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[托福语法] 托福语法辅导:笔记(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. The coal industry is important to every industrial nations because most other industries are directly or indirectly dependent on it.
/ y3 t9 N4 q/ t/ `5 l  答案:A9 n1 M# t( v3 c) y+ X
  分析及考点:同样表示每个,所有,every应该跟名词单数,而nations是复数,应该改成all, F4 }3 C9 o3 h: t, w" i& L  Q
' H" Q. [1 B7 t4 M# }3 I. [) M0 O% b  2. The brightly colored kingfisher that perches until it sights a fish, then dives into the water to catch its prey.( F8 a# X& l; I* B8 ]' _- C" j
) m6 s4 x% o% M8 P8 U5 J  分析及考点:先看主谓宾,then连接两个句子。所以that perches实际不成立定语从句,应该把that去掉。
1 H( `6 f! ~8 W6 M! j# d  参考译文:具有光亮颜色的翠鸟栖息在高处,直到它看到鱼,它就会扎进水里把猎物抓住。4 B8 l: C, Q3 x; o* y: r
  3. Neptune circles the Sun once every 164.8 Earth years, and its day —— one rotation its axis —— is 15.8 hours.! Y0 X( _. @2 _4 y% p: d7 E% l
  答案:C rotation around its axis, W0 W# M) P1 [, q% j
  分析及考点:C的错误比较明显,B(every)的这种用法应记住,很容易被迷惑。7 z+ i& a6 \* Q+ f5 O6 y) b
  参考译文:: k+ j, ?2 N, B, o* y
  4. Observable comets are occasionally attracted toward the inner Solar System by the fields gravitational of nearby stars and giant molecular clouds.
# y) r6 k3 d4 p) A8 X  答案:C
& H. K. Y# Y( w5 i$ g  分析及考点:次序颠倒。应改为gravitational fields,重力场。
3 x3 Y0 h1 {+ z* D8 r* V  参考译文:可以观测的的彗星偶尔会受到附近星星和巨大的星云的重力场作用而吸引到太阳系内部来。
- v: O8 O; \0 S  5. A single bacterium has the potential to produce 16 million copies of themselves in a day.+ n% Z* S& V/ v; U! x
  答案:D9 s1 N4 b$ M( W& K  r" g* I. ^9 @
  分析及考点:代词指代问题。A single bacterium的代词要用itself0 }3 c  J" |3 |, L
7 t( S! l9 r4 A; `

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6. Atoms are held together by the electrical forces of attraction between each negative electron and a positive protons within the nucleus.; L: h+ u) ]" ~" n) r5 U, _5 w
% Q) a$ Q/ \8 [  分析及考点:名词单复数混乱。Protons复数,所以应该把a去掉。
# L( G+ T! N7 x) w% r5 [: j* H  参考译文:原子核中每一个负电荷电子和一个正电荷质子之间的电的作用力的相互吸引,把原子结合在一起。
" e4 G) `+ f( u! x  ]! m  7. The original aim of encyclopedias was to provide a general educational.* s( u' _2 d& b0 D2 C$ y: C9 B* R
6 P: f5 {" O5 Y- g8 ?  分析及考点:一个词的词性混用。educational 这里应该是名词形式,所以改成education.
) t  T+ n4 M; I. a4 R$ Y: f  参考译文:百科全书的最初目的是提供普遍的教育。
" Y. U# h1 f( {4 t- Z  8. Icebergs are usually white, blue, or green, even although some are black due to rock material incorporated in them .
6 d2 C0 @) k) h9 c" A& K7 y+ Y  答案:B4 h& B- l, C1 P6 L
  分析及考点:转折连词的用法。只有even though和although,没有 even although 的表述。
2 {. V; A% ?$ ~# v/ ^3 j5 F; G4 l  参考译文:冰山一般是白色、蓝色或者绿色的,尽管有些是黑色的,那是因为有岩石材料夹杂在里面。/ E# l6 F0 |$ Y
  9. Both adult ladybugs and their larvae are voracious eaters of aphids, scale insects, and another plant pests.
: B: k: W! |% b* o  答案:D* F3 a" G- c0 w! s+ H2 M
  分析及考点:another与other混用。表示其他的意思,超过一个应该用other,another表示另一个的意思。+ w9 d) j& U/ k' ?+ i$ t% Q$ T! w
- L1 E7 E% \$ y  10. Early English burlesque often ridiculed celebrated literary works and sentimentally drama.
8 E; [) i; B5 A: j; B, c  答案:D5 a7 s9 L! |8 e7 B- }
( \; A/ R! D) U  i/ z% F! @  参考译文:早期的英语滑稽表演通常嘲笑那些著名的文学作品和感人的戏剧。
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