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[托福语法] 托福语法技巧:时态的灵活运用

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* g0 D# ]' C/ A7 q3 ~# ?  英语时态有一些习惯用法是不符合以上规律的,我们只能硬记这些用法,例如:
1 d! P% R9 m9 [7 d  在条件状语从句里,将来的条件要用一般现在时表达,将来进行时要用现在进行时表达,依此类推。& c" E, l8 E: ?: u8 e7 q; X
  例句:1.If you come here early tomorrow morning, you will meet him.
9 [8 i, C: I9 S% E* Z: V9 v  2.He will be watering the garden after two hours if you are preparing so slowly.
' F! t. B9 g# I6 y  3.When we have gone there, they will have been there at least for half an hour.
4 r, E4 l) f# N$ o6 e  Be going to do sth 和be to do sth结构表示将来时也是活用的方式。8 m) p8 z9 Y" N! \
  例句:1.We are going to get up early in the holidays. 我们打算在假期里早点起床。
7 V1 u  @& k( z! s- ?  2.He is to climb the high mountain next month. 他定于在下个月去登那座高山。
/ d1 \7 y( \! e9 @  D# J  suggest后面的宾语从句里含有should,如果省略里面的should,谓语动词则应用原形:
& a7 b  ~" S! x1 a$ y* y+ N: z  例句:He suggested we [should] go in this way.- c2 j) n+ @) O6 \. g, Q
  应用举例:《新概念》第二册红色字表示现在时系列,蓝色字表示过去时系列, }3 w$ N) }+ j8 M  H( l
  Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?. ]+ }9 s/ d% ?
  It was Sunday. [这是指以前的那一天] I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. [这是指作者一贯来的情况,即习惯性] Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. [这些还是指以前的那个星期天里的事] ’What a day!’ [口语用一般现在时=What a terrible day it is!] I thought. [当时想] ’It’s raining again.’ [仍是现在时系列] Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.[指的是当时的情况] ’I’ve just arrived by train,’ [现在时系列] she said.[露西姨妈当时说的] ’I’m coming to see you.’ [现在时系列]. z) v% {+ s) t. f
  But I’m still having breakfast,’[作者说他当时的动作,现在时系列] I said. [他当时说]3 K3 q- B! V+ I. w
  What are you doing?’ [现在时系列] she asked. [她当时说]
2 Z4 ?! s' {8 u; |  I’m having breakfast,’[作者说他当时的动作,现在时系列] I repeated. [他当时说]
& W+ l7 p# b. m7 Y- K' e, }5 j: S  Dear me,’ she said. [她当时说] ’Do you always get up so late? It’s one o’clock!’ [指的是当时的情况,口语用一般现在时系列]5 Y  W' l5 e- S/ `+ }$ }6 d2 p
  Lesson 3 Please send me a card6 i# Q7 U3 {6 x2 H
  Postcards always spoil my holidays.[这是指作者一贯来的情况,即习惯性] [以后都是讲述去年夏天的事所以全用过去时系列] Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards.[这一句虽然讲的是经常发生的事,但因为全发生在去年夏天之内,所以仍用过去时] My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!

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