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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法解题技巧-独立成分

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 o; X" f  j9 M( N* @# K0 `    那么,都有哪些成分时"独立成分"呢?主要有以下几种:
, R) \7 O5 x& `: i  Q8 t& w: w    1.副词和不是用作前置定语的分词;
4 L  h; v5 G3 G6 _+ ~# o    2.不定式,介词,分词,同位语等短语;
  n6 L2 f6 `8 h; g    3.所有的从句。% f( U" G) c2 J) }5 m
    这种方式究竟有多大的作用呢?下面我们来看几个例句:0 P  s1 D' ?# ]& ~3 {
    (7) Geophysicists have collaborated with archaeologists and anthropologists to study the magnetic properties of pottery and fireplaces at sites —— by early humans.
; Z( a; p  r2 t6 M6 R' X    A. occupied
7 X# `/ ~9 }6 U' S# g6 b: G    B. occupying
+ [1 j4 ~3 U$ r    C. which2 A% @" \8 k' {( u6 _4 ?7 z
    D. were occupied- O$ \6 x6 n" G; s
  \' u* y8 s8 Z$ A$ e, Q4 m8 h# B    (Geophysicists have collaborated主句)(with archaeologists and anthropologists介词短语)(to study the magnetic properties不定式短语)(of pottery and fireplaces介词短语)(at sites介词短语)——(by early humans.介词短语)+ o9 z/ o8 R. Z9 @
    将这些"独立成分"都去掉后就只剩下"Geophysicists have collaborated".由于题干的主句及其它部分都不缺少成分,作为答案的选项也必须是一个"独立成分".在不考虑词义的情况下,A,B,C3个选项似乎都可以。但是,如果B项可以的话,C也一定可以。反面证明两个选项都不行,答案自然是A了。, ^$ w! Z4 b% m6 P' R% @6 n
    (8) During the late fifteenth century, —— of the native societies fo America had professions in the fields of arts and crafts.
& M) A" G1 }2 J/ G/ S) A    A. only a few3 k+ H$ N3 b5 m. E
    B. a few but  \7 w7 ^5 Q0 u6 i2 h
    C. few, but only
- g- H  p+ [( J6 m% g9 {    D. a few only
. U& k- z0 d. L: a" |" b    还是按照前面提到的标准去衡量,这个句子的题干部分就会变成下面这样:
6 u! M' E$ X7 D" d  U" v$ C    (During the late fifteenth century介词短语),——(of the native societies fo America介词短语)had professions (in the fields介词短语)(of arts and crafts介词短语)。0 g' G% Q+ E" `8 f( k. X' I, k
    把独立成分去掉后就只剩下"—— had professions".一眼即可看出,句子缺少主语。答案自然就是A了。

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