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[托福写作] 托福写作范文:在社区里兴建新的高中的利弊

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 p  N9 x# O: I. d2 P  It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer.www.ExamW.CoM
3 M7 L3 H3 W) K9 S   【范文】
4 @+ M0 l9 i; q) ]9 t  I. {9 H8 h   A New High School in the Community0 ]& O: J8 G3 S4 ~) w, g
   Education is a top priority for every society, and the better the educational facilities are, the more likely it is that students will succeed. Their success will in turn be of benefit to the society as a whole. Because I support investment in education, I would welcome a new high school in my community. Furthermore, I believe a high school would benefit the community in the following ways. & N0 g9 @) Q7 S* ]
   First, the students who live in my community would no longer have to travel very far to attend school. This would save them a great deal of time, which they could then spend studying, relaxing, or helping their families. Second, with a redistribution of students between the school they used to go to and the new high school, both schools would be less crowded. This would enable students to receive more personal attention and a higher quality of education. Third, a high school can offer many advantages to the community as a whole. Residents may use some of its facilities, such as the sports ground, or attend concerts and other events in the auditorium.5 c: z% v& u# X. S* t% T" ~$ J
   In conclusion, I believe that a new high school would benefit any community. It would help not only the students and their families, but also other residents of the neighborhood. Therefore, I would wholeheartedly support the building of a new high school in my neighborhood.$ R+ q) N; D! t" P/ u7 D1 o
  x8 |- V2 s" {; Q) [$ m( q$ O   在社区里兴建新的高中0 w" a8 Z2 p: k; G. t/ D1 i$ O
: \# u2 {& V& |+ o: B6 R   第一,住在社区里的学生不需要再到很远的地方上学。这将会给他们节省很多时间,而他们可以用这些时间读书、放松,或给家人帮忙。第二,由于他们以前就读的学校和新学校之间的学生会重新分配,这两所学校将不再那么拥挤,这会让学生能够得到更多的个人关注和质量较高的教育。第三,整体而言,兴建一所高中可以提供给社区很多好处。居民可以使用学校的设施,如运动场,或是在礼堂参加音乐会或其他活动。
, X$ J3 V3 w. G( i) i% F   总之,我认为新的高中对任何社区都有利。它不但可以使学生及其家人获益,还可惠及邻近地区的居民。因此,我由衷地支持在我们住家附近兴建新的高中。
0 P0 @7 U- y4 h- N0 |8 k   【注释】' I. {* I; L0 g3 L; X3 c
   community n.社区
& v% l$ y- X' P! D" f6 r   priorty n.优先的事/ ?0 A1 N1 L. T& L/ P
   facilities n. (pl.)设施
2 c# t. C8 F$ j0 |' Y   in turn必然地& H( D  E4 ?7 x* ?
   as a whole整体而言
2 N0 e1 Q$ z8 y0 a0 |   investment n.投资
& v/ b: G% U7 y% F   furthermore adv.此外! G, g  Z2 I) S
   benefit v.使获益外语学习网
5 ]% Y' B1 L# @2 [# U) |4 k   travel v.前进
$ D  q% z  R( ?) Z9 ~/ {5 I2 F+ G   a great deal of大量的: `% x* g4 k, h" S* y$ e6 ^7 ?
   redistribution n.重新分配% m2 G/ ^/ u( s8 l* i7 S' g2 l0 J* p
   used to以前4 ^' {, |' L- J: H; C6 t9 A  i
   crowded adj.拥挤的( N, O6 b. n8 b! f( J
   quality n.品质  z% _) H  R3 v  A3 r0 L
   advantage n.优点' t2 d6 J4 T3 E2 ~
   resident n.居民
$ v( g  |0 t: T. @) |   sports ground运动场1 u# S% x- |& _
   auditorium n.礼堂
+ S: c, |; B4 }2 b0 N% e   in conclusion总之
% n6 r6 ]9 f! W/ |2 o   neighborhood n.邻近地区
/ g0 A: [. E: F+ ?' a  z. X   wholeheartedly adv.由衷地;全心全意地

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