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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(17)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
考点四 most的其他用法
7 r- {: p# n3 j/ S对于most来讲,除了构成某些词最高级外,most的用法有几点需要注意,经常成为改错题的考点:3 J/ k, Q" a& R  `! T  ^) J
1.         当most表示大多数时,之前不加the, 并且有两种形式来表示大多数,分别为:
+ m( f  S! F, _) X7 w  N  most + 名词,如:most people, most Indian tribes;
% n% k; m% A- E# ]5 Q7 J. C6 M  most + of + 限定词 + 名词或代词,如:most of his paintings,most of us, most of the modern artists
+ u9 b0 r" H5 b' G2. most有时意思等同于very, 此时most之前用不定冠词,如:8 {" b' T: W, x4 |; U& k
a most lovely girl, a most impressive proposal 3 f- u/ F% Q1 Q1 a, W) K- _0 M) g
& [$ [# j$ [9 v" w" S- p8 n, n(1) # a) P# `4 O; S1 p9 P2 m( B
  The most substances expand in volume when they are heated.
$ [+ U1 V0 w) w# z应改为:Most9 |. H# j+ k3 g8 d6 z) V! E0 x
% T5 p# k) x% U! @2 B2 e, c& G(2)
9 |$ S4 u/ B5 M' Z( u  l# j+ aThe most often flour is made from wheat, but it may also be made from the seeds of other cereal plants.
% R4 S3 ]5 ?+ ~+ p% d应改为:most. 3 m  a! n. V. h
解释:the most 一般出现在最高级中, 此句most often为固定说法,意为经常$ G" s$ z3 _, l3 A! _
词汇:cereal: 谷类的

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