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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法试题及答案详解(10)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. Archaeological and geological excavations indicate which a primitive type of corn was used as food in North America at least 7,000 years ago.
" ?6 |8 L  ^4 L  答案:B
$ I8 g0 [4 X4 H3 k, S1 v  分析及考点:连接词误用。宾语从句连接用that,不能用which替代。6 k& Y1 |8 `' i. ]" E
! c: E: S& @% }/ x! w7 m  2. The major component of the sedimentary rock called shale is clay, an earthy, fine-grained material consisting primary of a particular group of crystalline minerals.* s! ]% u# y# V) `2 M. g
" q; x& m" a" @$ G/ i  分析及考点:修饰动词用副词。Consist of 固定搭配,primary修饰consist,应改成primarily
! C4 j; g% @3 Z: f1 y6 l( |  参考译文:被称为页岩的沉积岩的主要成分是粘土,一种土质的,有细密纹理的材料,主要包含一组特殊的水晶矿物质。1 N: U$ R) D# C1 K. S
  3. Copper was the first metal used by humans and is second only to iron into its utility through the ages.) [" G9 p, c+ [
  答案:C. d& t0 h! ]$ \' O8 s1 w
  分析及考点:介词误用。改成in its utility
9 e, m7 }3 C8 q3 N) U  参考译文:铜是人类首先使用的金属,也是很多年里使用性仅次于铁的金属。  r# T, r( j: G7 Y1 {% k: {" h% i
  4. The mineral chalcopyrite usually is found in compact masses or in mixtures with various other mineral as opaque, brass-yellow, tetragonal crystals.
  Y3 e; I/ a% @+ [  O  答案:C* x3 V, P2 s) p8 w7 R
  分析考点:名词单数误用。改成minerals4 M# i) i/ [2 e, U  Z6 b7 F
. ]; ], k& Z' i% I  5. Because the study of chemistry encompasses the entire material universe, it is central to the understand of other sciences.: W* A- c4 u- ]. W
* @. a( z; ~- V. L  分析及考点:词性误用。Understand原形是动词,这里应该用作名词形式understanding.4 [' k: p% E' S1 n

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6. Cyclamates were introduced in the early 1950's as alternative sweeteners for use by individuals who needed reducing their sugar intake for medical reasons.9 ~, L! D. m+ k2 b" }
9 I& q$ y0 I$ D3 J4 D8 L: b9 S  分析及考点:动词的用法,need 后面加to do sth,所以改成 to reduce
& [  e9 R" N/ _) t$ r0 i  参考译文:糖精作为甜料的另一个选择在1950年前就被流传了,被那些因为医疗原因需要减少糖的摄入量的人所使用。5 j+ ~3 H0 Q' @  Q6 Y) V
  7. The pericardium, a double-layered sac, it surrounds the heart and the large vessels entering and leaving the heart.) Z, q4 X4 L; W& v5 l
  答案:A& P4 S- R. X) d+ L
4 d& {( h- X( w* E& c" O* L  参考译文:心包膜,一种双层的囊状物,包围着心脏和进出心脏的大的血管。. o3 B4 w8 r' u4 r; e) T
  8. The Hopi, descendants of the prehistoric Anasazi people, are a Pueblo people who of the southwestern United States.
: Y& R3 O9 @# S7 G+ o5 q  答案:D
/ ]& O2 A( X9 |1 U' D1 b% I; W+ t* O  分析及考点:不构成定语从句,而误用了定语从句引导词,把who去掉就可以了。! f4 F, |3 F; x$ k' C2 \$ ]
! |4 p7 B3 I# J+ x' e3 @  9. A storyteller exercises close control over the storytelling experience by the choice of words, their arrangement, and their effective.; c) n# ]& |3 S8 }$ q. Q
3 T7 Z6 P. U7 D# B# N6 g  分析及考点:平行对称结构中,词性误用。改成名词性effectiveness.& V6 r; i9 h; K2 Y
5 I8 L7 Z# Z  r& g* |  10. Iron is one of the basic element of which the world is made.+ V* |* T1 Z! w. K9 K. \( W  k
; x, H. N& K8 m1 j- |; P( o  分析及考点:可数名词的单复数误用,应该改成elements.注意one of the结构多次考过。# m  Y: x8 ~+ U8 q! d* F: C
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