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[托福写作] 2011年托福写作常用句集合

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  很多托福考生背了不少的词汇却还是不会把它们运用到托福写作中,这对大家的托福考试成绩影响是非常大的,在此小编为大家搜集了一些托福写作中经常能用到的句子,希望能给大家在写作中提供一些帮助。   热情(年轻/年老)
$ k( k! y7 L, {" l2 ^1 r* h  Ralph Waldo Emerson
7 l/ A" Q% L/ F  Q# x5 {  Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
; Z* G! C2 F9 q+ g  信心
' l: v9 t& q7 o8 j3 Q  James Allen
; \: O. W/ G$ K+ _) q  The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do.
6 h& t7 Z) y, H" o* `4 }+ ?  Samuel Johnson
6 U/ u3 `& E6 j; Q, b8 }  Few things are impossible to diligence and skill.
# X8 d2 u# s- r3 h  |- }  Aughey% _8 a/ P. x4 n; G8 t
  Lost time is never found again.- y$ Q( d- I' O7 ?& {) ~- N* l
5 D" @/ A2 x2 f! U3 m  No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.5 o1 u" @9 N) a: e3 l
6 y8 Z& a% j% B- O1 I- @  Victory belongs to the most persevering.5 o/ C5 {$ y6 H
, C+ h4 ]; m; B! f  Euipides' x7 f; w0 h: t. T' p7 h2 p" l
  Leave no stone unturned.
$ U1 r1 ~" y( \( i3 s. |3 A( J  计划与工作) L  b' f" N  x, ?, p. n
  Norman Vincent Peale
- d: O8 [; V' S- w8 z  Plan your work for today and every day;
( @9 Y1 P8 x& M' }  then work your plan.5 C) K) y" F& f6 A6 e) l5 Z# S  ]4 P
  Henry Ford
% i1 s8 F- P2 ^! i% Y% @0 Q4 z  Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again./ _, c( e0 W  h2 \6 F' g( @
  Thomas Edison* n. t7 J! j+ q6 _% x
  I start where the last man left off.1 a5 n0 _  P4 V1 a: L- h" r4 z" S8 n
  理想与现实4 @' ~4 J  U' O" B
  What the mind of man can conceive and believe,
8 |! ]" q3 p5 b0 x  the mind of a man can achieve.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:11 | 显示全部楼层


  勤奋. a6 g7 I5 e# K9 b* @1 l
  Benjamin Franklin% Y" r2 s3 ~% N8 b" V
  Plough deep while sluggards sleep.9 e$ W# f* ^% z& Q
  目标. Y# C- F5 O" o' y5 n$ E& H; D
  Henry David Thoreau
( u: W' }5 B& U4 D% a- t) r  In the lone run men hit only what they aim at.! @' H( @# W+ w  Q
  幸运; }+ }2 Z3 ?5 F8 B8 J1 G4 M/ T6 E# \
  Emily Dickinson1 F, y! Q# e0 Q) D5 k
  Luck is not chance..." G  w; S! [: S# o, S7 v: E$ ^; q) \( g
  It’s toil.../ `6 R* Y" u5 p
  Fortune’s expensive smile is earned.$ f" J4 c8 m# c  q$ i
( b1 L7 }/ F1 ]& @  Thomas Edison
& S6 U) l7 ?6 q  Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
' J% v6 f2 C1 V, b1 D) |/ u- y0 q  Useful Quotations
: L4 K  r! ?- V/ ~  \# R  想象力
& K6 {# C1 Z3 N1 \6 x  Albert Einstein
( [& f+ A$ D( ?  Imagination is more important than knowledge.! F1 M/ Y, ?# U: d" R6 W+ T/ u" ]
! J9 k, w# {0 L2 f/ B/ O1 H  ?6 D/ f  Walter Begehot' u8 |( T+ v, D2 j4 \
  The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.5 J+ `- _, _' Q+ a! C+ u6 m
  机会与准备* }. @, Z6 }/ p) X# M; _$ D
  Abraham Lincoln& ~1 W- r( F3 @6 p: D* H4 I  T: k0 D
" ?) w* L* ]" r( R" ~1 E" b
  I will prepare and some day my chance will come.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:12 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  信心与事实5 e7 z: `1 x+ ~/ x5 ]0 o
  Henry Ford
' L0 f! G, r- L) d; L: K  Whether you think you can or think you can’t -- you are right.( F$ a* ]/ F. z
  English Proverb
3 \" k! r( @7 {7 C" q  V9 f' R  Where there’s a will there’s a way.* I& c: W7 D) {  R  @6 ^
  There is no failure excepting no longer trying.. ?; `' I0 ~4 f3 J/ w
  Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity
7 Q, `5 n2 B6 E1 a9 H$ r  以上就是托福写作中经常能用到的一些句子,大家不是看看则过,有用的句子,觉得句型会常用到的句子一定要记下来,学习不能总是看看就带过,我们要看一点会一点,只有印象是不足以支撑任何考试的。
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