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[托福语法] 2012年托福考试语法辅导:名词(词组)作同位语

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
名词(词组)作同位语, m; I- B3 B7 ]  g) z
  同位语主要由名词词组充当, 对其前面的名词或代词作补充说明, ; N) |1 E- H- c2 N7 Q  l
  I came from Jiangying, a very beautiful and peaceful town.
- N- T5 C% ~. U! D7 w, x  d  例题:
  u$ l! v3 d; w, p/ O1 y$ d9 g% R  (1)
0 {* z: n! o1 d4 l$ n  In the nineteenth century, Samuel Gridley Howe founded the Perkins School for the Blind, ----for children in Boston, Massachusetts.' K7 q) c6 k. M) E( B# A
  (A) that institutes
( j& B+ `" b3 ]/ Z4 s# P) H  (B) while instituted ! o( ?6 P( s1 E' {
  (C) was an institution
! p! U5 U, T$ S! Y) E) U  (D) an institute ; P7 X" V6 i( H1 D
  答案: (D) 5 \+ L& I5 ~! j6 A7 e  `
  解释: 空白前的句子结构完整, 空格后的结构和宾语的很相似, (D)为名词词组, 构成宾语的同位语# `; D) L* X8 Z+ m* L  h! e" b
  (2) 5 N( K* F$ t: s1 C
  Martha Graham, ----, has run her own dance company for half a century.
6 P# ^/ R& d( b% H$ b. L3 [  (A) is the great modern choreographer ) S- J' w/ g" d  \8 f) m6 o
  (B) one of the great modern choreographers
1 ^" p) s' g; j/ o- D  (C) that the great modern choreographers
$ |+ g0 @, D. ?: ?% I  (D) the modern choreographers were great / V/ x0 C, w. Y" u5 b; a, b  \
  答案:B $ o2 g7 W4 Y( ^7 u0 C# T
  解释:此句主谓俱全, 空格设在主语和谓语之间, 且两端都有逗号, 推知缺少的是主语的同位语, B是名词词组, 可以胜任;A D中的动词与原句谓语冲突; C 不是完整的同位语从句) I& y4 J6 _4 s9 ]$ q" |6 ^
  考点四 名词(词组)作定语6 N- z; X$ o1 x* j5 S! o( x
  名词修饰名词作定语的现象在英语中也屡见不鲜, 此时前面的名词相当于形容词的作用, 只是依英语习惯决定究竟用名词还是形容词作定语, TOEFL有少量题涉及这一问题5 K9 Z/ F8 C7 T8 u+ s! R# W2 |
  这样的词语有:word order(词序), taxi driver(出租车司机)等
8 o: x0 |) J" x  f8 C  例题:
$ R6 n. C2 s+ i4 l3 w  (1)
/ [0 ^; P0 z# ?  T5 l1 s7 Y6 B5 M  Situated in the heart of a grain-farming and livestock-raising region, Abilene, Kansas, is a prosperous trading and distribute center.( O3 ~- F! f' [6 E8 ]! `
  应改为: distribution/ distributing.
0 E+ T4 l" H2 h  {5 e  解释: 动词distribute不能修饰名词center,可改用名词或分词, 但此题中名词distribution作定语更符合英文习惯 3 r( Q9 R2 m( k$ `: o7 l6 ]
  (2)! M' }+ Y( b5 K. ~$ \. w. P
  Acrylic paint enables artists to experiment with many colors effects.* w! f% K5 b7 H0 B6 D0 b
  应改为: color' |  X" ]1 A( T) c8 v% N
  解释: 此处名词color作effects的定语无需用复数, 意为色彩效果

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