( W9 e) d" q  T5 P(2) The Carlsbad caverns, located in New Mexico, rank between the largest underground labyrinths in the world.3 O& s# e/ l0 V* |4 C
(答案) B between改为among。表示多数概念,或范围时应用among。
0 B2 u0 O; x0 i" p( [: h. H8 y- z3 P# \; Q+ ]
(3) For a long time cotton ranked first bctween Alabama's crops, but today it accounts for only a fraction of the agricultural production.
' m  |: y- Q' u) \5 p(答案) A between改为among。表示范围时应用among。

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