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[托福写作] 托福考试写作备考经典范文15

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在托福写作部分有所突破需要的是扎实的英语基本功和清晰的解题思路,很多正在备战托福考试的同学都希望能提高写作成绩,下面我们搜集了一组托福考试写作经典范文供同学们欣赏和参考,希望大家能得到启发,写出自己的优秀托福作文。  ' `& {  \# x* A8 [! }2 b$ m! |) Q
  PR Some people choose friends who are different form themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?
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9 P9 G1 o7 Z6 h* n6 B" \  There are a lot of advantages to having friends who are different from you. For one thing, they’ll give you a different way of looking at the world,. Friends who are different can introduce you to foods, music, politics, and books you’ve never tried before. If you’re a spontaneous kind of person, someone who is more scheduled can help you get better organized. You, on the other hand, can help them loosen up a little bit, and do things more on the spur of the moment.1 N8 y+ i1 N. x* R' d# u( A
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  Someone who is different from you won’t have the same reaction to situations. This can be a big help. If you’re the kind of person who gets very impatient waiting for your meal in a restaurant, it helps to have someone calm with you. Your friend can help you keep your temper. If you’re a little timid about standing up for yourself, a more assertive friend can help you develop a little more self-respect.
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  However, there can also be advantages to having friends who are similar to you. You usually enjoy doing the same things, so you don’t have to argue about what you want to do. Sometimes it’s fun experiencing new things. Other times, it’s more fun doing what you know you’ll enjoy.
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' {5 T* L9 z! u" L2 s9 [  All things considered, I think I’d like to have a lot of acquaintances who are different and a few close friends who are similar to me. That seems the best of both worlds.

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