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[托福语法] 托福语法学习:条件完成时

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* J3 i/ M$ A1 O: |  肯定式: I would/should have worked , j( ?; B; |$ L  ^
   you would have worked8 w3 E3 G& f% r) p+ W7 Q
  否定式: I would not/should not have worked等
% A- y+ S" n. E# F1 ?  疑问式: would/should I have worked?等- y( N6 ^7 F' |+ y( n' `
  否定疑问式: should I not have/shouldn’t I have worked?
" R( w7 z& y& l# m* B7 J, q+ w  would you not have/wouldn’t you have worked?
) ]' ]8 ]5 _. f  这种形式用于:
) A/ D+ [3 m) c3 k! ^( m  (a)条件句中。
5 i4 @* H( \9 D9 k  r. o3 Q  (b)would和should的特殊用法中。
- B' H' a( Y- z* A8 d- [  (c)过去时中,相当于将来完成时:. [9 I" t# D% S) W
  I hope he will have finished before we get back.9 W) o1 T1 w) D/ z4 }7 D: ^: j
  我希望在我们回来之前他已经做完。3 }! W- \' L9 h8 H1 G$ L. }
  I hoped he would have finished before we got back.
" `$ [8 x2 `& {; a  我曾经希望在我们回来之前他已经做完。

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