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[托福语法] 托福语法辅导:表示时间的介词to,till/until

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
to和till/until, @) Q0 x  d0 h0 M
  to可以用于时间和地点之前;till/until只用于时间之前。可以用from…to或 from…till/until结构:
- l" f4 {' v* @! r; w* @  They worked from five to ten/from five till ten.
' U3 t7 T; K( k  ^+ E. d  他们从5点工作到10点。(注意勿与at five to ten混淆,后者意为9点55分。)0 e% [) Z+ Z9 n- i8 W5 q
* s. T& G: l+ k1 L1 i# Y  Let’s start now and work till dark.
- t' T' R/ e* R8 d4 m; t2 [  让我们现在开始工作一直到天黑。(这里不能用to。)' l. D6 x7 v" y( N) k, J( g/ z4 j
0 \$ J+ r+ w& ^' P6 k+ P$ q- d  We didn’t get home till 2 a.m.
. s0 W! ]6 d( P8 O" q+ `  我们一直到凌晨两点钟才到家。# M& t" h. \6 S4 ^  f3 [! k. i# E
  He usually pays me on Friday but last week he didn’t pay me till the fol-lowing Monday.
9 }4 ]1 q* H  l9 n; L! \" S, c. e  他一般在星期五付给我钱,但上星期他一直到第二周的星期一才把钱给我。
: q" ^# ~4 I% |7 h$ G% P, d9 S  till/until也常用做时间连词:
0 E# N% D' w" N3 P! o- A: n: o  We’ll stay here till it stops raining.# w; G7 `/ Q" u- p4 V7 ?
2 ?3 N: M4 P1 H* U0 y. ]/ Q/ }! C; i  Go on till you come to the level crossing.' r, T8 p# w" J" b
3 E. {2 ~5 C+ ?3 e2 k5 Q8 V, W  注意:如果省略了 you come to,那么就要由 to来代替till:
# A5 y1 M3 k5 l9 B7 Z  Go on to the level crossing.
' N# R' D/ z9 t2 M  `  一直走到火车道口的地方。. m; ?( O4 V' Q
  after, afterwards(副词)
# {  F# B/ m% |+ C  after是介词,后面必须接名词、代词或动名词:
1 o2 N' D- s8 ^& s- \. L# C  Don’t bathe immediately atrer a meal/after eating.: k, {5 W0 {& [6 W0 w. P- G
  不要饭后/吃饭后就游泳。1 u7 l$ o; R4 j+ a1 y; ^
  Don’t have a meal and bathe immediately after it.
: J! A- d* a! {1 X: [+ J8 a  不要就餐之后立即游泳。; E) i; Z0 t) i  m: Y; K6 r, O5 W( G
  如果我们不想用名词、代词或动名词,就不能用after,但可以用 afterwards(= after that)或者 then:+ p' O. O" a9 ^5 q, m' J
  Don’t have a meal and bathe immediately afterwards.- @/ b. k. `- I; K
/ Q: N/ [; m) ^% B# H  o: j  They bathed and afterwards played game/played games afterwards./They bathed and then played games.( J( ~& @4 P1 F2 D
- z, z! P6 M" {5 w  afterwards可以位于句首或句末并且可以由soon,immediate- ly,not long等修饰:7 L1 P$ |7 f5 P6 s5 N% V
  Soon afterwards we got a letter.( g+ m+ {# \+ |; b5 s- g1 c
  不久之后我们收到了一封信。& s; e5 L! Q" T1 Q0 j1 V
  We got a letter not long afterwards.8 Q0 ?& ?) U7 ^* u3 U5 G) i
! `! e) u, C1 T  after也可以作连词用:
0 C; b4 O, u4 T% ^  After he had tuned the piano it sounded quite different.
8 M8 z! A6 T7 Z. q9 t  他给钢琴校过音之后,钢琴的声音完全不同了。

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