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[托福写作] 托福写作辅导:高分加分点之句式变化

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
句式变化 " ]% X' u! V& \0 U3 N- u
/ p5 @7 M, h; x+ F" ]& V/ p% Z/ [8 z  名词做主语 , H, m. U6 a5 i4 k" M& W
4 q6 L1 M1 m/ _# X3 j* k3 a3 Y. G8 a7 G5 U副词作状语 + J( J# W/ p; u8 b: F
! M2 s! M. i1 S- U; l/ f分词短语作状语
" Z8 ^7 h) |  H9 h% z+ ~形容词短语作状语 " O+ B1 I$ e% V$ e7 B3 J' z7 p
主语从句 8 l, ]6 E5 w5 b) |% T
不定式短语做主语或状语 5 _& C7 m/ f9 E$ ~, Y
动名词做主语 - n# }) X0 x5 |8 j

, W2 E7 }8 ~3 X6 P! t   To begin with, even in such areas as computer science, where it is estimated that much of what a student earns today wi be obsoete in just five years, an advanced degree and the education it represents wi continue to be of benefit. Unike undergraduate education, which is divided into a number of sma educationa units every term, post-baccaaureate education is concentrated on deeper earning in fewer areas. Moreover, most graduate education requires extended, critica focus on compex issues or research projects. And even if the technica information reevant to competing a graduate-eve project becomes outmoded, the earned critica methods and probem-soving approaches wi not.
& |) L0 y8 V# K" y- d6 C9 e& Q+ m+ `  z! c2 m0 G- I  F
2. 使用不同的句型结构 0 L/ `% P* J9 y, U! z

* Y" G8 K5 O) i0 l   Today’s education system paces too much emphasis on students’ desires rather than their needs. Accordingy, students are searching for the easy way out, and educators are wiingy conspiring with them. As opposed to this trend, I woud argue that students shoud study what is presented to them rather than what is desired by them. Not ony shoud educators determine the curricuum, but aso they shoud strive to insure that each individua student truy gains from his/her education, rather than just breezes through it.

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