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[托福写作] 新托福iBT:独立写作全真题目105篇分类话题(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 \' c2 K9 O0 Q9 h: Z8 v  大学教育的目的:' \$ Z* Z4 c- `# D; E! E) U
  i5 i$ t. w! {* t; S8 W3 J  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
, [) j) L, ~' M1 h  h6 N# M. E  The main task of universities is to offer the students with the knowledge and skills which are essential for their future career or give them the access to the knowledge itself.
  R2 U/ ~" U9 J  M# b  Give specific examples and reasons to support your position.
9 O. j5 h( b" K) m' Q  广泛学习或学习专业:& @' B  V$ d0 B& ~8 W( U' `, \
5 C& ]1 R  w( h# y" a# Q0 K; {4 c! d! p  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
  w# A+ |3 J3 q; K  Z  It is better to have broad knowledge of many academic subjects than to specialize in one specific subject.
# h5 a7 ^; R4 ^! x  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
/ }( s8 Y! h: v; C; a# g  课外学习的重要性:
9 }5 x3 Q( g9 d% S  06.09.238 n0 ~7 b6 d. T8 E8 N! H, a) r
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?! w9 U1 T& Q; ^$ o, h  p
  The most important education a person gets is the education outside the schools and classrooms.
1 N( T$ \8 m+ c; J! b1 u, l) q  Give the specific reasons and examples to support your position.
8 b( _& A7 I" C; B: v& L  選修艱澀課程:$ J: @# b4 w: S9 A0 j
  06.10.21、08.01.139 y* [& r  z1 }; d; ]! L5 q
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?1 C( P  w: l( D( T8 b! o, E
  You should take the most difficult class in college or university, even if you cannot get the top grades or marks in them.
- N" e: S, U( N/ `  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
% i3 z7 X6 h! n+ G% c& W6 @  选择感兴趣的课程还是有利就业的课程:
- P# Y& _- a! c: P9 H  06.11.17、06.11.18、06.11.19、06.11.20. O# r" N8 x, \' _4 t
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
6 l: N! h: A. Y* Y3 y  It is more important to choose a subject of your interest than subjects that prepare you for a job or career.
8 S# [5 h& f4 c  r8 D" ~  Give specific reasons and details to support your opinion.
; S2 x) }$ U3 \7 F" @# ]  读大学前应先经历工作或长途旅游:
% h$ k; i. q7 I- ~0 U; }  07.06.03、08. 11.01- M2 ]4 K% T( c2 @5 {: ^4 }
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?7 \1 F6 N6 b0 A' R2 I+ N7 n) ~% p# M
  Students shall take at least one year to work or travel after completing high school and before starting their study in university.
" B1 [; {* ^0 A. E+ z1 L: z  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
' R( g6 Q! e3 W4 C  大学生應該修科學課程:
7 r$ I0 J6 E; Z, S+ ~8 u1 i  07.07.07、08.08.08、08.08.09. h8 L( \4 a; b( k+ C
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
3 D! g2 d8 f! G, H8 S& h& ?  University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study.% |8 M' D* M) W% k, ?
  Give specific reasons and details to support your opinion.
* m4 z4 o  E5 G/ v2 w' h  大學生應該修歷史課程:6 c) N. X* J2 [' T
4 U- B0 i# A7 R, {/ v) N+ P8 d2 G  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?" e- J( V- p% _7 f' X# C, L& l6 b: U
  It should be required that all university students take history courses, whatever his academic subject area is.6 d7 {# ?! u5 R; b$ J8 x
  Give specific reasons and details to support your opinion.9 V8 Q7 ~' R+ v9 M" ~1 ~, Z
  團隊成績:* P$ Q) Z9 P( H  n; Q, j% j  ~
- W( B& M8 n9 f& T. j* m  Universities often require students to finish projects through teamwork and give each team member the same score. Do you think this is good?. [8 {% P) i8 R2 e7 b
  Give specific reasons and details to support your opinion.
