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[托福语法] 托福语法辅导:英语表达中词的顺序

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
词的顺序在托福语法中出现得较多。错误的选项与正确选项的差别往往只是几个词的顺序不同,但是表达的效果却完全不同。有幸的是,错误的选项经常在句法上就不成立,如将正常语序中的主谓颠倒,名词词组中的中心词和定语颠倒。一旦你能识别句子主干和结构,问题就变得相当简单。颠倒的顺序只能混淆那些完全不懂的考生,对于大部分考生来说都是送分题。% z% c' A8 `- J% t
! i' E0 m# [% ~4 H  U; p# M) p  An critic, teacher, librarian, or poet who hopes to broaden poetry’s audience faces the difficult challenge of persuading skeptical readers _____.8 y8 V) `7 Z" e2 h2 n  u( j
  (A) that poetry is important today8 z; B: y) A& T6 W$ c- c5 J
  (B) for poetry to be important today& o# Z8 r* M, O
  (C) to be important poetry today' y/ X+ h# G! W" s
  (D) poetry that is important today.
0 w) w1 h) Q5 M7 |+ V9 \  首先,分析句子结构。句子的主干是an critic (teacher, librarian or poet ) faces the difficult challenge。定语从句who hopes to broaden poetry’s audience修饰句子的主语an critic, teacher, librarian, or poet;介词短语of persuading skeptical readers_____修饰名词词组the difficult challenge。空格内填入的既不是主句的主语,谓语,也不是主句的宾语,但它却是修饰宾语的定语。所以必须符合修饰的规则,在这里表现为符合动词persuade的用法。我们知道,persuade有三种用法:persuade sb to do sth(劝某人做某事),persuade sb of sth(劝某人相信某事)和persuade sb that从句(劝某人相信某事)。选项正好符合第三种用法,而且意思通顺。选项B和C虽然都带了介词to,但却不符合persuade sb to do sth的用法,因为其中的动词do sth必须是sb这个人所执行的动作。对于选项D,显然poetry that的顺序错了。如果将poetry that该成that poetry,就变成了选项A,即正确答案。$ t5 v7 A5 r: V
1 j# ?6 ?" q$ r/ ]5 l  All eels spawn in the sea, the eggs hatchingsintostransparent, ribbonlike larvae _____, feeding until they metamorphosesintossmall eels.
3 b! f7 X" k. C3 \  (A) that drift about2 V7 F0 Q2 ?! w4 V- g& U4 R/ Y
  (B) drift about
8 U' n' q' z+ ]" A) L( @  (C) about drifting
6 @" r* m8 v. l  (D) drift about them9 E  e4 t4 S7 F9 L
  首先分析句子结构。All eels spawn in the sea是个完整的主谓结构。而其后的成分与这个主谓结构没有连词相连(4个选项都不含连词),所以后面都是修饰成分。其中的the eggs hatchingsintostransparent, ribbonlike larvae _____应该是同位语,而feeding until they metamorphosesintossmall eels是larvae的伴随状语。所以,空格里填入的应该是修饰larvae的成分。4个选项中,A是以that引导的定语从句,它正好可以修饰名词larvae。选项B和D正好与larvae构成主谓结构,显然不符合空格。至于C,则纯粹是一个混淆选项。
: {- Q7 d% q  j- z" d$ I0 A& X8 T  例题3(1997年8月考题)0 ?. X! U- s% y# n( e
  Among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth _____, which in prehistoric times grew to immense size.( R6 A, M' m8 s% q# c7 s
  (A) were horsetail rushes4 C5 J$ z& E# x, u
  (B) horsetail rushes/ v1 K$ j" t  i1 z
  (C) horsetail rushes were
3 {+ v6 I& t$ l  y6 s) f  (D) and horsetail rushes
: Q/ E- p% h+ b+ L! z% z  首先,分析句子结构。这个句子以介词短语开头,among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth。根据我们平时阅读的经验,该介词短语应当充当句子的谓语或者修饰名词的定语。如果它充当句子的谓语,那么这个句子应该用倒装语序,即后面紧跟一个助动词和主语。选项A正好是这种倒装的谓语结构,而且空格后which引导的从句正好修饰在它之前的名词horsetail rushes。这里,among介词引导的短语的另外一种可能用法是修饰主句的名词做定语。如果是这种情况的话,空格应该有一个完整的主谓结构,应该空格后都是定语。选项B和D都不带谓语动词,所以排除掉。选项C后带了动词,但却是助动词,而且正好是选项A的主谓顺序颠倒。由此,我们知道这应该是一个介词引导的倒装语序,所以正确答案是A./ v  H! B0 t. B9 k: h
7 {( |6 {# v' |- q+ t1 p% V  Unlike fossil fuels, which can be used only once, wind and solar power _____of energy.
/ `4 T: B2 b3 Q+ u, N+ y; E  (A) for renewable sources2 c1 z3 l, Y* }8 x1 _5 H! D. ]; J3 m
  (B) the sources are renewable
' K% S/ @0 x( L( d  c  (C) are renewable sources' d2 Z  Y1 c1 s4 w2 S8 w5 e
  (D) renewable sources
/ U  h6 X! E7 f" H% c: `  这里,句子的主干应该是wind and solar power____ of energy。Unlike fossil fuels表示比较,做状语。而which引导的从句which can be used only once修饰fossil fuels。我们将4个选项分别代入句子主干的空格中,得(A) wind and solar power for renewable sources of energy选项A没有主语,即没有完整的主谓结构。(B) wind and solar power the sources are renewable of energy很明显,这也不能构成一个完整的有意义的句子。(C) wind and solar power are renewable sources of energy这个选项最合适,因为主谓齐全,而且以名词sources结尾,让介词短语of energy修饰。(D) wind and solar power renewable sources of energy很明显,这也不能构成一个完整的主谓结构。所以,正确答案是C  V  x9 {3 C7 z* w( i: b4 C% W( p

