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[托福写作] 托福写作:新托福写作中常用词汇(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
托福写作:新托福写作中常用词汇(3)2 L/ U+ H; w: ]2 p
1.国外的 foreign( alien,exotic)
/ w3 N6 V  M6 Z) D4 _  2.灾难 disaster (misfortune,catastrophe)
# L, j/ L! D+ L  3.发展 advance (progress) . b( F* a" y! [7 y6 ?0 S5 K
  4.倾向于 tend to ( be inclined to,be apt to) 0 U5 Y( w1 N) Z$ S; n/ m2 G
  5.吸引 attract (allure,tempt) - m$ U* D4 p! l. F" h& g
  6.专注的 be absorbed in(be immersed in,devote oneself to) 7 _& e! H4 `& ~
  7.目的是aim at ( The purpose is )
2 _* ]  Q4 ~0 a9 m8 [: j  8.实现 achieve (fulfill,implement)
" p% c. U7 v3 f3 \: B: A  9.危害 endanger ( threaten; jeopardize) 8 y( g' K' u( A( C
  10.损害 undermine (impair,damage)
+ l- \6 x# Z. U  j: n+ h' ~  11.阻碍 hinder (obstruct,impede) : Z5 H. d; X3 a, K* ?
  12.禁止 forbid (ban,prohibit) 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]% y# t3 U$ a3 I, \
  13.责备 blame( denounce,criticize) - V6 p" Z; _3 c2 j- W. Z/ a9 O3 a8 x* m  k
  14.污染 pollute (contaminate,stain)
* M' I# l- B# O2 b; U        15.适应 adapt to (adjust to,acclimate to)
5 ^% b" L: @" w9 T/ B) F) W8 ^  16.提供 provide (render,afford)
, H, g+ N0 m6 B4 C  17.替代 replace (substitute,take the place of) " j/ [( r( D8 \: ~8 Z8 f
  18.保护 preserve (protect)
6 P6 _+ M) V' W# V. E& A  19.证据 evidence (proof)
! s! u- j/ c) ?+ t  20.赢得 gain (acquire,attain)

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