3 F' ]. e7 ~- g' v: K0 ]) q  老師應教育學生自信心:, z2 K2 T6 [0 a. e" S& ~
  06.05.12、07.03.10- a) N- _# q/ i2 A/ A
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?' J& _3 F" _: r0 f2 w
  It is more important for a teacher to help students gain self-confidence or to teach them specific knowledge.
& Q9 ?9 J7 a8 f. l8 g; Y, E  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  r6 F/ y5 j/ i4 L$ |4 H! w  獎勵努力的學生比較重要:; n2 P: e' i. U2 y6 h0 _
: I) c0 A% `9 }9 b; X  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
: c' v4 R# a3 \( V  It is more important to award students for effort (trying or hard working) than for achievement (good grades).7 D5 V; _$ ~9 w; c" l
  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:11 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  成績激&#63871;學生學習:8 Q" H7 T% V/ }5 c( U
: _# J, x: Y) @% B5 |0 ~3 L  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?) e' y$ U, P. C7 V
  Grades (marks) encourage students to learn.- j% Q* Q  J  @# e
  Give specific reasons and details to support your opinion.+ F& Q6 e3 F, u. {& ^. [* n
" J# @7 k5 I0 r! r( E  07.02.02、07.02.03
! `% @+ G( q  k/ w* F' K  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
! a* s7 X" u9 U. M" ~  People can learn more from watching television than reading books.
! G, h2 R+ {% I6 g8 P( j  Give the specific reasons and examples to support your position.* U( o% r% H  N) {( I+ }$ D
  &#63972;解概&#63907;比學習事實重要:- Y2 A% T- f2 j. P+ p# ?4 T/ K8 J
' T! u9 Q- P8 B& U( q% o# r  F2 g* s  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
4 N, `0 {7 n  D  It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn facts.& C+ l4 t0 S" v9 S& `. H4 }
  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.# I( [2 w4 x4 e: o; P5 w. F
: y9 b8 f; _. U: O0 L  07.01.12、07.01.13
: n$ O! f( M& N  C; I  Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students?
) j" s) q. k6 N/ p. e2 `# Y& [  Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.+ t6 P- `) f$ b6 x% C# [) ^
  &#63796;師應定期進修:7 f5 D9 D5 P* E0 |
" t# q9 I( B4 U- D1 v6 p  Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
, S" D6 ^6 n0 \  School teachers should be required to take courses every five years in order to update their knowledge.
- |8 x. j# J: ^* w7 o  Give specific reasons and details to support your opinion.. L8 i' E$ P% ~
5 q5 j9 A+ P+ Z, s& t  05.12.03、06.04.08、06.12.08、.07.08.25
* N5 p6 ]6 P" l  X5 L! h. D. e0 U" o  Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
2 w; d  [: ^% Q, U# j* d  High schools, colleges and universities should spend less time teaching general subjects and spend more time preparing students for specific careers and jobs.
- u+ a4 h; W: T8 j5 L$ d8 t  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
0 q  C( J; g8 M; R* G4 e  規定是否重要:
2 u' [* U- d- T0 T, u* I- Z! L6 [  08.03.29
6 [/ s6 ^' v3 [0 T  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?) V, A& B- s. R  c0 s
  It is more important to have the rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to work and school?+ @7 V8 W1 L- x) o4 _4 ~+ S. c# b
  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
7 y  s' j$ A' f, A" b  一&#63886;要上幾個月的課:( {! |& I2 l0 A' V
4 c. D. g; R7 b  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
% H1 ?1 D. l$ {1 ~( x4 q  Students should receive better and more effective education if they are required to go to school more than eleven months per year.
4 [- ?& U( b/ y# O  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.5 y! F8 X6 w. d
  其他國家文化的課程:: i5 Q: c2 T4 z; i* Y) J6 }
1 ]1 Z( t# `7 y) _+ \5 s  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?: v$ }; }! ?) f6 n
  All the university should require the students to take at least one course teaches them the culture of a country other than their own.
2 @+ u* N! @8 d" A" g  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
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