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:40 | 显示全部楼层


  Today _____ of the Earth live on a very small percentage of the Earth’s land surface.
* ^% w- a9 I$ ]& |6 g3 S6 z: |  (A) about two-thirds populated
4 {1 u8 J) g: B  (B) the population is about two-thirds% f5 D5 g% i+ _2 Y* _" O
  (C) about two-thirds of the population9 s' K2 G$ Q( B$ U. R
  (D) of about two-thirds the population is
$ l$ p5 c9 \, o, S2 |: v0 @6 X  首先,分析句子结构。根据句子的大意,动词live应该是主句的谓语动词。空格填入的应该是句子的主语,而a very small percentage of修饰限定the Earth’s land surface。我们简化这个句子,得出句子主干_____ live on the Earth’s land surface。空格内应该填入名词或者名词短语。4个选项中,只有C是明显的名词短语,代入后也符合句意。选项A中的populated不论是做定语还是谓语都不符合句意。而选项B和D都是带有助动词的主谓结构,当然不能填入只缺主语的句子中。所以,正确答案是C。
* N1 z5 y2 F2 K  例题6(1997年8月考题)
; Q$ _6 t8 S5 z' k1 S  Following the guidelines for speaking and voting established by the book Robert’s Rules of Order, _____during meetings.) i3 N4 [! ?* p" ]+ {, F, L
  (A) and avoid large decision-making organizations’ procedural confusion
4 q, r0 T/ M- @# \$ ~/ |  E  (B) large decision-making organizations avoid procedural confusion' `% C' W: X' W  I
  (C) is procedural confusion avoided by large decision-making organizations
7 p3 a/ u  v' u' d2 G  (D) are avoiding procedural confusion in large decision-making organizations8 Y' N6 k: \) Z- [1 |
  首先,我们分析following以后空格以前句子的成分。其中的established by the book Robert’s Rules of Order和for speaking and voting都修饰the guideline。所以,我们可以将空格前的成分简化为following the guidelines。那么这时,原句成为Following the guidelines, _____ during meeting.和例题3一样,following the guidelines不是做定语(伴随状语)就是做谓语。如果它做定语,后面必须带自然语序的主谓结构;如果它做谓语,后面必须带倒装的主谓结构。由此,我们排除带有and的选项A。根据句意(guidelines和confusion的意思)我们又可以排除选项C。这时,我们只剩下选项B和D。选项D是主谓倒装的结构,填入后主语应该是avoiding procedural confusion,谓语动词是are。很明显,avoiding procedural confusion后应跟单数谓语动词。所以D也错,只有B才可能是正确答案。代入句中,符合句意。
/ C8 N, w+ y4 P- m) n$ I  例题7(1997年8月考题)0 ^, G7 e. n" _
  Because it was so closely related to communication, _____ art form to develop.
# X* A) f: ~  @0 D4 s5 w  (A) drawing was probably the earliest" b0 J$ P, X; [4 ~' ]' T
  (B) to draw early was probably
( ?9 U5 }% E/ T* U5 l8 [8 p6 Y  (C) early drawing probably3 h9 N& ]; Z$ \4 U. o) |# d0 {
  (D) the earliest draw.
* Z6 D. S/ f  p: `: k3 W; \  首先,我们分析句子结构。空格前是because引导的原因状语从句,也就是说,_____art form to develop应该是完整的主谓结构。而单数的art暗示它应该是修饰名词form,不定式to develop做补语。所以,空格内应填入完整的主谓结构。这时,我们可以排除选项C和D,剩下选项A和B。仔细对比选项A和B,我们发现选项A更符合句意,因为drawing这个名词(画)才可能是一种艺术形式(art form),而动作to draw不可能是一种艺术形式。所以,正确答案是A。</p>
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