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[托福语法] 2011年8月托福考试语法冲刺试题及答案(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. _________ denotes currency in circulation plus bank deposits.
, ], e' t- I$ ?+ F3 p  A. The term “money supply”( z8 ~; T2 L6 t2 ?* A. R
  B. The term is “money supply”: g8 k: N9 T1 P
  C. When the term “money supply”
) D2 ~9 `5 l( i$ |0 ^  D. “Money supply” is the term
, z# G! k& h, Q/ A8 v2 f6 U5 B  答案:A2 N/ V  t' v  Q9 a( g. _
  分析:缺主语。B,D中出现两个谓语,一定错。C中when多余,使得句子不完整。- ?4 m- {# C4 y+ z. c
0 G& r9 [5 B7 B& V* J  2. The Franklin stove, invented around 1742, ________, originally with a partially open front, and was designed to fit into a fireplace.
; p+ n: h8 q! w$ z; C  A. was made of cast iron* k4 M  y5 t% i# N0 @
  B. cast iron was made of
3 Z: b# e  D- m5 b$ `8 W  C. cast of iron was made) R1 f7 a5 W4 N
  D. was of iron made cast+ L$ b) v/ X' n7 U' z& E2 f
! c& D( q0 w% E1 ~  z/ s2 s. c! M  分析:invented around 1742为插入语,2个was为并列谓语。be made of 为固定搭配。! K7 Z6 Q, w: G
  参考译文:Franklin火炉发明于1742年,是用铁浇铸的,原先前面可以部分打开,而且设计成能正好装进壁炉。* p, Q( ?$ \/ h; H
  3. A few species of mushrooms cause death or serious illness _________.
- S6 O( l3 N% I* q; f! a9 S  A. having eaten
+ [; b  b5 H; K" [  B. that they are eaten
3 t- z' W& S1 Y, T! Z- L# H- K5 \8 D  C. are eaten
1 J/ `$ j4 Y" P% B4 _$ Z) l  D. when eaten% N9 T) }+ ^5 K5 v, z# o- Q. c
/ o! g! _9 H5 I  n5 t# X/ x9 i& U  分析:状语从句的省略结构。省略条件:由特定的状语从句引导词:although, though, even though, if, when, while, as, whether; 从句为主系表结构;从句主语和主句主语一致。省略方式:要同时省略主语和系动词。原句为:…… when mushrooms are eaten.3 p4 T% u. P6 }" g% A3 ]
; W- a- T1 P- Q7 E, S& m7 B0 n: J  4. Some critics maintain _________ the mystery novel is a symbolic ritual of guilt and retribution./ j8 r7 l# X: Z
  A. is that# \/ ]8 Z- K" x6 S% A
  B. that there is
9 T- u+ u' t2 `! X  C. it is$ P( G$ s2 W, X) V
  D. that
, V; C- z( q9 [( O! J  答案:D
. d2 ?( I% U0 ^( P1 y8 M$ }  分析:that引导宾语从句。A,C中出现两个谓语动词,错;B中that引导的从句出现两个谓语动词,错。
% I/ y5 U* \; g0 G8 e  参考译文:一些评论家认为神秘小说是罪与罚象征性的仪式。
" x" I% j/ i+ n" D- C& \  5. _________ all cherry trees are very attractive when in bloom, some species with inferior fruit are cultivated especially for their flowers.
/ I) I! ?* K' E6 E4 K0 u  A. Although# _' b  G4 r' z" P# R% I
  B. There are4 B' H$ J  K. s% P
  C. It is9 B8 C' b# r6 o
  D. That0 {6 e, ?, H1 J- P- w
) @% o9 M( _; T( S+ f6 P  分析:后面句子完整,且出现了两个谓语动词,此处缺连接词。
' l' k2 W2 q5 w  y: ^6 a% D
4 i1 Z4 I+ U* o  y  参考译文:尽管所有的樱桃树在开花的时候都很美丽,但它们中的一些不结果的种类专门种植用来观赏他们的花的。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6. Usually pitched in the of C, _________ may be tuned to B flat by means of a slide.* n! g8 b# r/ j, X5 P1 D; Q2 L2 ]
