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[托福写作] 托福写作:名人与媒体

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 c+ {- N( o% }! A6 {! e& \   开头段三句话》    Famous persons deserve no more privacy than do other people for reasons probably better understood by children playing "hide and seek." The real fun of the game lies in not hiding too well and too long so as not to be forgetton eventually. In theory and in real life, this is exactly what is happening to some celebrities who appear as victims at the mercy of the media. 1 M, T6 j4 L& P8 W9 o& `* x1 k
  1. 申论主题:考生回答试题的立场就是主题,预表冲突的抽象化。 --State your arguable position on the topic=state your thesis : m! \: e5 S  u- K
  2. 集中焦点:考生的立场与不是考生的立场的冲突所在就是焦点 --focus your thesis by presenting viewpoints in conflict
# ]( v6 d3 k4 u/ E% x" H  3. 一分为二:把焦点分两道要点,作为承段招牌句A与转段招牌句B --divide your focus into 2 main ideas [A and B] to be used as topic sentences [signposts] in your 2 body paragraphs   >Body A: follow your focus and support your thesis 6 R2 ]5 a* s; O( h8 n3 V
  【中体A】:承段接头--从考生的知识与经验里提出[RED]理由[reasons]-例子[examples]-细节[details]。RED sentences inform and explain the topic sentence's viewpoint or opinion.
9 F) n& K8 L1 x& @   接头段6句话》1 d9 n2 o6 u  M$ L
  First, the game, referring to the media trying to seek famous people who play hiding. Players prefer the excitement of finally being found to the panic of being entirely ignored since exposure to the public eyes and ears is key to achieving popularity. They may pretend to hide but they had better not be too good at the game. This concept is easy to understand, if you know the game. It is about the experience of the delicious thrill of hiding while others come looking for you, and about the delicious terror of being discovered. What an unspeakable panic there is when, after a long and futile search, the others abandon you?
. k; ~/ Y. w; w) x9 N) H  4. 招牌句A:来龙自起段第三句的一分为二。去脉到合段第一句的二合为一。; p$ E7 K- ^% \( n6 u. p
                          --Write a topic sentence that states the viewpoint for your first body paragraph.
8 `3 h: t. X5 d6 M   5. RED--理由; L# e% f3 B0 i' m+ f* C+ D
  6. RED--例子
& Z" Y# r! o! k0 _   7. RED--细节
# s, |2 c9 o  Q) O8 \7 E   8. RED--例子
" H2 `, Q2 o# f4 T  U8 B  @6 f   9. RED--细节& a5 _& x, N6 z8 ?+ h# C
  >Body B: follow your focus and support your thesis2 h. F8 w+ b, ~
  【中体B】:转段转头--从考生的知识与经验里提出[RED]理由[reasons]-例子[examples]-细节[details]。RED sentences inform and explain the topic sentence's viewpoint or opinion.
/ P1 I( i# p; A  k6 K   转头段6句话》, A& p  f1 Q- A
  The game applies to quite a few celebrities in entertainment and sports sectors in real life. Look at them who work very hard to become well-known, then wear dark glasses as if to avoid being recognized. This means that discovery could not be possible without their willingly having left road signs. No doubt, they need the media to boost their fame or even infamy, enabling them to be sighted more often and in more places. Knowing no clear line between fame and infamy, they make breaking news side by side with global headlines. Although some stories are not meant to be told, actually there are pop and movie stars in particular who feel no need to hide such scandals as hasty marriages and divorces, luxury and extravagance, romance and sex, drugs and drunk driving, and what not.1 ^: Z( ]5 S; P  Q7 `( e/ ^
  10. 招牌句B:来龙自起段第三句的一分为二。去脉到合段第一句的二合为一。& d, J7 o! o+ E
                             --Write a topic sentence that states the viewpoint for your second body paragraph.
, W; ]9 g$ x  w- z% M" F   11. RED--理由# C9 W/ F! ?& T& {" p) Z- Y- c
  12. RED--例子+ B; \7 s% A  H$ J+ t
  13. RED--细节
% Y# q; e3 Y  \5 Q; d; r9 X  V# C   14. RED--例子来自www.Examw.com
: h. |4 q1 T; w. n! J   15. RED--细节: [3 |9 L! B9 U/ w+ l& s& K
  >Conclusion: from specific to general
1 z' G) J: E  P5 B0 _   【结尾段】:合段回头--范围由窄而宽。合中有起。后应起段。合段第16-17-18句后应起段第3-2-1句,次序颠倒。   
% \( p& {; x8 p# C# n   回头段3句话》
3 w* Y9 _% y2 s& q% ^5 e; }   Whether in theory or in practice, famous people will pay the price for their fame or infamy and pretend to hide from paparazzi who try to invade into their privacy. Journalists in general are therefore not to blame for giving information about the private lives of famous persons to a gossip world. Ordinary housewives and family men do not need to worry about the possibility of being crucified by the media outlets.
) g2 i5 D& O4 Y6 A' t* D% F   16. 二合为一:回头结合招牌句A+招牌句B。6 C! h( o2 ]) t7 g' Y; S. ~3 N
  --You should refer back to your focus about conflictive viewpoints A+B. www.ExamW.CoM
$ K- `! u* u1 Q) \  17. 还原焦点:立场的抽象冲突回头到焦点。
  p7 V5 p4 F/ ]& N: n   --You should widen your focus to the scope of your thesis.
5 [* Y- n( |3 M   18. 重申主题:再度回头重述主题。! ]" T2 {* S; y+ m) g
   --Don't only restate your thesis but show the significance of your synthesis of the information.

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