  A. the bugle: z+ f) |* B$ t3 ?
  B. because of the bugle- i' G; e( B1 m* R9 F. M; [
  C. the bugle that
" x# O$ `% u  x+ K  D. but the bugle
" d1 }) ^$ l) D' ]  答案:A. s! c) u9 i: f6 P
( B/ u' z" ~, [  参考译文:通常音调为C大调的军号,可以通过滑动的方式平稳的吹出B调来。
  m& V" a0 O2 C2 T! h  7. With _________ formal art training and largely self-educated, Anna Mary Moses, known as Grandma Moses, began to paint rural scenes at the age of seventy-eight.4 d6 a) R% }6 E9 |' e
  A. not
2 A. {1 z  l( }5 ?6 w  B. no
6 ]2 E+ y- ?: n' y5 d8 ?  C. neither+ p+ O% w3 O4 C+ @# x5 X& n5 r
  D. never
( M8 n: M  d' [. Y0 ^) R  答案:B! W8 E/ f' M: u6 ?/ Z8 P  u' u
  分析:no修饰后面的名词training.( G; f& X+ w" c- ~& Q
  参考译文:没有经过正常的艺术培训和广泛的自我教育,众所周知的Moses奶奶Anna Mary Moses78岁才开始画乡村风光。6 L0 L3 M% g1 v" ^) O& z
  8. A block and tackle is a _________ of pulley blocks and ropes used for pulling or hoisting large objects.
2 S! y- @  Q: u% _9 V  A. mechanical set special0 f% i& K- e- `" y$ O
  B. set special mechanical2 ~5 x3 a( V, W3 g+ V/ U$ V  v8 ]
  C. special mechanical set
$ t" B+ S1 v4 d1 j8 j" b  D. special set mechanical
' ?* d/ \- w" A* G' P: R/ I! \3 E  答案:C
, k9 R( v  v7 j5 U$ X  分析:固定搭配:a set of.;形容词修饰名词。
7 S8 C3 z5 h/ f: W: m  参考译文:滑轮系统是一种特殊的机械装置,用滑轮和绳索来拉或提升大件的物品。
4 O. I3 v# T6 M& v; z/ J7 c; e  9. Although _________ instant critical acclaim in 1952, he never completed a second novel, publishing many short works instead.
0 U3 M% S4 z  V" s5 S& p7 ]  A. Invisible Man was the first novel by Ralph Ellison received" }* q9 X! t$ X, |1 I
  B. first received by Ralph Ellison, the novel Invisible Man was5 x8 g; K5 |  H
  C. Ralph Ellison's first novel, Invisible Man, received
8 s( T1 k- ^- E* x  k! \$ j) Q& U  D. Ralph Ellison's first novel, Invisible Man, was received* y; D& X6 t( }# l
  答案:C9 S! f4 a) I' |! i) S1 _1 v
8 K  m1 x5 z; s6 E# j5 J' P  参考译文:尽管Ralph Ellison的第一部小说《隐形人》在1952年得到了直接的赞誉,他却再也没有完成第二部小说,取而代之的是出版了很多短篇作品。
" e; h& q3 |0 Q  10. Sauropods had _________ smallest brains relative to body weight of any group of dinosaurs, yet they were among the most successful of all dinosaurs in evolutionary terms.
) r/ O0 e( T$ F! ~% N& k7 n  A. what was a& G" J7 v' {, @" U& q
  B. when a4 D* H! r# h, a  q- V. y) C
  C. of the
5 [* `- [5 I7 |; h  D. the8 N% J" v: o7 s
* v2 F: }/ W) {  分析:adj. 最高级前一定要加the.
7 ^9 }/ p) H$ ^  o, b) U+ U0 }  参考译文:雷龙是恐龙群体中大脑对身体重量相比最小的一种,然而他们在进化过程中却属于最成功的恐龙之一。
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